Now That Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Are Gone

It IS sad...but people have to make their own decisions...I mean, you can't really get upset at someone who is stopping because the shell shock of Grissom leaving/being gone is really going to take ages for them to get over, if at all...the same way people who aren't going to watch can't get mad at those that do; cos both have legitimate reasons and it's fine.

However, it took me a while (and I still am) to realise what Billy being gone means, and that if I'm staying on board (which I am, just not regular/religiously) it's for Marg, Robert, Eric, George, etc. and for the fact that Billy is still on as Executive Producer, so that kind of makes me feel better thinking he still has a hand in it, however distant.
I'm not saying you guys should feel bad. I never said that. I just said personally it makes me sad and that personally I believe it is a slap in the face of the remaining actors. That isn't a diss on you guys exactly, I'm just saying that certain people saying that CSI can't go on without him, or saying that the ratings will plummet is really over dramatic and is unfair to the reamining actors. It is essentially saying that they can't carry a show without him, which is kind of jacked up. That's all I'm saying ;)!
I'm not saying you guys should feel bad. I never said that. I just said personally it makes me sad and that personally I believe it is a slap in the face of the remaining actors. That isn't a diss on you guys exactly, I'm just saying that certain people saying that CSI can't go on without him, or saying that the ratings will plummet is really over dramatic and is unfair to the reamining actors. It is essentially saying that they can't carry a show without him, which is kind of jacked up. That's all I'm saying ;)!

LOL Now we have started one of those endless "I wasn't saying that you were saying what you said, but I'm saying that..." HAHA.

No, I totally understand...I wasn't meaning it as a diss or anything. I mean, speculation about ratings and stuff is fine, everyone does it (me included), but if your battle cry, so to speak is "DROPPED RATINGS" and whatever, it's really pitiful cos there are STILL dedicated people (as we have both said) there who remain faithful to US as fans, and to the SHOW as actors. I don't think they can carry on the SAME KIND of show as when Billy was there, but they definitly can ROCK it OUT :)
I believe after this last episode that it is definitely a new show. Without WP the show will be different. I think it will be different in a good way. They will be able to be great without him.

I think it's awesome that they are showing the outward ripple of how these charcters/actors have left. They showed how Warrick dying effected them, and how Grissom leaving had impacted their lives too. All in all, I think it will be alright.
I think it's awesome that they are showing the outward ripple of how these charcters/actors have left. They showed how Warrick dying effected them, and how Grissom leaving had impacted their lives too.

I agree- I'm glad they are honoring Grissom/Billy by showing how much his presence is missed...same for Gary...That's one thing TPTB are doing right ;p
The show must go on (as Paul/Brass said), and it is; everyone is still adjusting to life without Grissom/Billy, and they are doing a really good job of it.
Yes, I must agree. They are getting along alright on screen anyways. I'm sure even though WP is still there as EP, that the presence is different. Not sharing the screen anymore with him is probably hard.

But I believe(don't quote me on it, though!) that the writers are actually doing an alright job. Not bad in my opinion. They are giving all of the characters quality writing at the moment. Kudos!
Hi people!

i was actually devastated by Warricks death... it was such a shock i actually grieved ... sounds crazy but i watch ALOT of CSI haha its like losing a limb!! and now to here about Grissom o my theres my 2 faves gone!! i'm happy that he may come back for one off episodes which are sure to be immense ones!! sara i'm not that fussed by tbh shes probs my least fave charectar....

but now... someone told me today that all of the cast are leaving except nick?! please tell me this isn't true? has anyone else heard these rumours or know if there false? PLEASE tell me there false!!
but now... someone told me today that all of the cast are leaving except nick?! please tell me this isn't true? has anyone else heard these rumours or know if there false? PLEASE tell me there false!!
That is false, the rest are signed on, and unless there is a major upheavel I doubt they are going to leave before the season is out, and may stay if asked for another. I wouldn't worry about it now, just sit back and enjoy. ;)
but now... someone told me today that all of the cast are leaving except nick?! please tell me this isn't true? has anyone else heard these rumours or know if there false? PLEASE tell me there false!!
That is false, the rest are signed on, and unless there is a major upheavel I doubt they are going to leave before the season is out, and may stay if asked for another. I wouldn't worry about it now, just sit back and enjoy. ;)

Phewwww thanks it wudnt be the same with them all just leaving! u've made my day! :)
Yeah, I don't know about Lauren Lee Smith, but the rest of the cast, including Fishburne are, at least, signed on through Season 10. So everyone should still be there at least to the end of Season 10.
I just watched this funny video on You Tube-if anyone wants I can PM them the link.

Well these two young women were talking about how sad it was Grissom was leaving, and one said, "But that's okay, Nick is still there.."

So given the age and the demographics the CSI folks seriously want to win, there's a clue..BIG CLUE on how to keep them.

If I'm in the wrong thread, Destiny, just yank me over:guffaw::guffaw:
For me, it is just as I thought it would be - different and hard to accept. It has officially been two weeks since Grissom's final episode, and I'm watching the "new" CSI half-heartedly. I'd really like to give Lawrence Fishburne a chance, but it's hard when I expect him to be a guest star and for my beloved Grissom to walk in at any second. Then reality hits, and I feel miserable throughout the whole episode. I'm actually wearing a CSI:LV t-shirt right now to honor Grissom's memory. Furthermore, I'd love to watch older episodes of the show, but I just know it would be very painful for me to watch them so soon after Grissom's departure. :(
For me, it is just as I thought it would be - different and hard to accept. It has officially been two weeks since Grissom's final episode, and I'm watching the "new" CSI half-heartedly. I'd really like to give Lawrence Fishburne a chance, but it's hard when I expect him to be a guest star and for my beloved Grissom to walk in at any second. Then reality hits, and I feel miserable throughout the whole episode. I'm actually wearing a CSI:LV t-shirt right now to honor Grissom's memory. Furthermore, I'd love to watch older episodes of the show, but I just know it would be very painful for me to watch them so soon after Grissom's departure. :(

I 210% agree.

My Dad (evil man ;p) turned on CSI last night, and I left the room, cos I just couldn't do it. But, I came back in to catch a wee glimpse, thinking "Eh, maybe I WILL watch it" and saw Laurence & Marg walking onto the crime scene together, and I was like (to quote my bestie) "That just ain't right!" and I had to not watch it.

Also, if you get SPIKE (channel) they do CSI re-run marathons for daaaaays sometimes. Right now it's CSI:NY (which I despise) but they always go back to Vegas ;) Just an idea :)

MISS you Grissom!
It's interesting, because my husband and I have found the transition remarkably painless . . . and that's especially surprising given the fact that Petersen was the whole reason we tuned in to the very first episode of "CSI" and stayed with it all these years. For us, Petersen was what made it so special. But I think we also both sensed a drifting away of Petersen in recent years. Also, he's been quite honest and open about the fact that he wouldn't stick around forever, so that prepared us for the idea that he would eventually leave. When the time finally came, I was ready for it because it seemed that Petersen -- and, by extension, Grissom -- was ready for it.

Integrating Laurence Fishburne into the cast has been, at least for me, surprisingly seamless. It appears the producers and writers have given this a lot of thought, and I honestly don't think they could have done a better job of it. I found myself enjoying last night's episode once again, and looking forward to next week!
I agree. The transition from WP to LF, in my opinion has been pretty easy. For a while I was unsure of LF coming into the picture, but the last few episodes have been great. I think he is doing a really good job.

As byline said, I think that the fact that it really come as a shock prepared me for it. I think LF with the cast is a perfect fit. Plus, it looks like the cast and him get along great. I think the writing has really suited LF as well.