One thing that annoys me the most...

I dont find much annoying about LV - except when someone ends up getting in trouble for a minor screw up - i mean cut them some slack they work so hard ( like Catherine when she accidentally blew the lab up ) - like she meant to do it, everyone got so mad at her... errrrr
Actually, that is one of the things that annoys me the most. That was NOT a minor screw-up, even thought Catherine did not mean to do it. She completely destroyed evidence for a whole lot of cases, seriously injured a co-worker, who could have DIED, which in the real world could have bought her charges. Her actions caused minor injuries to others, as well as causing a huge damage bill for the lab, imagine how much the stuff in the DNA lab costs that was blown up, and making the entire crime unit look bad. The entire lab was also in chaos and out of action for the rest of the day, which is really bad for a crime lab in which time is so impotent in solving cases. Now i'm actually going to hold back from pointing out more idiotic and ridicules actions Cath has taken that would have resulted in her being sacked, but she made a completely dumb mistake in this case and any person in any job would have been fired immediatley. Catherine got what? two weeks suspension? That is completely unbelievable and ridicules.

And that's what bugs me about CSI, how stuff is so completely unrealistic on the show.
Thing that annoys me most is that they don't balance their centrifuges!!!! They are supposed to put two tubes in opposite each other to stop them bouncing around!!!
Sorry a bit geeky and technical but I used to work in a lab!
There is something that doesnt really annoy me but it just wouldn't happen in real life. The fact that when they are at a crime scene even though they waer gloves, there is no ohter protective clothing. I mean you see it on the news that when there is a major crime scene you will the forensics wearing white overalls, masks, hair net things to stop the transfer of fibers or hairs but the CSI teams never do that. How can they expect to find anything that doesnt come from one of them.

But of course if they did wear all that then you wouldn't see their beautiful faces.
yeah that episode on like 2 weeks ago i think the whole episode i was thinking, where's greg? he was on screen for like 5 minutes and i miss his old haircut :(

but two things that really annoy me are:
1.sofia's voice
2.when sara does this twitchy thing with her lips. i love sara but that thing she does makes me crazy.
Okay it wasnt just a MINOR slip up - but its not like she did it purposely, and at the same time, even though accidents like that shouldn't happen, she IS a great criminalist and her being fired from LV's lab would porbably ruin her career! Which is probably the reason she only got 2 weeks suspension, because she was known to be a good criminalist.
And its not all fake on the show - i mean Ecklie wouldn't have torn the group apart if it was all fake.. it would have been another happy ending like all other Hollywood projects! But they took away something that upset alot of fans. I dont see much fake-ness in that.
Guys Catherine and Warrick gets away with everything. She blows up a lab almost slept with a suspect, and a whole lot of other crap, but she gets away, because she is Catherine the ex-stripper who had it tough all her life. AND SHE DOES bring in her sexuality everytime. Low cut top of a flich with her hair. I'll admit, she is sometimes really good, but she gets away with everything. Greg almost died in the explosion and she got two weeks off. Sara made a truthful remark about her, and Ecklie wants he fired.

Warrick mand rude remarks to Grissom, yet he also had a hard life, fighting to get where he is today, so give him slack. His evaluation was a rollercoaster ride, he makes mistake like in that 24 episode, and the court case, but he gets away. Nick says one comment to the press and Grissom has his head. Sara gets solo's all the time if she does something that is not in the Grissom rule book, but Catherine can call him a bad leader and it's nothing.

Sara, Nick and Greg are the csi's that has the most respect for Grissom, and really want to make him proud, yet their always the one's getting trouble.

That annoys me.
I agree with that. But its probabaly Grissom trying to make Nick, Sara and Greg more confient in their job and learn to not always make him proud, -think of and for urself guys- but what bugs me in CSI:Miami with Horatio...

At the end of (nearly) every episodes, he would always have the sunset behind him and look up, put sunglasses on then look to the side. Also he might be always looking at someone who he just saved/taugh a lesson/imprisoned. GRRRAHHHH
Maybe its also cuz Sara, Greg and Nick are the young ones? I'm not siding - i mean wait, Sara's my favorite but i just think, okay cut Catherine some slack, yeah she tends to be a bit overwhelming, but she has a BOSSY character anyways so thats how shes supposed to release steam. Thats just her.
Moby - i know exactly what you mean, Horatio and his stupid James Bond attitude :p
Thing that annoys me most is that they don't balance their centrifuges!!!! They are supposed to put two tubes in opposite each other to stop them bouncing around!!!
Sorry a bit geeky and technical but I used to work in a lab!

omg, i yell at the tv whenever they do that!! also, one time they tried to make the background 'sciency' so they drew the molecular structure of glucose on the, thats the first structure you have to memorize for biochemistry...

oh, and of course should tape his hands to his side...he ALWAYS has them on his hips...gah!
The one thing that bugs me about CSI:Miami is Ho Caine! I love that he is strong and cool, but he's in every f'ing scene!!!!!! Grissoms not in every scene, Mac's not in every scene, but Horatio..god i wanna see one episode where Horatio has a day off!
You guys would be surprised what police officers et all can get away with and not be fired. Cases can get thrown out (which they do) people can die, evidence can be contaminated/lost, they can blunder on the stand and not be fired.

I think that Warrick really got off easy when Holly died. Catherine did too, the writers made it seem like their guilt was punishment enough. I hate that aspect of television...and in general.