P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

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I dont know if this one has been done before:

You Know You've Watched Too Much CSI When...

You injure yourself at work and the next day you go around telling people to look at your subdermal hematoma. (aka your bruise)

I did this and I think I bothered a few people, except those who have watched CSI. :lol:
You Know You've Watched Too Much CSI When...

Using the information you've gathered, you can successfully triangulate the distance to the video store to get the CSI dvds, and a route back, all the while reciting Sara Sidle phrases.
YKYWTM...CSI when...

you meet your hearing-impaired neighbor at the bus-stop this morning and want Grissom to come help you sign to her
YKYWTM CSI when...

You were told to do a project on any speech you wanted in sign language club and then present the speech to the club and say why you did it and you picked two because you couldn't decide : 1)Grissom's talk with the university president from 'Sounds of Silence' 2)the speech thing, i'm not sure who the guy is, in 'Butterflied'

My explanation was that I'm completely obsessed by CSI and that's why I joined sign language club in the first place was to understand how Grissom felt.

^^end of last year, and i have no idea why we had to do a project in a club
YKYWTM CSI when....

you intentionally leave fingerprints everywhere you go.....tables in coffee shops, mirrors in changing rooms, walls at school , list goes one.....just incase a crime takes place and the CSIs go in to investigate
UrielFalcon said:
You Know You've Watched Too Much CSI When...

Using the information you've gathered, you can successfully triangulate the distance to the video store to get the CSI dvds, and a route back, all the while reciting Sara Sidle phrases.
teach me how!

you know you watch too much CSI when:

your history teacher refers to CSI and everyone in the room stares at you to see how you react.

what's rumored to be the meanest teacher in your grade automatically becomes one of your favorite because forensics is one of her favorite sciences and the two of you share the same favorite forensics book (Forensics for Dummies).
The Jewel TV thingy (the monitors in the store, whatever you call them) had a trivia question about where CSI takes place...I had to stop and watch lol. They also mentioned Miami and NY so perhaps they meant all three.
when you're decorating gingerbread men (they were yummy) and you put 'CSI' on one of them, give it spikey blonde hair and name it Greg.......coincidentally my other gingerbread man was an evil looking dude called f**k off.....next to each other, my sister had a great time telling me they read, f**k off, greg.

photos will follow shortly, if it is desired.
There's hair in your cereal and you seriously wonder if you can have it analyzed to find out of it's yours or someone else's.
*chokes on drink, sputters coffee* well THAT's something I didnt' think I'd hear!! lmao

You see a dead chicken on the side of the road and think "Where's Sara when you need her?"
LOL I'd love to try Gingerbread Griss...or Ecklie, and then I could mangle and destroy Ecklie-bread before eating him mwahahaha.

-Another JoAnn finding: A kit that makes like two or three bugs...I don't recall though if it's foam or one of those plastic bead things that you bake. But you can see them popping up around the lab...
YKYWTM CSI when....

you're reading this book about this woman who kills her husband and you can't help but to think of all the things she's doing wrong. And then when the CSI people come, you realize everything they do wrong! They actually took the food and drinks offered from the wife and that was the main reason the case wasn't solved. I just kept thinking, this would've never happened if Grissom and the gang were there...
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