P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

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Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

When your boyfriend calls you "Miss CSI"
Crap, I'm guilty. Tehe.

YKYWTMCW you drive by some road kill and smell it and say, "Ugh, smell the decomp?" Your mom just sort of gives you that look like you need to get out more.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

today i saw a publicity that had nothing to do with csi but the las t name of the girl in it was Stokes so of course i freaked out! all i could think of after that was Nick and csi so yeah i watch to much csi!!
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

I'd have totally been that way had the thing with the dead mouse in the basement been just a little later lol.

anywy...I sometimes watch Starface on Game Show Network but now I can only think of
...Danny Bonaducci, the upcoming guest appearance he's doing, and the music video on Youtube.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

YKYWTMCW...You're out with your mom shopping for curtains and you see a butterfly curtain and you totally flip out, immediately thinking of Grissom's butterfly collection and how you now want to make your whole room butterflies WITH all the butterfly bathroom stuff they had there, too.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..


About 20 days ago you started counting down the days til the 21st when the new season starts.

Even though it means less money, you are excited about getting off work early that day just so you can go and prepare everything for taping and viewing the episode.

You totally freak out because a channel is airing a movie that has Jorja Fox in it 5 days before the premiere.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

when you're at a youth christian meeting (apparantly spiritual laziness is a disease) and all i could think of was CSI will be starting now....now there'll be a break......CSI'll be back on......oh another break....for the whole hour that CSI was gonna be on
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Haha, you go to church and you're like, "Man, that's such a Grissom quote," and it's your pastor.
And when your hon latin 3 book cover is white, and you draw a picture of your pet fish on it and give it a porn-stache and name it pancho for nick. Me and my friend get really bored in that class, obviously. I need, neeeed help.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

...reading your textbooks for your Criminal Justice class is making you WAY too excited for the premiere!
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

YKYWTMCW...You're listening to a football game on the radio and the after talk and you're not paying attention when suddenly you hear one of the people say, "It's C.S.I. Philadelphia." and laugh and I totally flip out, telling everyone to shut up and a million reasons are running through my head when my baby brother grabs the radio, walks with it, and drops it on the stone floor, breaking it. So I never did find out why, but it was still pretty funny.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Whoa!! I am officially thrilled to be here! A part of me really thought i was the only freak out there! Now i know i am not alone! You guys ROCK! I know i have watched way to much CSI when i experience actual withdrawal symptoms when i try go without. Sweating, shaking, rocking back and forth.... i need a fix!
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Well, here's another example how my intellectual, multi-talented brain turned into a one-track brain of the same size, just all about CSI now, hehe.

YKYWTMCW....Ijust got back my eigth grade dinner dance pictures back and I complain about how my adorable up-do is played down because my face is turned towards the camera and it can't be seen. My mom said, "Well, at least your dress is shown nicely, that's the important part." I wined and said, "Not the point! I sat there for an hour on end, bored out of my mind, for that up-do and you can't even see it in the picture! Well, I could have done a profile." I pose, freeze for a second in deep thought, and then murmur..

"Oh my gosh, do you think Billy would give me a lessson on how to pose for an awesomely hot profile?!" My mom just looks at me, walks out of the room, and I, dramatically, sigh. "Mom, CSI, duh!" She snorted the iced tea she had just been drinking through her mouth out her nose, shaking her head.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

..you get excited about your Civics teacher talking about the Magna Carta because there would be practically no forensics without it.

That's probably the only thing I listened to in Civics, lol, as soon as my teacher said 'Every suspect must have a fair trial because of this document...' he had my attention.

Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

YKYWTMCW... I'm sitting in my Biology class and my teacher's going over fields of biology and I shoot my hand up and say, "Entomology!" practicly screaming it. She looks at me weird as if I'm speaking another language and I reply, "Bugs. It's a Grissom thing."

YKYWTMCW... My grandmother who watches CSI always emails me at least weekly for the updates and thoughts about what is going on.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

When you're at the bus stop in the morning and since it's still dark outside, you look at the sky and see that there are still stars out, and you find yourself subconsciously quoting Grissom from "Shooting Stars". I did that this morning, I was like, "..and it's beautiful." hahaha :lol:
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