P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

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Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

you know you've watched too much CSI when... you walk into school everyday of the week open your mouth and your friends tell you they know CSI is on tonight, so shut up.

you know you've watched too much CSI when...one of your friends says your name and this person standing next to yu turns and says, 'you're Olivia? we were talking about you in pre-cal, you're the crazy girl who's into CSI!'

i have to admit i was pretty proud that someone knew me as that 'crazy CSI girl'

you know you have watched too much CSI when ...your mom bands you from watching the DVDs on the tv...and the computer...and your brothers portable DVD player.

you know you've watched too much CSI when... you shout at the top of your lungs 'OH FOR THE LOVE OF GREG!' *oh man that was so great :lol:*

you know you've watched too much CSI when...you where your 'police line:do not cross' belt to school and people say 'i was wondering if you had something like that...' *good greg i love that belt*

you know you've watched too much CSI when...you start every sentence with 'that reminds me of that episode of CSI when..' and your friends totally know what you're talking about. *altleast one of my friends does*

you know you've watched too much CSI when...a misterious puddle appears in your drawing room and you take out a note pad and turn to your friend *who happens to like CSI alot less than me but who ironically got me started* and say 'let's pretend we're Greg and Sara!' * that supid puddle just wouldn't go away...it was a broken sprinkler foucet, which isn't as cool as what our principle thought...poltergists* or however you spell that.

you know you've watched way too much CSI when...you start every conversation with 'So...does anybody whatch CSI?' *i've meet people who've said yes and i've totally scared them*

ok i think i should stop, i have way too many moments, but this made me happy, i think i'll tell everyone at school tomarrow.

Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

YKYWTM CSI when you go to a job interview and have trouble concentrating on the person in front of you because you're thinking about the fic you're writing and the chapter you haven't yet finished... ;)
When your bf is having one of his many roughs with his sis and you comment "Some people aren't meant to be together." and he says "Shut up, Sidle." (I owe him one for that :lol:)

Or when you go shopping wearing your CSI tank top and some guy tells you "Come detect me!" (that's actually something I'd tell Sara, if I were one of her suspects :lol:)
You see the...
...spoilers about a Bones ep in Las Vegas and can only think "Crossover!"
Along with you GGgirl1 , I know I watch too much CSI when
I am in the garden with my kids and realize how that would translate into the fic I'm writing...
and how I have to go back and watch certain episodes to make sure I have the details right. :eek:
when i was watching csi music videos and although i cant hear what they're saying, i still know what they're meant to say
two things happened already today that makes me KNOW I've watched too much CSI...

I went to a brunch with some other moms, we talked about our kids going to school, and one happends to be a DETECTIVE ( my thoughts immediatly turned of Det. Vartann) :rolleyes: and we got to talking about TV etc... and of course CSI came up,
she said.. "I love that show and I hate that show" none of what you see is real, it moslty doesn't happen that way and in Seattle there are very FEW Crime Scene Investigators
she told us that because she said.. YOU WATCH THE SHOW, SO I'M TELLING YOU THIS SO YOU DON'T ASK ME :eek:

and When I got home a neighbor was telling us that her house was broken into and that the police ( not the same detective from earlier) wanted to come dust her house for fingerprints.. my next thought was Grissom dusting her house for prints :D
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

When your watching the same CSI episodes over without caring.

Looking at all the CSI pictures you can...

Watching, reading, looking at anything that has to do with the cast of CSI
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

ykywtmcw when a friend tells you their science teacher let them watch csi and they just tlel you one thing in this case she was like "there was a cat...." and im like oH THATS CATS IN THE CRADLE!!! and then i got moved to that class and then my other firend right after the eppy started she's like whats this one and im like oh thats grissom verses the volcano and now everybody thinks im a freak xD
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

I wish we watched CSI in science class!! The teacher has mentioned it several times this year and she even said that's her favorite show! We should definately be able to.

you get a shirt off ebay, (which just so happened to be a CSI shirt - haha) find a strand of hair on the inside of it, and instantly get excited and say "look! I found trace evidence!" hahaha :lol:
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

When your friend leaves you and her boyfriend to go and watch reruns, calling you both "freaks" (and neither of you is bothered ;))
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

lol my mom does that sometimes :) And a while back I'd picked up some of the novels, checked them out, while interviewing for my job at the libary and my job coach upped it to "miss CSI queen" ROFL
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