One time I watched CSI and...

SparkyGirl said: was Grave Danger. I get rather passionate about season enders and this was going to be a great one. It was the part when Nick started to sing and bang on the plexiglass and then the scene would switch to Greg, Cath, and Warrick in the garage of that warehouse. I'm laying on my bed screaming "Hang on Nick! They are coming! Hang on! Niiiiick!" Next thing I know there is a pair of pointed ears, a tail and whiskers staring at me. During the commericial break, I grabbed Bear, the cat, and looked him in the face and said, "They have to find Nick. They can't go on without Nick." I knew I had so lost it at that moment!

OMG that had me laughing sooo hard! i was watching csi and my dog was barking so i used his full name (not official as my parents are weird) Samson Grissom Horatio Taylor stop barking or you will go out the window like the video recorder did. he just looked at me weird and walked off.
"Samson Grissom Horatio Taylor"... let me guess, you named the dog?

Once, I was at my aunt's house, and I was watching an old rerun of the CSI shows on Spike TV, and she kept on talking, and I hunched over, and said loud enough for her to hear: "Sometimes people don't have enough respect for the greatest." She still didn't shut up.

And I was also watching another CSI episode up at her house, and everytime a commercial came on, she was about to take me home (they were on CBS) and about 2 minutes later, I'd sit back down and go "Hold on, it's GREG." And I'd stay for 15 more minutes. :p

Has anything interesting, humorous or just plain annoying happened while you were watching an episode of one of the CSI shows?
My dog is not allowed to watch CSI, I made the mistake of naming him Greg and everytime they say Greg's name he starts barking at the television, causing me to miss Nick Talk! I changed his name to Greggo, now he just growls and cause they don't put the GO on the end, usually, he'll shut up!

I've got another dog named Poncho, and I swear when the theme song comes on he barks along with it!
One time, I was watching CSI with my best friend and her 9 year old sister. When the theme song came on, she started doing this really weird dance, it looked like she was swimming. Then, she kept saying "why does that guy's chin look like a butt?" she was talking about Grissom.

And one time I was watching CSI Miami with my mom and she didn't know the show at all. Ryan came on & my mom goes "Is that guy related to Greg? Like is that his brother?" It was so funny.
one time i was watching csi in the summer, so it was a rerun (i don't remember the episode). there was a robbery and guns were involved and such, and i just thought, oh yea, typical epi. then i get a call from my dad saying that my mom was just robbed my gunpoint (she works at a pharmacy). i was so creeped out. and he called right when the episode ever.
First time I watched Grave Danger I was so absorbed that I leaned in and almost fell off the couch ;)
I also tend to yell at the screen...
The first time I watched Grave Danger, My entire family was all talking at the TV. Encouraging Nick, giving the CSI's orders, and for once I didn't care. It's so funny to look back though, because we're all like, "Nick, don't you DARE pull that trigger!"
^^ I do that too, all the time. During Grave Danger I was literally shouting at Nick "Don't you DARE do it, Nick! Don't you DARE pull that trigger!" and my mom kept telling me to shut up (she does that a lot). When the 'To Be Continued' came up at the end of Built to Kill Part 1 I fell off the couch I was so upset. (I really don't like TBC moments on TV because there's no garuntee that I'll be able to watch it next week)
The first time I watched Grave Danger...My mother was thinking about sending me to my bedroom and do not allow me to continue watching it, because I was actually really nervous, my heart was beating too fast, and I couldn't stop moving(walking along my living room), you know, because i was really scared with the idea of Nick being out of the show :(...well, in fact, she didn't do it because she was more interesting in don't miss any part of the episode, and she knew that, in case of don't allow me to watch it, she wouldn't do it, too, because I would pass all the time trying to convince her that i could watch the rest of the episode calmly...
One time I watched CSI and was so excited about the new episode I was actually talking to the screen

"Hey it's Sara! Hi Sara!" and so on. The person with me looked at me like I was insane. :)
When I was watching CSI NY last week (raising shane) I was literally screaming at the TV and threatening the life of the police captian for talking bad about Danny and Hawkes.