One thing that annoys me the most...

I totally agree w/ GeorgeEadsLover a/b the yobling thing. i'm from the south so havin a white girl w/a black man don't fit 2 well w/me! I don't hv n e thing against black ppl though. :)

wow that was racist...guess its not that surprising comeing from a southern american, y'all
I totally agree w/ GeorgeEadsLover a/b the yobling thing. i'm from the south so havin a white girl w/a black man don't fit 2 well w/me! I don't hv n e thing against black ppl though. :)

wow that was racist...guess its not that surprising comeing from a southern american, y'all

Come on now, can we just drop it? Besides you just did the same thing, making the inference or assumption that all people from the American south are racist and use the contraction "y'all!"

That's right, so let's just drop it, okay?
Guys, we're heading into a combtive environment here. If anyone has any complaints about any of the above, please PM me or HAM . I DO NOT want to see anymore on this particular issue posted here, and if I do, the thread gets shut. No ifs, ands or buts.


Regarding the flashlights only thing, I've recently read that it's actually not a CSI procedure, but a police procedure. When you scan an area with a mag light first, smaller evidence that you might normally miss really stands out. In fact, a friend of mine joked recently that he uses it to find his son's missing things in his room! :lol:
When they move something before taking pictures of it... i read in a Rules For Forensics page once that one of the first steps is photographing and not moving a darn thing until all the picture taking is done. Yet, in alot of eps they move stuff that would be evident for the case...
1.Ecklie...need I say more?(lol)
2.the continuity stuff that pops up like not mention what happened to Danny's brother Louie on NY and not doing more with the aftermath of Nick's Grave Danger incident.
3.Never having a CSI who's happily married or in a *good* relationship. (other than Doc Robbins, who's only a recurring char, not a CSI and Mac but then she died :( And well Gris doesn't count yet, that just started)

I can't think of more right now.
Note: I only watch the original CSI so all of my comments are on that show.

-The lack on continuty. First it was 'Grave Danger', then 'Pirates of the Third Reich'. Oh yeah, I'm so sure Nick got over what happened to him so quickly and what happened with Lady Heather? Did she get charged? It bugs me really badly. I'm sure there are more episodes lacking continuty but I just can't remember the titles right now.

-When Brass or another person besides the crime scene person picks up evidence with a pencil or something. Even if they're wearing gloves, it's still not correct.

-It bugs me how everyone does a little bit of everything. I mean, if Cath (just as am example, I do not have anything against her) collected a piece of evidence from a real crime scene, she wouldn't be able to go back to the lab and process that evidence herself. Fingerprints, DNA, blood, all the evidence at a real crime scene is collected by different people; Not one person who collects everything.

I agree with Roka, it bothers me when they pick something up or move it without taking pictures. Or when they only take one picture before picking something up. In one of the forensic handbooks I read, it says to always take more than one picture (from 1 to 5) of every piece of evidence just to be safe.

Sometimes the CSIs wear jackets that say 'Forensics' and sometimes they don't. I'm pretty sure they should wear them all the time at a crime scene, not just sometimes.

Imagine what the writers/producers would think if they say how many inaccuries we pick up on! :lol:
-how the night shift seems to last 24 hours a day
-in 'unusual suspects' when the deffence lawyer makes her speech about how only a genius could pull of the sodium in the shower head. im sorry, every highschool student knows what sodium does in water and how it can even explode in air. stupid lawyers...
-how they drop story lines because they 'dont want to deal with it anymore'
-the lawyers (i know thats how they really are, it just bugs me how uncooperative they are and always tell their guilty clients to keep their mouths shut)

other than that i love it. i know people are annoyed because the show isnt 'realistic' but seeing as how its all a work of fiction that doesnt bother me. like hodges says in i like to watch 'when they cut it for tv itll take 30 seconds' :lol:
I agree with Wojo's comment on Greg.

CSI: Miami the lack of screentime for Ryan Wolfe. (I am sorry, but this guy is somewhat as hot as Miami as itself. Give him some more screentime.) And also how they always end the show with H. Always, always, ALWAYS!! :mad:

CSI: NY is to be continued...
1. The lack of continuity on all three shows really bugs me, especially when it's something important.
2. Grissom and his smug, self righteous, holier-than-thou attitude. Somebody needs to knock him off the pedestal he has put himself on.
3. The bad guys almost never get away. Just once in awhile, I would like to see the bad guy walk on a technicality, or because they simply don't have the evidence. At least make it more realistic, in that respect.
*nods* NY has done it repeatedly with that piece of you-know-what, Pratt, at least until Aiden nailed him posthumously. Although that was a pre-arrest kinda thing, they kept not having evidence to nab him in the first place. I've seen bad guys get away, like Paul Milander and Blue Paint Guy (the accomplice that is, not the executed guy) but I've never seen post-arrest technicalities or anything on LV.
You're right Mel, NY did do it with Pratt and once with Sonny Sassone, and LV did it with Milander and the Blue Paint Killer. And I thought the Milander eps on LV were brilliant ones, with him always one step ahead of the team. I think that makes it kind of interesting, not knowing every once in awhile if the killer will actually be caught.
I'm back again... because I can't stand Horatio. I really wish they'd replace him with someone else, someone a bit fatter and alot less of a drama-queen. I would watch CSI:Miami a whole lot more if he was gone.