NY Character Quotes-What's Your Favorite?

Stella to Mac at the end of "Recycling", after she had won their bet... "Sometimes you're the dog...and sometimes you're the hydrant!" (as she plucks the $10 bill out of his hand, LOL. I guess Mac was the hydrant, that day...)
this one :): Det. Stella Bonasera: You got it. Tiffany's! Now you're talking my language.
well this one isnt my favorite quote but it was a memorable one to me

~Zoo York~
Danny:Just take a deep breath, don't let him know your afraid, because he can sense when your nervous.
Lindsay:The tiger is tranqualized, I think I can handle it.
Danny:I'm talking about Mac.
Another one from Zoo York.

Danny: blahblah... and remember to call him 'sir'.

-a little while later-

Mac: blahbla... and don't call me 'sir'.

Hahahahaha...poor Lindsey.
:lol: Love that one CSIKatie! Gotta be one of my favs.

One of my other favs is:

Danny: You're such a girl
Aiden: Shut up! *Smacks Danny over the head*

Stella: No girl leaves her house without her cell phone, at least not at that age.
Mac: GPS the phone number.
Stella: You got it. Tiffany's! Now you're talking my language.
Mac: You can tell from a map?
Stella: Are you kidding, I can tell from the moon. I love those little blue boxes.
:lol: oh i loved that Stella and Mac convo! That was from Manhatten Manhunt right?
^^Yes it was. :)


Possible suspect (a known sex offender): (glancing at Danny but talking to Stella)-Does he have to be here?
Danny: What's the matter? Am I too old for ya?
Ah, some of my fav quotes are already posted but i still got some:
from "Recycling"
Mac: What?
Stella: You´re not wearing a tie. I don´t ever think I´ve seen you without a.
Mac: I never wear a tie to a dog show.

from "City of the dolls"
Danny: Bronx marble.
Lindsay: What´s that? :confused:
Danny: It´s linoleum. :D

I love the expression "Bronx marble". :p
From the episode with the chinesse restaurant..where you were eating from a girl :p ... and the victim is a fashion designer...

i don't know the name of the ep ..
this quote is really great ..

Danny:Just take a deep breath, don't let him know your afraid, because he can sense when your nervous.
Lindsay:The tiger is tranqualized, I think I can handle it.
Danny:I'm talking about Mac.

.. or a great one is :

Mac:You ready to search for the Holy Grail?
Danny:You know,the Holy Grail is considered by some...
Mac:Yeah,yeah. I know.I readThe Da Vinci Code,too.