Now That Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Are Gone

I thought this was, and will repeat about 3 main characters leaving and their fans, It's not about the rest of the cast. and I remember when one character was killed off, I was glad but if some fans liked this character, I wouldn't go on and on how I didn't. This is about Billy, Jorja and Gary being gone, in saying that, last night I saw the preview of tonights ep, and shed a tear, cause' Grissom wasn't there. To me this character was the teams boss, their mentor and their idol, and his fans., devastated on his departure. And, to me and mega others he is the most charismatic, charming, magnetic character ever on TV. He was born to play this role, and big kudos to Anthony Zuiker and Jerry Bruckheimer, for realizing that. On his looks:drool: his beautiful curly hair, his incredible sexy, dreamy eyes, the thick black eyelashes, the perfect nose, and his sensual lips and the killer dimple. And his always exciting expressions, no one like them or him:thumbsup:

Jorja Fox/Sara Sidle..I liked her from the onset, her pretty face her smile, her trim figure, and her dedication to her job. Her intensity, her total interest in the cases. her unique voice, and a bit of southern in it, and even the little gap between her teeth:) And an amazing actress, she has a special AURA the best. From sweetness, to anger, to so compassionate towards children. Her camaraderie with her team mates, and her choice of the guy she wanted, and got. She as well will be missed by her fans:(

Gary Dourdan/Warrick Brown.. I loved every episode he was ever in, a total consumate actor also intense brooding quick to anger, but loving, kind compassionate and loved his team mates. His connection especially with his buddy Nick. His admiration for Grissom. So handsome and sexy, and he will be missed by his fans:(
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I intend to keep watching, myself. We still have the same showrunners and directors. They have added a couple of proven writers in David Weddle and Bradley Thompson. The collaborative atmosphere fostered by William Petersen from the start of the series has given everyone in the main cast chances to carry an episode and they have proven themsleves quite capable. Lauren Lee Smith seems to be excited about her role and Laurence Fishburne is the consummate professional. He's astute enough to realize he's just one of the team.

Billy has always been first and foremost a theater guy so his departure doesn't surprise me. It doesn't mean I won't miss him, though. CSI made me a Billy/Grissom fan. It won't be the same CSI but it will still be a good show. I feel we've lost the two main geeks in Grissom and Sara so I look for Greg to fill that role now along with some help from Hodges. I've always seen Greg as quirky enough to be another Grissom. He just happens to be cooler.:thumbsup:

Nick has always demonstrated grace under pressure and he'll be the "go to " guy for Catherine as her second in command. I've always seen Nick's character as dogged and trustworthy, traits we saw admirably displayed numerous times. I wasn't that much of a Jorja/Sara fan until the latter part of the series. Once the character matured and started living for herself, she was a lot easier for me to deal with. To me, there was only one place Grissom was going to go when he left. Otherwise, why bother?

I have always like Marg and I feel she will do a great job of carrying the lead. I'll miss her interactions with Grissom,; they were some of the best moments of the series. Catherine will slide into the role of supervisor once again seamlessly.

Warrick's street smarts will be hard to replace. He was the only one that didn't always defer to Grissom. He also seemed to have more of personal relationship with Grissom than Nick or Greg. I kind of always saw him as Grissom's "problem child" but you could never question his heart. I think that's why Grissom looked to Warrick as his successor at one time.

I made the mistake of bailing on NYPD Blue when Jimmy Smits left and I still regret it. The cast e have now have a lot to offer and I'm looking forward to a slightly different CSI.
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I am going to still watch the show. Sara is my favorite character and I still watched after she left. Also in my top favs are Warrick and Grissom. But I still do like Brass, Nick, Greg and Catherine as well as everyone else. I'm gonna continue to watch CSI until it no longer is the quality show that I've come to love and admire. I'll be sad not to have three main characters in the show anymore but I'm not ready to say goodbye...
I tried to watch CSI last night...Could NOT do it...I just got this really empty someone (guess who?) was missing and something wasn't entirely complete. I don't know- that's just how I felt..I'm hoping not too many other people feel that way, but it definitley confirmed my decisions...which made me kinda :(

I miss you SO much Billy! And CONGRATS to the rest of the amazin' cast for surviving without him- love ya'll too :)
I tried to watch CSI last night...Could NOT do it...I just got this really empty someone (guess who?) was missing and something wasn't entirely complete. I don't know- that's just how I felt..I'm hoping not too many other people feel that way, but it definitley confirmed my decisions...which made me kinda :(

I miss you SO much Billy! And CONGRATS to the rest of the amazin' cast for surviving without him- love ya'll too :)

I won't call you out for not watching CSI, but I hope you change your mind. Maybe you'll hear about an awesome storyline and come back.

