Now That Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Are Gone

I really am offended that you would go so far as to say that I was never a real fan to begin with. I am not a fan of fighting or bickering, but judging someone's "fandom" by whether or not they continue watching a show is really not a qualifier, for one thing, and very, very low, and hurtful.

Anyways, is Billy gonna be in Chicago any time soon? Like February-ish? My birthday is coming up (BIG 2-3!) and I'd LOVE to treat myself to go see him :)
I really am offended that you would go so far as to say that I was never a real fan to begin with. I am not a fan of fighting or bickering, but judging someone's "fandom" by whether or not they continue watching a show is really not a qualifier, for one thing, and very, very low, and hurtful.

Anyways, is Billy gonna be in Chicago any time soon? Like February-ish? My birthday is coming up (BIG 2-3!) and I'd LOVE to treat myself to go see him :)

Thanks you very much, indeed, that is a low blow, and not true, I'm with you, and the whole cast cried and carried on at his last show, they all called him the KING and are sick at heart that he's gone. And they all hang out with him off the set, Jorja just went to Chicago to see him in his play, Marg hangs out with him, Gary and him went to ball games with him, when he lived in L.A George plays golf with him, so they must be really sad, like we are, one of the cast members stated "Billy is the heart of CSI, and we will miss him so" I'm totally depressed and am sick at heart, as they are that he's gone, and on being shocked or surprised, that's not it, it's the sadness of it all:( And I believe this thread is for Billy fans that are sad that he's leaving, not for fans who don't really care!
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I really am offended that you would go so far as to say that I was never a real fan to begin with. I am not a fan of fighting or bickering, but judging someone's "fandom" by whether or not they continue watching a show is really not a qualifier, for one thing, and very, very low, and hurtful.

Anyways, is Billy gonna be in Chicago any time soon? Like February-ish? My birthday is coming up (BIG 2-3!) and I'd LOVE to treat myself to go see him :)

THanks you very much, indeed, that is a low blow, and not true, I'm with you, and the whole cast cried and carried on at his last show, they all called him the KING and are sick at heart that he's gone. And they all hang out with him off the set, Jorja just went to Chicago to see him in his play, Marg hangs out with him, Gary and him went to ball games with him, when he lived in L.A George plays golf with him, so they must be really sad, like we are, one of the cast members stated "Billy is the heart of CSI, and we will miss him so" I'm totally depressed and am sick at heart, as they are that he's gone, and on being shocked or surprised, that's not it, it's the sadness of it all:(

Really, but it's not a low blow for all of you to say how Grissom is what made CSI and the show can't go on without him. If you ask me, that is not a fan of the show and that is a low blow to the other actors that are on that show to say that they are not good enough to carry on the show without Grissom. If I was them I would be offended and be hurt by that.

They called him the King, so what, that doesn't mean or that they meant that Petersen/Grissom was the be all and end all of CSI.

So they cried when he left, that doesn't have anything to do with the show going on or if the ratings will drop. If the actors that are left on the show truly feel that show can't go on without Petersen/Grissom, then they all would've left and NOT renewed their contracts.

How the cast feels about Peteresen/Grissom is a mute point.

How much time the cast spent together off set doesn't have anything to do with who watches the show and who will watch it after Grissom leaves.

I, also, mentioned in my post that I was NOT talking to anyone in particular, but to all those who claim to be a fan of the show and yet will abandon it just because Grissom is not the show anymore. No, I feel that doesn't make a person a fan of the show. People are either a fan of the show, a fan of a particular character only or both. If a person is a fan of just a particular character/actor then they're a fan of the character/actor and watch the show because of that actor. Now if you stop watching the show, you say you're a fan of, just because your favorite actor/character leaves, then, no, I don't think this person is a fan of the show.

That's my opinion and is not insulting in anyway.
Okay then fan vs not fan, that topic is always like a spinning wheel, anyone ever notice that? Lets just keep in mind that we started watching the show for many reasons, those which kept us glued every ep, even if we didn't like the way the storyline went, or what a character said or did, or whatever.

Don't get me wrong I am not a believer in the term "true fan" it implies something complicated and yet nothing. Your a fan or your not, the "true" part is just a term to make one think they are glued more to a show, a character, or an actor, the only exception is if you are married to said actor.

