P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

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Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Sorry if this ends up being a double-post--just needed to reply to this:

FrostBite said:

you know you've watched too much CSI when... you shout at the top of your lungs 'OH FOR THE LOVE OF GREG!' *oh man that was so great :lol:*

Oh, that's priceless

you know you've watched too much CSI when...you where your 'police line:do not cross' belt to school and people say 'i was wondering if you had something like that...' *good greg i love that belt*

Where did you get that belt? That sounds so cool!
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

You have watched too much CSI when you see a dream about missing an episode and wake up crying...
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

When a friend tells you that the bones in her ear have fused together and you think, or even say out loud, "That was on CSI"

true story
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..


- you beg and plead and cry for your mom to borrow a laptop from work so that, since you're going to miss the Thanksgiving episode, you can watch it on the way back from Florida on vacation on innertube. I'm going to Disney...

jordan said:

...the first thing you thought of when your science teacher said "and they used bugs to help solve the case" was CSI, and when he said "does anyone know what the study of bugs is?" you practically yell "ENTOMOLOGY!" and think of Grissom. And then your class looks at you weird and your friends laugh and say "CSI."

...people seriously think you need help because you're obsessed with CSI.

^^^ Same here, except my teacher was a she.

- when you stay up an hour and a half after an episode to explain to your parents the purpose, theory, and the list of ships on the show, going into immense detail and rattling off your favorite moments of each ship. Too bad my mom fell asleep, I'll just have to give her the lecture again!
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

...when you keep looking on the ground looking for fire ants... to see how they look like...and to see which ones have bitten Nick.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

... When the typical "popular" guy tells a riddle on spanish class and the only clues to solve it are were the dead guy is and what was he wearing, and that you can ask questions that the answer have to be with yes or no, and you happend to solve the riddle with les then 14 questions and broke his record, and when he looks at you with *what the hell* eyes you smile and leave saying "More CSI less cartoons".

(best day ever!)
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

.....YKYWTMCSIW when you decide to be a mechanic for halloween and are wearing a jumpsuit. THen later when telling your brother what your'e being you say jumpsuit and you*squee* and go OMGIMGOINGTOBEACSIINVESTIGATINGACARSINTERIOR and then your borther goes yeah....and he never did find out what i was really being haha
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

You know you've watched too much CSI when..

...your dad walks around the house singing "Who are you"
...you play the song a lot so he can get the words right :p
...your sister walks up to you, asks something and then says: "My saliva is on you now"
...you watch shows/movies with murders and you think they're stupid because they don't use forensic stuff, like dusting for prints or checking the blood and say that out loud to the tv
...a friend wonders how something got on his shirt and you start explaining about (secondary) transfer
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

MacsGirlMel said:
*snicker* you're funny, jordan.

Aww, thank you. I've got a couple more funny ones you've probably never heard before coming up in about 2 seconds.


...you are overly excited about getting Comcast On Demand so you can watch CSI whenever the hell you feel like it and you go "OMG I GOTTA GO TELL ALL MY PEOPLE ABOUT THIS!!!" and your parents understand what you mean by "my people." (meaning you guys<33)
...in the first 20 minutes of a movie about a murder, you've figured out that it wasn't the robber who killed the woman, it was indeed her psychopath ex-husband, with the fork, in the bedroom, the night before the 1st anniversary of their divorce.
...there is a "crime" you have to solve about your friend's missing pencil. the pencil is found in the hallway by her friend's locker. you take it home, use your homemade fingerprint powder to get the fingerprints on a piece of tape, and then take the prints of a few friends and make a visual match to the friend who's locker it was near using a magnifying glass and your friend goes "...you really didn't need to do that..." and you go "yeah...but i'm bored and have virtually no life..." and then she agrees, thanks you, and walks away.

yeah, beat that you guys! lol j/k j/k <333
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

You're watching America's Funniest Home Videos and in a clip voiceover, Tom Bergeron says "I don't know if something with a larval stage qualifies as a pet" and you reply "Don't tell Grissom that" My mom was next to me but she didn't hear it; she didn't say anything. And probably wouldn't have known what i meant if she had heard lol...she's not great with the character names.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

When it's two o'clock in the morning and you have to get up at seven, and you're on your third or fourth episode of CSI: Miami on A & E after watching three episodes of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation on Spike (how I spent my day off)
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

When you ... intentionally plant a fingerprint and then wipe it off right away

When you ... get excited because someone has the same as a character on CSI
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..


...you constantly explain to people the greatness of butterflies and ladybugs because of CSI

...you continue to argue with your father to the point of near-grounding about CSI

...you drink a boost and then chew on the straw, all the while thinking "man...my spit is all over this thing...better make sure i don't take it with me when i go egging houses and stuff on mischief night...they'll find me..."
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

^^ Oh my God! :lol:

... you smile and tap along whenever you hear the Who playing. :)
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