Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

Okay it is that time again to remind folks about the ship discussion rule, something we do to refresh the regular members and help out the newest ones to. Now before anyone says, well why are you posting this in here and not in other threads, its the roundup and therefore this will be posted in all actor/actress/character threads.

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The one strict rule that the board has and one in which we will halt is the shipping of real life actors/actresses of the show this is not allowed and will not be tolerated. Shipping characters is one thing, but what happens in the actors/actresses real life is off limits unless it is something that they acknowledge via media (ie interviews, etc) and then we ask that it not be expanded upon but kept to that which is made public.

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Re: Paul/Brass #2

I thought or wished that when Gil was feeling so down and in so much in pain, that he might go talk to Brass, in [LOATR] who's always a great listener, and they could have gulped down a couple of shots, and he would have asked him for some well needed advice, but alas it didn't happen:(

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Re: Paul/Brass #2

Brass and Nick totally need their own show. They are just so funny and have a great on screen chemistry. Maybe some kind of detective show with some comedy thrown in. Something like Magnum PI or Lethal Weapon. I can hear PG doing the Danny Glover line: "I'm getting too old for this $h*t" as he tries to keep up with Nick who's runing after bad guys. :guffaw:

We know from seeing some of the blooper reels that GE is definitely a ham and there have been comments on the dvds about how funny PG is in real life. I bet they could pull it off.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

As long as they stop by L.A. and pick up Annie Kramer, I'm all for the Brass and Nick Buddy Cop Show. Nick and Brass play off each other perfectly and they have both been through a lot in their lives. Brass is much more jaded than Nick but with Grissom leaving, Brass will need a drinking buddy.

"I'm getting too old for this $h*t" as he tries to keep up with Nick who's runing after bad guys. :guffaw:
I suspect Brass has already uttered that line. I seem to recall an episode where Nick chases someone and Brass comes coasting up behind him. I have to give PG credit though. He's not sucking wind when he does run.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

As long as they stop by L.A. and pick up Annie Kramer, I'm all for the Brass and Nick Buddy Cop Show. Nick and Brass play off each other perfectly and they have both been through a lot in their lives. Brass is much more jaded than Nick but with Grissom leaving, Brass will need a drinking buddy.

"I'm getting too old for this $h*t" as he tries to keep up with Nick who's runing after bad guys. :guffaw:
I suspect Brass has already uttered that line. I seem to recall an episode where Nick chases someone and Brass comes coasting up behind him. I have to give PG credit though. He's not sucking wind when he does run.

I know it wasn't meant to be funny, but in for Warrick, I liked how Brass had his back turned as Nick spotted the blood and was off in a flash before Brass even knew he was gone. Brass had this look on his face that read, "Now where did he go?" It wasn't meant to be funny but that's how it came across to me.

And then there was the time Brass told Nick he kept a diary beside his bed to write down his dream. Nick looks up with this 'huh' look and Brass asked him, "What I can't have deep thoughts?" Nick stared at him confused and Brass mimics his facial expression.

Yeah those two really need to have their own show!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

The way they directed that scene in "For Warrick" made Brass look like he was blind and deaf or something. I mean, wouldn't he have at least heard Nick leave? And the path was pretty obvious. Yeah, I know they needed it to happen so the scene with Nick and McKeen could play out but that was a little lame.

No Brass and Nick this past episode but we did get Brass sharing a scene with Catherine. That hasn't happened since...when? A long time at least. And today I was cleaning off the DVR and came across "Way to Go", which I had to watch. I love how Sofia kept giving updates on Brass and how she wanted to run Ellie out of town. I really, really miss Sofia and wish they'd bring her back to be the permanent second detective. I loved her scenes with Brass.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

About that scene in "For Warrick," on other boards people were like "what, is Brass stupid? Just follow the blood trail!" I was kind of pissed that they made him find McKeen the not-so-obvious way. Brass is a highly intelligent individual, write his scenes like he is. And don't waste PG's talent either...I do understand it was for the suspense of the show and having Nick find him since Warrick was his best friend. But still.

Way to know it's sad to say, but I watch that and Bang Bang almost on a monthly basis. Yes, I need a life.

Ah, Sofia, the long-lost detective. These new detectives just aren't doing it. Vartann's and Cavaliere's return aren't that great either, but since they were in past seasons, I'll let it slide. But I want my Sofia back!!!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I want my Sofia back too.

On the plus side, I just keep reminding myself that Brass and her are together offscreen.

Glad to hear we got some Brass scenes in the latest episode.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I thought it was very respectable that Brass in full uniform was sitting with the other peace officers on the other side of the chapel:( He and Warrick were at odds at the beginning of CSI, but became close as time went on:)And I always liked how compassionate he was with Sara, so concerned and always kind and thoughtful with her~

Re: Paul/Brass #2

I really, really miss Sofia and wish they'd bring her back to be the permanent second detective. I loved her scenes with Brass.
I thought so many of the best Brass scenes were with Sofia Curtis. Maybe us Brass fans need to just send a few letters to TPTB reminding them that she's got some fans. She's not quite a foil to Brass, but that character is very much the compliment of the set.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I don't know.. I kinda felt Sophia stole valuable cases (and screentime) from Brass.

To me, she's a foil to him in that she's all hot and pretty, while he's gruff and masculine and witty!

On another note, had anyone seen the interview in which a foreign-accented interviewer asks Paul this question: When people come home from work, they watch your show. What do you do when you get home from work?

I thought that was a great question. I wish they would ask all the CSI stars that question

Anyway, Paul's answer was that he rests, goes home to NY, be with his family etc. It was sweet!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I don't know.. I kinda felt Sophia stole valuable cases (and screentime) from Brass.
Well, all the other detectives plus the occasional CSI do that too so it's not just her.

Personally, if there's going to be a detective he has to split his time with, I'd rather it be Sofia. They had some great scenes together back in S6. Unfortunately when S7 rolled around, the writers put an end to that (I think the only episode they had scenes together was Fannysmackin') but out of the revolving stable of detectives, I liked her best. Plus, I like the idea that she's working with Brass, even if we don't actually see them onscreen together.

Drakkenfyre, I'll write a letter if you will. I've got a few other things I'd like to say to them as well...
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Since poor Brass gets no love in the actual episode discussion, I'm bumping up his thread from the character basement and bringing him some. He had a lot of great scenes in "One to Go".

Loved the way they did the episode recap, with Brass and Ecklie recounting to the sheriff. I wonder if Brass knew about Ecklie then because he didn't look very happy. Or maybe it was because the stupid sheriff seemed to be blaming him for the fact that Grissom went undercover at the lecture and someone else got murdered.

There was a great bit of dialog between Brass and the suspect's weird wife:

Wife of suspect: "You always keep tabs on your wife?"
Brass: "Yeah, that's why I'm divorced."

But the best part was his reaction to the drug dealer becoming windshield hamburger. I suspect Brass knew he was in for another butt chewing from the sheriff.

It was also nice to see Brass used to do the cop stuff. I hate when the CSI's do his job so maybe now that Warrick's out of the picture, they'll start letting Brass bring in suspects.

ETA: I forgot one of the bestest scenes: Brass coming to the rescue of the victim and then being there to comfort her.
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Re: Paul/Brass #2

Brass rocks everyone loves him everyone, and we're all glad Paul signed up for another season, he's the best. Have you ever heard anything negative about him?:confused: He's got the best delivery and so smooth when he says it:thumbsup:
