Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

However, I am curious, what does he do to unwind? Read, watch TV, Movies, what? I know he mentioned in "Early Rollout" about his previous drinking, but he mentioned it in the past tense, like he'd given that up.
Yeah, and some people I've known who have given up various substances really, really need something to do with their off-hours, partly because the drinking or whatever took up so much time before, and partly to keep them from doing it again.

Even if not, the guy's got to have a hobby.

But on the cello, the only problem with it is that it's an expensive instrument. You can rent, but it ads up. What if it was passed down through the family or something? That could be a reason.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Yeah, and some people I've known who have given up various substances really, really need something to do with their off-hours, partly because the drinking or whatever took up so much time before, and partly to keep them from doing it again.

Even if not, the guy's got to have a hobby.

But on the cello, the only problem with it is that it's an expensive instrument. You can rent, but it ads up. What if it was passed down through the family or something? That could be a reason.

I like that with the cello, that it's a family heirloom or something. That would be cute and sweet, IMO. Especially because it so contrasts with the Tough Guy Brass.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

But on the cello, the only problem with it is that it's an expensive instrument. You can rent, but it ads up. What if it was passed down through the family or something? That could be a reason.
Passed down is a good explanation. But he could have also gotten it on loan from the school. One of my best friends growing up played the cello (yes, I helped him carry it to school just about every day) and that's how he did it because his mother definitely couldn't afford it. I'm sure she probably had to pay a deposit though. Of course this was back in the 70's. I'm sure schools don't loan instruments out any more.

However, one thing I could always see Brass doing to unwind or blow off steam is box. One of the cuts they made to "Fight Night" was PG shadow boxing. I can't recall which director it was who mentioned it but they really wanted to keep it in the episode. Unfortunately, they had to cut it.

I'm a bit curious as to how he came to be Brass. the snarky, wisecracking hardass.
I'm sure a whole lot of that has to do with a) being in the Marines, b) his ex-wife being open 24/7 c) Ellie not being his kid, and after leaving Newark, d) getting busted to an administrator in charge of CSI.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

beaujolais, about the boxing thing to unwind, you painted a wonderful picture in Playing the Hero.

And, yeah, with everything he has been through in his life, how could he not become a wisecracking hardass. I love it. All those trials and tribulations make Jim, well, Jim. He's a flawed, fallible individual, that's what makes him great.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

beaujolais, about the boxing thing to unwind, you painted a wonderful picture in Playing the Hero.

And, yeah, with everything he has been through in his life, how could he not become a wisecracking hardass. I love it. All those trials and tribulations make Jim, well, Jim. He's a flawed, fallible individual, that's what makes him great.

Oh, I know that, that he's been through quite a bit. I'd just like to see more of it played out on screen, like in "Ellie" and "Holllywood Brass" that's all. He'a a great character, and I'd love to see him get more exposure than he does.

And yes, they MUST do a reel of outtakes and deleted scenes, and include that scene of Brass/PG shadow boxing. I'd really love to see that.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Asking TPTB to go more in-depth of his past is like asking for the 'effin world. We can only hope. I mean, I get super excited when he makes a passing comment on "his daughter." I mean, he doesn't even actually say Ellie's name and I get giddy. That's what I have come to expect from the TPTB, hardly anything in reference to Jim. But PG acts the shit out of what he is given.

I would love for them to show outtakes from this show. I know it's dark matter they cover on the show, but don't tell me that they don't laugh and have fun while filming. The shadow boxing would have to be included of course, but I would love to see where they jack up their lines and bust out laughing. I especially love PG's giggle. He sounds like a 8 year old boy.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Asking TPTB to go more in-depth of his past is like asking for the 'effin world. We can only hope. I mean, I get super excited when he makes a passing comment on "his daughter." I mean, he doesn't even actually say Ellie's name and I get giddy. That's what I have come to expect from the TPTB, hardly anything in reference to Jim. But PG acts the shit out of what he is given.

