NY Character Quotes-What's Your Favorite?

Another one regarding Flack

Suspect (to Flack): You've got beautiful eyes, you know that.
Flack: Thank you.

And beautiful eyes they are :devil:.
To go with that quote...

Flack: Would these eyes lie?


Flack: Forgive me if I allow your record as a convicted felon to color my opinion of you. (or something like that, from "Grand Master")

Flack has the best lines! :lol:
I'll add to the Flack love (to the best of my memory):

Stella: *rattles off some scientific mumbo jumbo*
Flack: For those of us with just a high school diploma?

Danny: Get me a slice of pizza. Pepperoni. Just fold it over and slide it under the door.
Flack: That's no way to treat good pizza.

Both from "Trapped".
1CSIMfan said:
Imzadi83's quote was from season 1-Hush. That was the best storyline. That's where we were introduced to the robospanker.

Gotta love the robospanker :devil:

Another good one...

Stella: What do you do when you can't sleep?
Mac: Work.
Stella: Ok what do normal people do?


Aiden: Hold out your hands.
Suspect: What's the magic word?
Aiden: Hands.

& From later that same scene...

Aiden: *having used stun gun on suspect* Shoulda listened.
Suspect: *moaning* I can't feel my ribs!
Aiden: Oh you will soon, and it's gonna hurt like a bastard.
I loved that Danny/Aiden exchange in "Hush" and that wheat field conversation. :lol:

I like this one from Stealing Home:
Mac: Welcome to the house of trinogamy.
Hawkes: Wow, I gotta admit this was not what I expected.
Mac: I'll bite. What were you expecting?
Hawkes: I dunno...lava lamps, weird tapestry, a robo-spanker, maybe a couple of big--
Mac: (cuts him off) Alright, alright. I'm sorry I asked.
My fav's:

Danny: I've been living in my building for three years now, and my neighbours still don't recognise me...

Flack: You better hope you don't go missing, pal!


Danny: Get that to Jane Parsons in DNA. *cracks whip* Now!


Flack: You play poker?

Stella: Occasionally... you got a problem with that?

Flack: Yeah. Cause you're physically incapable of keepin' a straight face. Now Mac, he's a guy with a poker face, who knows what he's thinkin

How about Aiden to Danny: I'm way outta your league Messer

Not exact but:

Suspect: I swear on my grandmother
Flack: I should arrest him for swearing on his grandmother
Conductor: Yea, those guys were Do-to-do's.
Lindsay: Do-To-Do's?
Conducter: *looks to Danny* Where's she from, Jersey?

--From Risk
1CSIMfan said:
Not exact but:

Suspect: I swear on my grandmother
Flack: I should arrest him for swearing on his grandmother

Flack: (to Mac) Lemme arrest him for swearing on his grandmother

:lol: Flack has the best lines. Some of my favourites,

Flack: Now how does that thought process work? There is the mother of my child lying dead on the ground. I should probably call 911, but let me get a little action first.

Suspect: But somebody killed my twin, dawg.
Flack: * points to self * Detective

Suspect in underwear opens door
Flack: * takes a look at suspect * Never mind, sir. you can go back about your business.

I love snarky Flack :lol:
Flack: I was beginning to think you were seeing other detectives, William. (I think that's the guy's name :lol:)

Danny: I gotta get outta here. *dramatic bed flop*
Imzadi83 said:

Stella: What do you do when you can't sleep?
Mac: Work.
Stella: Ok what do normal people do?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The absolute funniest part about this scene is the "WTF, normal people??" look he gives Stella. I think that's one of the funniest lines out of season one

Stella: Didn't you ever dress up, put a towel around your neck, pretend to be a superhero? Little 'Mac-man' maybe?
Mac:No, you couldn't get me out of fatigues when I was a kid

Aww, 'little Mac-man' .....
makes me grin everytime

also, fatigues are THE most comfortable thing to wear ever, I live in mine.