P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

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Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

When you see a broken window and you automatically begin to look for the point of impact.

(Happened to me last week while walking on the street. I was real proud that I even thought of it and yet there was no-one to share my joy :p.)

Also: when you arrive at a hotel and the first thing you say is 'I wish we had an ALS with us so we could check our sheets'.

(My boyfriend now thinks I'm insane.)
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

tahaha thats wut i did in las vegas.. i was trying to sleep and i was like man, i need an ALS. also, when you smell something really bad but u dont breathe through your mouth because you think you have to become used to bad smells if you become a CSI.(DBs..) hehe...that would be me.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Sandle_Luver said:
You know you've watched way too much CSI when your mom throws a book at you and tells you to 'Shut up! You lunatic' because you recite all the lines from the Eppi your watching :)

You lie to your parents when they ask you 'Have you watched this episode before?" and you say 'No' even when you have, just so they dont change it and you can watch it :)

When you know wa-yy too much about forensics :devil: :devil:
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

csibabe said:
Sandle_Luver said:
You know you've watched way too much CSI when your mom throws a book at you and tells you to 'Shut up! You lunatic' because you recite all the lines from the Eppi your watching :)

You lie to your parents when they ask you 'Have you watched this episode before?" and you say 'No' even when you have, just so they dont change it and you can watch it :)

When you know wa-yy too much about forensics :devil: :devil:

:eek: I second that.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

you feel like throwing up and your first thought is that if you do, sara's gonna have to sift through your stomach contents...
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

toomuchovertime said:
You watch an old William Petersomn movie and can only think of his as Grissom.

Or you watch this movie and compare his character to Grissom's, like I did when I watched Manhunter for the first time. Reminds me of Grissom when he first entered the house with the flashlight to examine the scene, and the scenes when they were examining the note from Avid Fan (ninhydrin and the rest). Really enjoyed it! :)
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.....
You see an bug and think of grissom and are not as afraid
You touch something or someone else and think if only I could dust for fingerprints.

I done both of those plus I know al the lines and my parents tell to to shut up and they ask 'have you seen this one" and i answer "no i can't believe i missed that one'

or your parents say soething and remindes you of CSI and want to laugh ( done that before) i acutally started to laugh
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

You make your own fingerprint dust with cocoa powder and go around the house with some cellotape, and your new cool fingerprint dust... oh yes!
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

oooh I wish we could print Grissom or Warrick or Nick that way. *slurp*
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

...when your bug bites are driving you mad, and you suddenly remember that Grissom said to use clear nail polish to make them stop itching...so, you do it...and it WORKS! Thanks, Gris!
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

McStokes said:
...when your bug bites are driving you mad, and you suddenly remember that Grissom said to use clear nail polish to make them stop itching...so, you do it...and it WORKS! Thanks, Gris!

HA! I did that yesterday, my sister thought I was crazy, but it really does work. :lol:

I've got one. You know you've watched too much CSI when...

You purposely schedule classes to never be on a thursday night, because you would absolutely cry if you missed a new CSI Las Vegas. (ok, maybe not cry, but I would be very angry) :p

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