I am sure there are many fans of Petersen, Fox or Dourdan who will not watch because they left, that is their decision, just as I am sure there will be many who will stay despite their leaving to watch whom they might consider their second favorites or other fans who consider other stars on the show their favs. and those who like the overall cast, and show. But as I am sure of that, I am just as sure that the new cast members will bring new fans to the show who might not have watched it otherwise. Fineally there are those who come to the show every week that is new or who left prior (after a certain season) to see what is going on, and be interested again.

Lastly Spirited debates are not always a bad thing they keep us on our toes, but they have to be taken in stride and with an agree to disagree in mind when doing so to allow yourselves to be drawn in to far deminishes the entire purpose.
I really am offended that you would go so far as to say that I was never a real fan to begin with. I am not a fan of fighting or bickering, but judging someone's "fandom" by whether or not they continue watching a show is really not a qualifier, for one thing, and very, very low, and hurtful.

Anyways, is Billy gonna be in Chicago any time soon? Like February-ish? My birthday is coming up (BIG 2-3!) and I'd LOVE to treat myself to go see him :)

Boy, I'll miss these debates.

I think it's okay to grieve the loss of such a monumental figure as Grissom. I think what offends me and I don't see it on this board, but in other places where I hear such terms as the show is going to s*ck without Billy P. To me it does a great disservice to the other actors who have worked so hard to make it a great show. I think that's why those of us who don't have Grissom as our number one character feel offended-least I do.

I'm very upset that Grissom left, I may not have been a fan of his relatinship with Sara, but he was one wacky, crazy guy. A real grumpy, loveable curmudgeon with some great lines. He was a loveable soul.

You're not saying that, or at least that's not how I read it, but it's okay to grieve. I'd grieve if George left because I think he's as equally the heart of the show-in fact the show had and has many, many hearts and while Grissom was 'the king', Nick is the prince, Catherine the Queen Victoria of the show(she's heralded as one of the greatest Queens) of the that CSI has been blessed with such dedicated actors-some of whom Billy handpicked-like George and Robert David Hall..he knew he wasn't going to stay forever, and if the show continued, he wanted good people in place.
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I'm sorry if you consider what speedystokesgirl said a "low blow" but the fact of the matter is, IMO you weren't a real fan of the show if you leave with your main character. You were a fan of the actor, not technically the show. IMO if you were a fan of the show, you would stay regardless of who left.

The other three main actors will do just fine. And yes, I'm not going to lie, it is a possibility that CSI may dip a tad in the ratings but nothing to serious. Alot of people, myself included, joined the show for the crimes and for the aspect of the show. So, I don't see the show going anywhere anytime soon. :)
It might actually do better, because it would bring back a lot of the viewers who turned off when GSR began (That's not an attack, it's a fact. I know a lot of people who no longer watch the show because the relationship and the writing ruined it for them).

Also, this will be the first CSI show with a female front-runner. Props to Marg!
True, very true. The fans who left because of GSR, plus the people who want to see LF will add to the numbers. I'm not scurred! CSI will do it's thang and be back for years to come.

And cheers to Marg for being awesome. She's the first female, as it should be, to lead CSI. I think alot of people will tune into see that too.
And cheers to Marg for being awesome. She's the first female, as it should be, to lead CSI. I think alot of people will tune into see that too.

HECK YEAH cheers to Marg! *cheers* HA...right...anyway... :p
I'm excited to hear how everyone thinks she's doing, which I'm sure will be AMAZING.
It might actually do better, because it would bring back a lot of the viewers who turned off when GSR began (That's not an attack, it's a fact. I know a lot of people who no longer watch the show because the relationship and the writing ruined it for them).

I consider myself to be one of those people. (first time posting, woo!)

I lost interest in the show around the time the relationship kicked into high gear. It's not like the relationship ruined the show for me. I just...didn't find it particularly interesting. I don't watch much television. CSI was one of the few things I really dug. But sadly, it just didn't keep me hooked and I stopped caring about watching it. I hadn't seen any of the past few seasons episodes until I became extremely bored over Christmas. News of Peterson's departure had me curious enough to get caught up on what I missed. Which was apparently...a lot :shifty:. (like most of season 6, and all of 7, 8, and 9)

Now, don't get me wrong, I like the Grissom character, I found him to be very unique and interesting. But then again, I find all the cast of Vegas to be unique and interesting. It's one of the things I that drew me in about the show initially. I think Fishburne is a fantastic addition and can't wait to see how his character adapts to his new job. (I'm still in utter shock they managed to get Fishburne for the show to begin with) I also look forward to seeing how the rest of the cast adapts to Grissom being gone. So, for the first time in a long time, I'm tuning in again.

