Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

Drakkenfyre, oh definitely in ABRTI, in the pic you posted, is not the Charger. They had to keep his at the scene, and I agree with beaujolais about that one being a loner. It's just that every other time you see him drive since season 5, with the exception of HB, it's the Charger or a cop car, like in Leapin' Lizards. It's amazing what us Brass fans get up in arms over. J/K We are just a very observant bunch, that's all.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

It's just that every other time you see him drive since season 5, with the exception of HB, it's the Charger or a cop car, like in Leapin' Lizards.
CSI_LV_AF, you are correct about only seeing the Charger after HB however, HB was S5. The Charger showed up in S6 and has been the car of choice since.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

You know, I stand corrected. When I made these two post, the first one was late last night after work, and the other, I had just woken up. I've had to look up several words for correct spelling lately. Maybe I should log off the internet for a while! My mind is in 30 different directions right now. Thanks for the correction.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Excellent deduction, Beaujolais.

He he, you really are an überfan! :D

And CSI_LV_AF, don't worry! I understand being tired. It totally messes everyone up.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Don't know that I'm an uberfan so much as I enjoy a good Brass discussion. However, I do tend to pay extra attention to details where Brass is concerned. And I know I'm not alone there, right CSI_LV_AF?
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Okay, so if you're spoiler free, stay away from this, but an actor who's going to be in an upcoming episode of CSI has got this clip on Youtube - and there's plenty of Brass!!

My favorite line is:

"I don't do nude. Where would I put that badge?" That's just priceless...I have to see that in fic..
Re: Paul/Brass #2

It's not exactly like that line but there is a fic where Brass tells Catherine his badge is tattooed on his...tush.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Don't know that I'm an uberfan so much as I enjoy a good Brass discussion. However, I do tend to pay extra attention to details where Brass is concerned. And I know I'm not alone there, right CSI_LV_AF?

Yeah, you're not alone. That's why when you corrected me, I felt like an idiot, because normally, I get the small things correct. Ah, I'm human.

Drumchik, I think that is one of his best lines to date. At least for me.
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Re: Paul/Brass #2

I've come to realize one thing after watching Thursday's eppy: no matter what a suspect says to Brass, he's always ready with a witty and hilarious comeback. That's one of the many things, in a very long list, that I love about him.

Aside from that, has anyone seen the two episodes of Miami Vice that Paul did about twenty years ago? In Death & The Lady he played an artist/pornographer and in Victims of Circumstance he played the leader of a racist group (sort of like the KKK but not quite). Seeing these two episodes has proven to me that Paul can play (well excell at really) any role.

No matter if he's playing our beloved Brass, a artist/pornographer, a racist group leader, a member of the mob, a blue collar worker, a lawyer, a doctor, an FBI agent or a monk... he's really one actor that can do it all. No wonder he's a brilliant character actor.

Okay, I think I'm finished with singing his praises, for now, but watching all these roles that he's done has made me realize why I consider him my favorite actor.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Who doesn't love BRASS? he rocks, and everything you said is right on:thumbsup: the other night as serious as this ep. was, one can always count on the Brass man, to lighten up the scenerio. the odd-ball artist: "I'd like to draw you nude" Brass: "I don't do nude, where would I put my badge":lol:
Re: Paul/Brass #2

While I absolutely agree that Paul is a brilliant, versatile actor, I have to say there is one role that he can't do: gangsta. Yes, gangsta. With a do-rag and a yo-yo (yeah, I mean the toy). That's the character he played on an episode of NY Undercover called Eyewitness Blues and while I do love my PG, especially when he's sporting scruff, this was...hilarious. And it wasn't supposed to be.

Still, PG is amazingly hot (we get scruff and some nice body views) in this so his stint as the gangsta yo-yo hitman still gets a pass.

Oh, and the scruff is very light brown with some sprinkles of gray on the chin. Nice.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Wasn't he a villian in "STRIPTEASE"? he was a bad guy right? if I remember it correctly:confused:
Re: Paul/Brass #2

You know, I was just thinking about something, which concerns me a little. Do you think they could be considering making Brass undersheriff? I hope not, because it would make him have even less screentime than before, but considering they have him helping to look for a new one...