P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

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Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

When you get a sore and rather big bug bite on your arm and totally wish Grissom was around to show it to. 'Course I'd have to sit on his lap while he looked at it...and snuggle with him...and let him kiss it better...*giggle* whoo it's hot hehe
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

I immediately thought of Gris when I saw a spider or something in the magazine shelves at work today. I don't know which ones have the really long legs but I don't think the janitors clean up enough lol.

Then there was the "I got a kick out of finding the rubber gloves in the bathroom" incident. Storage is tight so some supplies are stored there. They aren't clear like the CSIs gloves but they're close.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

When you don't kill a bug that is crawling around even though it scares the crap out of you, because you don't want to make Grissom angry.

When your mom tells you that it will be your turn to say blessings this thanksgiving and you're thinking about giving thanks for CSI.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..


...you begin a CSI discussion in your class when your science teacher was going over a small part in your book that talked about forensic science and how you use the scientific method. we were talking about gun shot residue and he was like "how do you abreviate gun shot residue??" and all of my friends in my class looked right at me to answeryet another question about forensic science and i was like "gsr! but that's not all gsr can stand for." and then my science teacher asked what else and i was like "well duh, Grissom Sara Romance." and all my friends laughed and my science teacher was like "oh! like from CSI!" and then we started a CSI discussion in my science class.

...you have decided that everything bad in the world is all Spork(Sofia)'s fault.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

LOL! That was funny, jordan.

-When you agree with the people who want to get home from the Thanksgiving get together in time to see CSI. I did, fortunately.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

... you're sosposed to be doing school work, instead your on your different RP sites RPin CSI.
... you see an explosion and think back to the one Gregy was in.
.... you got to all of your fav. clothing stores trying to find blue overalls.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

- When you know Grissom's Butterflied monoloque by heart.

- When you watch even more episodes till 6 am.

- When you read more fanfics than schoolwork.

- When you find yourself in love with absolutely every male CSI.

Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

...when you learn something new in biology and think: Hey I remember that from CSI, or that was on CSI.

It happens often. Just today we were discussing Tay-Sacs and I thought of Feeling the Heat
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

I thought the same thing 27dayz!! We had the same discussion a couple weeks ago!!
- In Biology, your lesson for the day is careers in Biology, and when your teacher mentions CSI:, everyone in the class that knows you well enough just stares at you and shakes their head. :lol: Not to mention the fact that I had my new Ultimate CSI: book with me!! :D It's my Bible!!
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..


...you postitively jump at the chance to do forensic scientist for your bio career project.
...and your classmates aren't surprised.

...you took honors bio because of CSI.

...you have named a someone in your study hall "Guy-Who-Looks-Like-Eric-Szmanda". (True story. My friend and I are shocked at the resemblance. And the thing is, we think his last name is Greggo or something similar.)

...you know more about some aspects of bio than the teacher because you watch too much CSI.

...you try on hats in stores specificly because they resemble the one Greg wore in KKBB.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

....... Your brother thinks your obsesed about it
....... you write you own fanfiction
....... when you start your own book
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Someone forwarded me an email called "Test for Dementia" and one of the questions is Grissom's riddle from Evaluation Day lol. Naturally I got it right about cows drinking water. I only got a couple of the others though.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

...you are on talk csi when you should be doing schoolwork.

...all you watch are csi dvds all day
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

when you start seeing people from csi round school. theres this guy and i swear if he had less spots, darkened his hair a tad and had a tan he would be the spit of greg! i also told my head of year he had a grissom quality. He does its scary.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..


--your in love with a certain detective that is no longer on the show
--you spend more time on the computer (on TALKCSI of course) than your computer programmer husband :eek:
--you figure out to involve daily life into your fics
and the best one..
you find the perfect Christmas card that read


saw those at Target and I had to have them
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