NY Character Quotes-What's Your Favorite?

Celefinwe said:
Suspect in underwear opens door
Flack: * takes a look at suspect * Never mind, sir. you can go back about your business.

I love snarky Flack :lol:

Which episode is that from? It must be season 2 because I missed some of those episodes and I have watched all of season 1.
Top41 said:
Flack: Forgive me if I allow your record as a convicted felon to color my opinion of you. (or something like that, from "Grand Master")

:lol: that line was sooo well timed. i could've died laughing!
WOman: DO you knwo what time it is?
Flack: I just need to ask you...
Woman: I asked you a question
Flack: Yes ma'am its 3am
Woman: I aught to sue for harassment *slams door*
Flack: You have a good night now..
I love the scene in "Recycling" from S1 between Stella and the perp who owned the magazine stand.

Stella (in a disgusted voice): "Pedestrian rage, what next?"
(Suddenly a bike zooms by, nearly hitting her) "Sonofabitch!"
Perp: "Makes ya wanna murder him, don't it?"
Stella's reaction was priceless.

Also from the same ep, not a fave line, but a fave scene, when the blond doggy woman hands over her yapping, nipping, wriggling little pooch to Mac to hold was hilarious... actually, there were lots of great lines/scenes in that ep.
oh i forgot about this one from season 1, by far my fave csi quote ever. when danny's talking to the cop and he says "quit bustin my friggin onions and tell me about the dead body over there"
and this one is kinda funny too
-Dr.Pino: *telling Danny how to take the db's temp* Now plant it in the endzone and put some points on the board
I still like Danny's breakdown of Marvin's statement from Rain :

"If Marvin's story is true about what happened and he was shooting at the bad guys... this bullet discharged from his gun and stopped mid air, and then turned left and then hit the pillar."
[Aiden tries to pick the pocket of a training dummy without ringing the bell, but she can't]
Danny Messer: You're such a girl.
Aiden Burn: [smacking him in the head] Shut up.

Detective Thacker: [going over a victim's rap sheet] ... and one prior for assaulting a cab driver.
Danny Messer: That's still a crime in New York?

Det. Stella Bonasera: If you wanted beauty tips, all you had to do was ask.
Danny Messer: Do you know that waterproof mascara dries out your lashes? That's amazing.

Det. Mac Taylor: [about mosquitoes] Only the female of the species bites.
Det. Stella Bonasera: Good for her!

Danny Messer: There's one thing I hate more than running... leaping.

[Danny holds up a fingerprint sample, stares at it through the light of a torch]
Det. Stella Bonasera: You are gonna do more than just stare at it.
Danny Messer: I am waiting for it to talk to me.
Det. Stella Bonasera: Then you might have to buy it a drink first.

my small contribution
Ok, so my favorite quote is really hard for me to post, because it has such a long word in it, but I'm gonna try my hardest to remember what it was. It's probably not exact but....

Aiden: ....it contanited *something* *something* and benzochlorothymine.
Flack: *stops in the doorway and turns to her. "Wait, Benzochlorothymine?"
Aiden: "Yeah, do you know what it is?"
Flack: *pauses*......no *keeps walking*
ilovegrissom1 said:
Ok, so my favorite quote is really hard for me to post, because it has such a long word in it, but I'm gonna try my hardest to remember what it was. It's probably not exact but....

Aiden: ....it contanited *something* *something* and benzochlorothymine.
Flack: *stops in the doorway and turns to her. "Wait, Benzochlorothymine?"
Aiden: "Yeah, do you know what it is?"
Flack: *pauses*......no *keeps walking*

That's why I didn't post it. :lol: That is one of my favorite Flack moments. He acts so serious and then all the sudden "no" and goes on. I love it.

Good ones meandmac ;)

Flack: When I'm the cooler head, you know you blew it.
Stella: I blew it. What about Buffy the friend slayer back there?
In "Trapped":
(after Stella tells Flack what the blue powder trace was)
Flack: And for us who only has a high school diploma?
^or something to that effect.

CSI:NY has the BEST funny quotes on all three shows.

In the episode where they have the doll hospital...
Danny: (examining a fingerprint) I'm waiting for it to talk to me.
Stella: Maybe you should buy it a drink first.