NY Character Quotes-What's Your Favorite?

I loved this from RSRD. Stella holds up a pair of La Perla underwear and says how expensive it is. Danny says - approx -

"I get my BVDs in a 3-pack for 10 bucks. Boom."

Not only a cute line, but I got to imagine Danny in BVDs. Yum.
^Lol yeah.... yummie!

Anyway -- in Necrophilia Americana, when Danny told Don that the case is about golf... I love the way Don interpreted him, well at least jokingly.

"So you want us to *something I can't remember* and talk the case out?"

Imagine them playing golf....
So I like a few one:

From Trapped:
Stella: "That's it? No butler?"
Don: "Nope."
Stella: "Too bad. I thought we could wrap this up quick."
Don: "What?"
Stella: "Mansion like this, it's always the butler. Didn't you ever play Clue?"
Don: "I was a Monopoly guy."

From Dancing with the fishes:
Stella: "She also plays the lottery."
Don: "All it takes is a dollar and a dream. I'm a dreamer, too."
Stella: "I see."
One of my fave sweet little lines...
Mac Im glad you stayed
Stella Mac thats what we do. We take care of each other.
Hi I'm new here my personal favourites are:

Stella to Mac at the end of "Recycling", after she had won their bet... "Sometimes you're the dog...and sometimes you're the hydrant!" (as she plucks the $10 bill out of his hand, LOL. I guess Mac was the hydrant, that day...)

~Zoo York~
Danny:Just take a deep breath, don't let him know your afraid, because he can sense when your nervous.
Lindsay:The tiger is tranqualized, I think I can handle it.
Danny:I'm talking about Mac.

Stella: (After answering her cell page) "I can tell it's going to be a very busy day...do you want to switch places?"

Hawkes: (With very big grin) "Sure!" (Hands her a saw) "See that guy there? First you're going to cut off his right arm...then his left leg."
Stella: "Mmmmm...see you later!"

[Danny holds up a fingerprint sample, stares at it through the light of a torch]
Det. Stella Bonasera: You are gonna do more than just stare at it.
Danny Messer: I am waiting for it to talk to me.
Det. Stella Bonasera: Then you might have to buy it a drink first.

Flack: 'So a crapsicle killed this guy?'

Stella: 'Mac,you should get some sleep.'
Mac: 'What's sleep?'

Mac: Me, I don't pity you Darius. There's a lot of people with worse stories than yours. They never hurt anyone. You killed twelve people in two states over the last seventy-two hours and you want me to feel sorry for you because your daddy didn't kiss you when you were a baby? You asked for my help. I did help you. You're where you belong. You rot in hell you son of a bitch!

Pino: Lets get a more precise TOD.
Danny: You're not serious.
Pino: There's gotta be a bathroom there right?
Pino: Be a good boy scout. Find a thermometer.
Danny: It's your lucky day doc.
Pino: Nice. Now, plant it in the end zone and put some points on the board. (pause) Messer? Is it in?
Danny: Give me a second. Rigor's setting in.
Pino: Welcome to my world.

flack: Who? who? he's an owl now.

Mac: Get the hell out of my building.

Stella: "Something gooey here."
Mac: "Gooey? That's a good forensic word. Gooey. I have to use that more."

Danny: Get me a slice of pizza. Pepperoni. Just fold it over and slide it under the door.
Flack: That's no way to treat good pizza.

Mac: Welcome to the house of trinogamy.
Hawkes: Wow, I gotta admit this was not what I expected.
Mac: I'll bite. What were you expecting?
Hawkes: I dunno...lava lamps, weird tapestry, a robo-spanker, maybe a couple of big--
Mac: (cuts him off) Alright, alright. I'm sorry I asked.

Flack: You play poker?
Stella: Occasionally... you got a problem with that?
Flack: Yeah. Cause you're physically incapable of keepin' a straight face. Now Mac, he's a guy with a poker face, who knows what he's thinkin

Stella: What do you do when you can't sleep?
Mac: Work.
Stella: Ok what do normal people do?
Stella: What do you do when you can't sleep?
Mac: Work.
Stella: Ok what do normal people do?

Danny:"If Marvin's story is true about what happened and he was shooting at the bad guys... this bullet discharged from his gun and stopped mid air, and then turned left and then hit the pillar."

Man, I didnt realize how long my list of favourite quoutes was
^^I think you've just posted every quote we've ever had on here. :p

BTW, you can edit your post for up to 24 hours instead of posting back to back. ;)

Aiden: My kit's fully stocked. Bring it.
Danny: Bird's eye view.
Aiden: You just had to say that.
Danny: What are you gonna do about it?
****Hmmm.... what IS Aiden gonna do about it, ei?****
[Lindsay and Mac are standing in front of a lube pit at a strip club]
Mac Taylor: There might be some evidence in there.
Lindsay Monroe: Let me know what you find. (Mac gives her a look) I'll go get my boots. (Mac nods)
Flack : I'm jonesing for a pastrami sandwich at 3:00 in the morning, I call Andy down at the deli-- boom, done. ( gotta love hearing Don saying "boom" :D )

Flack: This one's a real tough guy.Beating on a woman half his size.

Suspect: I'm not a criminal.
Flack : Yes, you are. We're just trying to figure out
what kind.

All from Blood, Sweat & Tears... It says a lot about Don, the way he feels.
Ummm...i think my favorite of recent episodes would have to be

Peyton Driscoll: It happens to people in very passionate relationships (to mac)
Mac Taylor:(moves in closer and whispers) I'll be very careful.

that right there, is HOT!
I like this comment from Flack in Superman

"yeah, well. Sometimes brothers fight".

I think he getsthe best lines. :)
Gotta love this from Sleight Out Of Hand:

Stella: They say burning is the most painful of deaths.
Danny: I love that. How do they know? What'd they take a poll? 64% of dead people surveyed. . .

This just made me giggle. Oh yeah and this one from Grand Master:

Stella: Are you going to be able to focus?
Danny: (who just watches a half naked woman walking by) I'm all over it.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

EDIT: Cos I keep remembering ones that I should have put in this post. :D

Aiden: (walking into a strip club) Holy boob jobs, Batman.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I laugh so much everytime I hear this!