I can't wait to see what happens next.
This whole discussion is interesting. The posters who seem to be the most passionate about being a 'true fan' are the ones whose favorite character(s) remain. Coincidence? I think not. If the 3 remaining main characters were to leave at the end of this season, or whenever, would these posters still be 'true fans'? My point is, don't be hypocritical; viewers come and go. Just because I may stop watching because my favorite character has left, or I require a good reason to watch, like good writing, doesn't make me less of a fan. CSI has set a high standard; I expect them to live by that. If they don't deliver, I'm not going to feel guilty about not watching.
This whole discussion is interesting. The posters who seem to be the most passionate about being a 'true fan' are the ones whose favorite character(s) remain. Coincidence? I think not. If the 3 remaining main characters were to leave at the end of this season, or whenever, would these posters still be 'true fans'? My point is, don't be hypocritical; viewers come and go. Just because I may stop watching because my favorite character has left, or I require a good reason to watch, like good writing, doesn't make me less of a fan. CSI has set a high standard; I expect them to live by that. If they don't deliver, I'm not going to feel guilty about not watching.


You said it very, very well. In fact, I'm basically speechless...and I CERTIANLY agree with your comment about the passionate/true fans...Totally true.
I'm returning to the fold. I left when I couldn't get through an episode without having to watch some of the GSR soap opera. Let's get back to what the show was intended to be: a procedural. And props to Cat as "The Boss!"
This whole discussion is interesting. The posters who seem to be the most passionate about being a 'true fan' are the ones whose favorite character(s) remain. Coincidence? I think not. If the 3 remaining main characters were to leave at the end of this season, or whenever, would these posters still be 'true fans'? My point is, don't be hypocritical; viewers come and go. Just because I may stop watching because my favorite character has left, or I require a good reason to watch, like good writing, doesn't make me less of a fan. CSI has set a high standard; I expect them to live by that. If they don't deliver, I'm not going to feel guilty about not watching.

Actually, for me, you'd be wrong. I watched the show and became a fan of it long before Nick became one of my favorite characters and I would still watch it even if he left. In fact Warrick was one of my favorites too and Grissom.

You're right the writing isn't always good, that's true for every show, but if I didn't care for the episode then I don't watch it.

I'm with the majority of the people, I will miss Grissom and I will feel his absence, just like I feel Warrick's absence. Sorry, but I don't miss Sara, like I don't miss Sophia.
This whole discussion is interesting. The posters who seem to be the most passionate about being a 'true fan' are the ones whose favorite character(s) remain. Coincidence? I think not. If the 3 remaining main characters were to leave at the end of this season, or whenever, would these posters still be 'true fans'? My point is, don't be hypocritical; viewers come and go. Just because I may stop watching because my favorite character has left, or I require a good reason to watch, like good writing, doesn't make me less of a fan. CSI has set a high standard; I expect them to live by that. If they don't deliver, I'm not going to feel guilty about not watching.

Actually, for me, you'd be wrong. I watched the show and became a fan of it long before Nick became one of my favorite characters and I would still watch it even if he left. In fact Warrick was one of my favorites too and Grissom.

You're right the writing isn't always good, that's true for every show, but if I didn't care for the episode then I don't watch it.

I'm with the majority of the people, I will miss Grissom and I will feel his absence, just like I feel Warrick's absence. Sorry, but I don't miss Sara, like I don't miss Sophia.

Thank you! I agree. My original favorite characters were Warrick and Sara. After that, it was Brass and then Nick.

Warrick is gone and I still watch the show. Even after the writers completely and 100% botched his character(my opinon of course), I still watched it. In between then, Nick and Sophia grew on me. So yeah, I stayed regardless of who left. Sophia is gone and I'm still watching it.

I base my viewership by an episode-by-episode scenario. If I see a promo for an episode I know I'm not gonna like, I don't bother watching, or commenting on it.

Sorry if my previous post offended some. That was not the intent. i was just putting my opinion out there.;)