P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

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Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Yesterday on school, I was on lunch time and we are not allowed to throw garbage on the floor (but everyone does it), so I was eating my delicious food, and I have to throw the plastic bag, but the dust-bin was so far, and one of my friends snatched from my hands and throw it on the floor

Me:No! they will know that it was me, they find prints, trace it and find that it was me, or they could find DNA, run it to CODIS and they will know that it was me!

my friend: What?

my best friend:She watch CSI
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

maricejayo said:
Yesterday on school, I was on lunch time and we are not allowed to throw garbage on the floor (but everyone does it), so I was eating my delicious food, and I have to throw the plastic bag, but the dust-bin was so far, and one of my friends snatched from my hands and throw it on the floor

Me:No! they will know that it was me, they find prints, trace it and find that it was me, or they could find DNA, run it to CODIS and they will know that it was me!

my friend: What?

my best friend:She watch CSI

OMG that is hilarious!!

One time I went to my best friends head and plucked a few hairs and yelled "OOh I got your DNA now... don't mess with the DNA... Deoxyribonucleic Acid!"

*wow i need a life
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

You know you've watched too much CSI when you can relate anything and everything to CSI in one way or another.

Oh, and when you find one of your hairs on your shirt and you look for the little thing of skin on it, just to see if it's really there.

And when you're deathly afraid your attic and the plumer and cable guy and the electric guy [even when one of the above is your family].

And you know you're obsessed when you sit in the middle of Target protecting a CSI board game and your mom calls your cell phone, which has the CSI theme song as the ringtone and you let it ring for like a minute, just to hear the theme song.

Wowwwww, I'm obsessed. And psycho...and I really need a life...

Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

when you're in a store and your friends say oh look rachelle that girl has a csi shirt and you weren't paying attention of course until they said CSI and the girl had passed and then you run around the store looking for the girl just so you can see her awesome shirt (it was pretty awesome btw and i told her ;) my friends are now embarrased to go shopping with me but hey its for csi)
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

GregIsHott said:
OMG that is hilarious!!

One time I went to my best friends head and plucked a few hairs and yelled "OOh I got your DNA now... don't mess with the DNA... Deoxyribonucleic Acid!"

Haha! You know you watch too much CSI when you didn't know that DNA stood for, so you ask your mom and she says Deoxyribonucleic Acid. So you get your Word Pad on your computer and type it like 200 times so you dont forget. I swear i did that :lol: Then i went on CBS.com and looked up one of the biggest words in the little guide thing and memorize it. it was ethylendiaminetetraacetic acid. Turns ou it's an anitcoagulant that removes calcium from the body to prevent clotting :D (I typed ethylendiaminetetraacetic acid like 100 times too :lol: :D)
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

its 4am and i am still in a CSI feast on the net...
did i break anyone's record? :D
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Actually, Asphyxia, I've been on from about three PM until about noon the next day. Sorry to kill your fun...

I'm pretty psycho for doing that though...I slept about two minutes that entire time, took 7 bathroom breaks, ate two pieces of toast, and drank 10 glasses of water. That whole time I was doing everything CSI related. Talking on here, going on CBS website, Spike TV website, playing games, all that good stuff.
I think I might be psycho. Lol.

Oh, and you also know you've watched too much CSI when you ask your grandmother if she was absolutely sure she saw the plumber leave, and if she closed all the windows. And three hours after that before you go to bed you go around your entire house that's below the attic and thuroughly check for holes in the ceiling. And you sleep with a butter knife...

I'm psycho, it's official.

Oh, also when you have the following conversation with your dad about next year's family vacation, you know you're pretty much obsessed:
"We should go to Las Vegas. It has pretty lights." - Me
"Yeah, okay. You just wanna see Grissom." -Daddy
"Heh...But I still wanna see the lights!" - Me

Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

-when you're french and you've work a lot on your english to be able to watch the show in english.

Oh and when you're watch the episodes both in french and english just to see what's changed with the translation(not much,i have to say).
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

cindy, I don't like their voices in the French version... Much, much better in English! :D Of course, they're their real voices... :lol:
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

i totally agree,aspecially about jorja fox,i don't really like her voice in the french version.
Thank god,DVDs exist!
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

You know you've watched too much CSI with your family when your six year old sister starts making shipperish comments

YKYWTM CSI when you have a terrible time deciding which pajamas to buy; CSI or Jack Sparrow (I went with Jack. sorry)

When your sister sees that you are depressed and she automatically says "Wanna watch CSI?" :D
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Catherinsmyidol , that's funny and who was on the CSI pajamas? :lol:

YKYWTM CSI when... MY father asks

and my response is
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

They didn't have anyone on them. They just said CSI all over the pants and the shirt said CSI in the middle. They were pretty cool. And that is hilarious, hhunter!

YKYWTM CSI when you no longer have to explain to your Gramdmother who LH is because you're always watching the LH episodes whenever she comes over.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

OMG CSI PAJAMAS????? You must tell me where to find these. What store? What state/country? OH..MY..GOD MUST HAVE. Ahhhh.

You know you watch too much CSI when the following is in your AIM profile:
" "CSI makes you smart! It teaches you not to let cable guys in your
house, or plumbers, or electric guys. Why??? Because they'll end
up stalking you. They'll live in your attic and drill holes in your ceiling while you're out, he'll watch your every move and take pictures and
videos of you. He'll even pick up your dry cleaning and wear your
clothes. Oh, then he'll kill someone and make it look like something
that happened on your prom night. How will he know that? He'll read
the e-mail that your prom date sent you. Then one night, after you
get back from the hospital cuz he threw you out a window at a
crime scene, he'll fall down from your ceiling and try to kill you.
Never trust a cable guy...except for Larry the Cable Guy...he's cool..."
"Hole.....e.....crap.....you are one messed up girl, Jordan. But everything you just said was totally true. CSI taught me that DNA means-"
"Dexyribonucleic Acid!"
"Yeah, that...." "
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