P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

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Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Hahahaha! I love that jordan.

I want CSI pajamas!! Don't they 'supposedly' sell them at Target or something? I say supposedly because I have yet to see them there.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

OMG TARGET????? Dude, I live like right around the corner from a Target...
I've never seen them yet...and trust me, if something says CSI on it and it's in Target, I've seen it and licked it multiple times already.
But I shall keep my eyes open...alot...

You know you've watched too much CSI when you force your friend to stand in front of one of the TVs for almost 15 minutes to wait for what you thought was a CSI commercial, when it turns out it was an add for "The Sentinel". Although it's a movie with Kiefer Sutherland<3 in it, it wasn't what I thought I heard. Because I swore I heard the TV man say "CSI" at one point. But then again, maybe I'm beginning to hear things...

You also know you've watched too much CSI when your favorite t-shirt says "Las Vegas Tropicana" on it...
Note: It's a casino in Vagas my LUCKY grandmother went to. *cries* And it was right around the time they were filming Season 6 to. I KNEW I shoulda hid in her suitcase. *depression*
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

I don't want to go off topic but if you PM me I will send you the links to the pajamas. :D

YKYWTM CSI when you count the hours until you can been with your school work for the day so you can watch your favorite episode.

When you beg your mom to let you buy a CSI shirt, even though she knows you're not quite the fan you once were. :lol:

When doing science, they mention CSI and you actually start laughing hysterically because what's cooler than having CSI mentioned in school? (Happened to me today!)
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

... when you explain to your son and his girlfriend about hair tags, mitochondrial DNA and horizontal lines on your fingernails proving you've been poisoned... :lol:
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

YKYWTM CSI when...

you see a piece of hair on a towel in the bathroom and go get a flashlight. You then shine the light on it and use your mom's tweezers to pick it up. You then laugh at what you've just done, but put the hair back in case something happens in your house later on and the person who's hair it is is responsible.

Note: True story.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

I've lost my mind. I know I have. :p
My cousin lives with us and I lock my bedroom door every morning when I leave for work (only because my room is a complete mess and I'm embarrassed for anyone but me to be in there! LOL :p). Anyway, I went into my room after work and I just knew someone had been in there. You know how you just know that something's out of place but you can't really see it? Well, like that. :rolleyes: So I'm looking around and I see a steak knife on my dresser. I know I didn't put it there, so someone had to have. Right then, I wished I was with the crime lab so I could dust for prints and look for hairs and fibers. I would have, too! ;)
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

YKYWTM CSI when on the way back from the shops you casually toss a loose hair out of the window, and then have a panic attack thinking that it could drift onto a crime scene.

Thinking about it your DNA could be in so many random places you could easily be wrongly accused of a crime.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

YKYWTM CSI when you meet someone new and the first thing that comes out of your mouth is 'So...anybody watch CSI?...' that's how i make friends :D

Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

YKYWTM CSI when you tape the ads during tennis to catch the CSI promos... ;)
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

when you can name the episode by just the fly over shots of vegas, you dont even need to see a character :lol:
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

when its your sisters 18th birthday and your family are flying to ireland for a shindig and all you can think about is missing an eppi of csi and how you cant cope not knowing whatll happen about gsr lol
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

when you start school again and your physics teacher says, 'so i have you guys for the graveyard shift' and all you can think of for the rest of the lesson is CSI
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

^^ hehe! funny
Something almost like that happend to me the other day AT SCHOOL

...when they pass a marathon of horror movies on your TV one night, and your friends are so scared exept you beacuse you are watching all the movies and thinking which caracter will they play (CSI), or how you can make it an episode or even a FanFiction :)
(I am writing a Poltergeist one)*evil laughs*
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

...when by the end of the day your eyes hurt because you've done your personal CSI marathon with that new dvd box you just bought...
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