One thing that annoys me the most...

I totally agree w/ GeorgeEadsLover a/b the yobling thing. i'm from the south so havin a white girl w/a black man don't fit 2 well w/me! I don't hv n e thing against black ppl though. :)

That kind of doesn't make sense.

Ya, that doesn't make much sense and I dont think that's what GeorgeEadsLover had in mind, anyways.
I’m a pretty open minded person, so I don’t agree a comment made a few posts back, but everyone is entitled to there opinion, but IMO before anyone gets extremely offended I don`t think we should travel down this route. :D

Anyway one thing that does annoy me a bit is when Cathrine & Sara have disagreements, thats mainly because I love them both. :lol:
Yes but you would expect that since theyre both kind of stubborn and want things their way... I love Sara though :lol: and i think the fighting between them adds more controversy. I like it :p
What annoys me is why Greg takes so long to make his point... i mean is it necessary to have 2 minutes of an introduction for a 3 second answer?
How they instantly solve crimes. In the real world it can take months. Also that they don't wear masks and suits at crime scenes or in the lab. I know it is for the sake of the show, but realism counts, too.
that they never just's like we never see them in the breakroom any more it's like if you blink or goes to the bathroom you miss much...they just want to push too much in 45 minutes
A couple of things that annoy me are:
-When people don't like Sofia just because they think she is stealing Grissom from Sara. Hate to break it to you but she's not.

-When the detective picks up potentially key evidence with a pencil. It makes me want to cringe.
- it annoys me that Horatio Always gets the last line before the credits, and they always end the show with him...

- i agree, i like Sophia, and it bugs me when Catherine gives her a dirty look, or how in King Baby she told Sophia to stay out of it, when she was arguing with Grissom.........

- it bugs me that Calleigh has been in pod person mode for like a year.....
How they do lab work most of the time without tying their hair back, not a good example to the kids I teach!!!

and attend messy crime scenes in really white clothing, not very pratical me thinks!!!
How whenever they are at a scene... NO ONE TURNS ON A FRICKIN LIGHT!!! How much can you really see with those stupid little lights?
When Brass is there...that's rather annoying. Usually the detectives are hardly ever at a scene, it's the uniformed officers. Detectives read over everyone else's notes, but we wouldn't really like Brass or Vartann if they just sat on theirs all day.

Uniformed officers are treated like they're unimportant, like they're--dumb sometimes, like the detectives, the CSIs, they know everything. The many violations of Charter Rights, so many things that would get it all thrown out of court.

Those people who don't understand the meaning of the word artistic license, a lot of people at school...a lot of people who actually work in forensics...

Don't get me wrong, but when you first enter a scene, you want to reconstruct it so it is exactly as the offender left it, meaning that you typically do not want to turn on lights (without writing it in your notes and reports), you don't want to turn off any televisions, or turn down the radio without writing all of that stuff down...

You know, the technical stuff.
How whenever they are at a scene... NO ONE TURNS ON A FRICKIN LIGHT!!! How much can you really see with those stupid little lights?

LMBO! That drives me batty. Especially in Miami. You're in friggin' Miami! Open a curtain.
A couple of things that annoy me are:
-When people don't like Sofia just because they think she is stealing Grissom from Sara. Hate to break it to you but she's not.

It's not that...she is just, well...annoying. I don't care for her "holier-than-thou" attitude. If I had to work with her and she got in my face she would have been bitch-slapped by now, Gris or no. :mad:
I don't get it though. Her arrogance and superiority complex? Her arrogant aura? I'm going to have to direct myself to her character page to see where that's coming from...

They never turn on lights, but the alternative annoying thing is when there is loads of light and they go in with the torches on!!!!