P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

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Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

the arc Bones did between S1 ep "Man on Death Row" and tonight's "Girl in the Game" was a lot like the blue paint serial killer storyline I thought. Guy gets last minute stay of execution, team finds more bodies, discovers accomplice...
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

YKYWTM CSI with your family when your mom starts freaking out, thinking she needs to buy a TiVo in order to see both the CSI and the ER premires. :lol: Then you explain that CSI is on at 9 and ER is on at 10 and she says, "Oh. Cool..." :lol:

When you're little sister watches Rashorama with you and she says, "Oh my God, dude, Greg is so weird!"

When you buy iron-on letters and a t-shirt to make your own CSI shirt. :D
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

It's harsh isn't it. I think all us English types need a group hug!!

YKYWTMCW... you dream that you've married Eric Szmanda (or replace with whomever you love from the show) then try for the next few nights to have the same dream again and again...
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

a hug from me to you and oddly enough ive had that dream quite alot with... well i think you can guess!
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

You know you watch too much CSI when your forensics teacher assigns everyone to watch a certain CSI episode and talk about everything you learned and turn it in a week later, and you all ready have it done by the end of the class that he assigned it on.. ;] *yea.. his expression was pretty funny*

You also know you watch it too much like what FrostBite said only a little different- Every time you walk into school your friends Say "I Know CSI was on last night and NO I don't want a recap." Because they finally figured out the TV schedual.

You know you watch too much CSI when your parents block Spike and CBS.

You know you watch too much CSI when your friends and family have absoulty no idea what you're saying until you say the words process, warrick, catherine, or dna.. .. .. then they scream shut up.

You know you watch too much CSI when you have to use proxies so that you can get on CSI sites because your dad blocked it. *my dad is mean he blocks everything that is CSI Charmed or Myspace related. =[ *

LAst one.. You know you watch too much csi when talk.csifiles is your homepage. ;]
It was my homepage but my dad changed it back.

Yep had alot of those times.. but I finally realized my obsession and started talking to myself.. unfortuantly that came with a shrink.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

wow! I'd kill my mum if she changed anything on my computer!!!

YKYWTMCW.... you search shops in a mighty rage because you can't find a poster of Eric Szmanda (but then get distracted by the lovely johnny depp ones and feel calmer)
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

o yes.. johnny depp... Pirates..=======SOO HOTT! you rock. but ya my dad is mean.. he won't even let us have aim cause he thinks it ruins computers... pshh.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Yeah my bro said that to me about MSN but I no care it my computer and I'm 22... lol

YKYWTMCW... All your passwords have something to do with CSI in one form or another
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

hahhah most of my passwords are either [Removed Passwords] lol. I'ma freak I know even my email is [Removed Password]. like I said Ima freak. =] be jelous.

~Edited: Removed passwords, Not recommended~
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