I would love for them to show outtakes from this show. I know it's dark matter they cover on the show, but don't tell me that they don't laugh and have fun while filming. The shadow boxing would have to be included of course, but I would love to see where they jack up their lines and bust out laughing. I especially love PG's giggle. He sounds like a 8 year old boy.

Oh, I know. They only build in the backstory when it is convenient, otherwise, they suck at continuity. I just want more, just because.

I do agree, I'd love to see a gag reel with outtakes and whatnot. Things like them flubbing lines and going "Oh #@$%! I @%^&%* that line up!" then giggling about it later, especially PG. I can just see him completely in character deadpanning it, or giggling like an 8 y/o.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Question: For anyone who's seen the Season 9 promo - was I the only one who didn't see Brass in it?
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Here's there, Drumchik. You only see the back of him though. And you hear his voice.

As for outtakes and such, I've seen a couple with Paul over on WPAP. The one that I remember best was from "Crow's Feet" I think WP says something and Paul starts laughing. In that same clip, someone is telling him his shoe is untied and he says he never ties his shoes. Then he says something about having something cooking in a crockpot.

I especially love PG's giggle. He sounds like a 8 year old boy.
His laugh is the best! He really does giggle and it's adorable!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Here's there, Drumchik. You only see the back of him though. And you hear his voice.

As for outtakes and such, I've seen a couple with Paul over on WPAP. The one that I remember best was from "Crow's Feet" I think WP says something and Paul starts laughing. In that same clip, someone is telling him his shoe is untied and he says he never ties his shoes. Then he says something about having something cooking in a crockpot.

I especially love PG's giggle. He sounds like a 8 year old boy.
His laugh is the best! He really does giggle and it's adorable!

Yeah, you're right about the "Crow's Feet" outtake. I forgot that I had actually saved it to my hard drive.

At least he's in the promo. I had to watch it a second time to catch his "appearance." When I watched it the first time, I only heard his voice, so I went back and watched it again.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I was watching Burked today and noticed that the CSI's and Brass were sitting around the table, having lunch and discussing the case. It made me realize that Brass is rarely shown in the lab any more and is never included in the case discussions with the CSI's. Did I miss something--like why he's no longer included? I definitely liked it better when he was part of the "team" and wish they'd go back to including him.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I was watching Burked today and noticed that the CSI's and Brass were sitting around the table, having lunch and discussing the case. It made me realize that Brass is rarely shown in the lab any more and is never included in the case discussions with the CSI's. Did I miss something--like why he's no longer included? I definitely liked it better when he was part of the "team" and wish they'd go back to including him.

The whole show has made changes for the worse in some cases over the seasons. This being one of them. I have noticed it too, but the problem is, is that I am so used to getting shafted with him in scenes, that it doesn't pay for me to get spun up over it. That is what I expect from TPTB, no continuity from earlier seasons (not even Jim's past all the time), even small things like this. Just him "hanging out" with the rest of the team. I miss the days when he used to walk into Gil's office and look at all the creepy creatures.

Maybe TPTB feel that so many seasons later, they don't need him to come by the lab, since he hasn't been their "boss" for so long. Who knows anymore?
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I swear if Brass leaves that's it for me, just watched "Ending Happy" and his lines the way he delivers them nothing but brilliant, Doris and her a**hole hubby talking and them listening, "I love you both":guffaw: so great:thumbsup: can't wait to see him in S/9, and just maybe he'll be the one to crack the case!

Re: Paul/Brass #2

I swear if Brass leaves that's it for me, just watched "Ending Happy" and his lines the way he delivers them nothing but brilliant, Doris and her a**hole hubby talking and them listening, "I love you both":guffaw: so great:thumbsup: can't wait to see him in S/9, and just maybe he'll be the one to crack the case!


Huh?! Have there been rumors of PG leaving? Where did this come from?

I agree, Brass is fabulous. He does indeed rock. However, I don't see him leaving any time soon.