Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

I wonder how much Ecklie is going to be in the episodes now. And if it is more than usual, how he and Jim will work together. They have known each other for a few years now...

I'm also curious as to how Jim and Langston are going to work together as well. Their first meeting in Jim's office in '19 Down' was a little on the harsh side. I loved how Jim called Langston a "cranky academic."

Anyone have any wishes for Jim for the rest of the season?

Two for me, and really, it's not asking for a whole lot...Ellie and PG losing some clothing...ties, jackets, whatever.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I'd love to see some sort of reference to him getting shot. Yeah, it was almost three years ago but there has been nothing about it since "Toe Tags" and that was a very traumatic event.

I'd also love, love, love to see Annie Kramer come back. It would be even better if her appearance had to do with Ellie.

It would be nice if they continued to let Brass be the cop and do cop stuff, like chase and arrest bad guys and interrogate suspects. Oh, and let PG be outside more. He looks really good outside, especially if he's wearing a short sleeve polo.

And that brings me to reiterating what CSI_LV_AF said: please lose the jacket and tie. Personally, I would love to see something along the lines of the white shirt and rust trousers he was wearing in "I-15 Murders" but I'm not particular. And if he has to wear a tie, then definitely lose the jacket. And roll up the sleeves. That would be nice.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Y'know, the whole getting shot-and-actually-getting-continuity would have been on my list (it actually is) but I didn't bother typing it because chances are, they may never bring it up again. OK, here goes my rant...

I should go out and get shot protecting some complete stranger and see if there is nothing wrong with me physically nor mentally after it! Get a tatoo and move right along! Yeah, right! He's human, he suffered and/or is still suffering something from it. I don't care if it's 3 years later.

Even a passing mention by one of the team's newbies would suffice for me at this point. But my utimate wish for continuity in this whole thing would be a flashback of some sort. Which I though we might get in Dead Doll. You can't tell me when he is busting down doors (especially hotel rooms) that it doesn't run through his mind.

I know that it's Jim we're talking about and he is teflon man of course, and nothing gets to him....but, c'mon! I know that the show isn't about dwelling on the personal stories of each character. But getting shot (and dying) deserves more than 3 passing references.

I love what you said in your reply to my LJ comment beaujolais, about him being shoved into the background in his "special" episode. When Greg got beat up in Fannysmackin' he was the focal point of the episode. (And Greg got two more full episodes evolving around that storyline.) Not so with Jim. I didn't expect the team to sit and wait the whole time at the hospital for him to wake up, but one of those cases should have been taken out of the episode. Not to bash the GSR followers, but the last 30 seconds completely overshadowed the rest of the episode. I'm not bitter at all about that. End of rant. For now.

Oh, for Annie to come back would be great. TPTB could go somewhere with that storyline, they left it pretty wide open at the end of HB.

If I'm not mistaken, PG said something about liking doing the interrogation scenes the best because that is when Brass is at his best. Yeah, in real life, he would be doing all of the interrogations and apprehending suspects anyways. So, TPTB let's stick with reality in that aspect. And having Jim save/rescue more people is good too, let's keep that up.

I love seeing PG in natural light outside. It really brings out his freckles and I love them. About the wardrobe thing...He needs to wear the all-black outfit he wore in ABRTI part 2 when they're re-creating the scene in the alley. Or what he had on when Grissom tells him he is the one who shot Bell. Or anything other than a suit and tie. That would be fine...
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I'd love to see Sofia come back and her and Brass have a reunion. They were awesome together. I'd also like to see Ellie again - and maybe a reference to the situation between her and Sofia in WtG.

I'd also love some reference to being shot - this poor guy has been through so much and it kind of gets swept under a rug.

And I agree with the jacket and tie thing - let's see him in something else. RAWR
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I know I'm am little late in saying this, but it keeps coming to my head, so I figure if I write it here, it'll stay here ;p

I really loved seeing Brass have such a prominent part in One to Go. Granted, it's not as prominent as other episodes, but he really took control of the situation when they rescued the chick hostage...He was so cute- comforting her and just being that heroic, strong, brave, police officer we all know Brass is, and we all envision saving a day like that.
Love you Paul ;p
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Wasn't Brass great in last week's episode Disarmed & Dangerous" & "The Graveyard Shift",? it was mostly him and Dr. Langston.. sorry I've got no caps of that one with him! some caps. from the past:thumbsup:


YOU GO FIRST "Invisible Evidence"
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Re: Paul/Brass #2

While he was definitely great in "The Grave Shift", last week's episode was "Disarmed and Dangerous" and PG was brilliant. Loved seeing the usually calm, cool Brass lose his temper--finally. He probably should have lost it a few seasons ago.

I love that they have Brass working with Ray. I really like the idea of the jaded cop working with the still idealistic newbie. It's quite a contrast.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

And Ray called him Jim. I always like it when they other characters call him by his first name.

Y'know, I went back and watched that scene about 10 times the other day. I can't get enough of angsty Jim. I was also picking it apart to see exactly when Miles pushed him over the edge...yeah, it was the commendation line. And I wonder if Miles wouldn't have said that, if Jim would have kept his cool and just gave him a dirty look or a one-liner.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

That's what I thought. And I'm sure Billy would totally understand and probably encourage him to head home to his family.

I think I've seen a picture of Paul's daughter, but does anyone know what his wife looks like?
Re: Paul/Brass #2

The only time I've seen his wife was in my video clip of the SAG awards from 2005. When CSI is announced the winner it shows the whole group of them and he leans over to kiss her. It's not a close-up though. But from the angle, she does have dark hair. Stands to reason, she's Italian...and they got married in Italy.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Unless I have the wrong woman and from what I can tell I don't, the this is a head shot of Lisa Giobbi who is a choreographer. She has a website called Lisa Giobbi Movement Theater. Here is a couple Pics of her and Paul March 2007 and March 2007 #2