I was a Grissom fan for eons, but then I fell for Nick after Grave Danger. That performance hooked me and he's been in my heart since.

But would feel very bad if the show went off the air because Grissom is gone. I know he was at the centre, but Billy really worked to bring others to the forefront because he knew he wasn't going to stay forever.

He wasn't and isn't getting any younger and he wants to return to his heart-the stage and I get that quite well. He's always been very honest about not wanting to stay forever on the show.

But I think he wants CSI fans to watch the show and watch the people he molded like George.

You know, he picked George for the role of Nick Stokes. George struggles with auditions becaus his nerves alwasy get the best of him. Yet Billy saw through that and brought him on board. Billy also picked Robert David Hall to be the Coronor-a guy who struggled in the business for years.

In addition, he gave David Rambo his big break!

So thanks to Billy Petersen, talented actors and writers have careers.

And for those reasons, I'm staying on board because Billy's not there, but the show he created is.

I now think of the show as a book by my favourite author. ;) CSI is now a novel, and Billy P is one of the authors.
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I was one of those who vowed that when William Petersen left, I'd be gone, too. He was the reason my husband and I first started watching "CSI" (we're bigtime "Manhunter" fans), and he's one of the main reasons we kept on watching. I felt that the series could withstand the departure of any of the leads -- including Jorja Fox and Gary Dourdan -- but not him. For me, he was a big part of what made "CSI" special.

So I confess that after Petersen's last episode, I was feeling all "doom and gloom" about this series. After Thursday night, I was surprised -- but happy -- to realize that that feeling had vanished completely. One reason is because, even though Grissom is gone, the heart, humor and camaraderie that marked the first several seasons, in particular, were back. Also, the focus was more on the science of the cases, including the neat little bomb experiment that Ray conducted, getting both Greg and Hodges in on the act. It felt like old times . . . without being "old" times, if you know what I mean.

As a result, even though Grissom will always be my favorite "CSI" character, I feel confident now that the series can, and will, continue on without him. And that does my heart good, because I've always looked forward to my little Thursday-night "CSI" fix. I would have missed that even more than Grissom!
I won't call you out for not watching CSI, but I hope you change your mind. Maybe you'll hear about an awesome storyline and come back.

I was a Grissom fan for eons, but then I fell for Nick after Grave Danger. That performance hooked me and he's been in my heart since.

But would feel very bad if the show went off the air because Grissom is gone. I know he was at the centre, but Billy really worked to bring others to the forefront because he knew he wasn't going to stay forever.

He wasn't and isn't getting any younger and he wants to return to his heart-the stage and I get that quite well. He's always been very honest about not wanting to stay forever on the show.

But I think he wants CSI fans to watch the show and watch the people he molded like George.

You know, he picked George for the role of Nick Stokes. George struggles with auditions becaus his nerves alwasy get the best of him. Yet Billy saw through that and brought him on board. Billy also picked Robert David Hall to be the Coronor-a guy who struggled in the business for years.

In addition, he gave David Rambo his big break!

So thanks to Billy Petersen, talented actors and writers have careers.

And for those reasons, I'm staying on board because Billy's not there, but the show he created is.

I now think of the show as a book by my favourite author. ;) CSI is now a novel, and Billy P is one of the authors.
Thanks :) It's nice to be allowed to say what I think and not get booed for it.
On another note, I really really hope I can make it back to the show-Even though I kept saying "When Billy leaves, I'm done" I really didn't believe it, except maybe once or twice, truth be told...I compromised with myself, and decided that I, at least for right now, can't be religious about watching CSI (like I was), but I would still stick with it...even if I'm not like, totally freaking out over having one of the TVs in our house :p I don't want to abandon it, because Billy didn't, and I wanna hang on for everyone else (Robert, Marg, George, etc) that I still love and hold in the utmost respect.

I love how you said that CSI is like a's the book you can't put down! And you are right about Billy working hard to bring others to the forefront..That's the beautiful thing about thing I definitley love him for..

Thanks for the encouragement and info; I never knew that's why he chose George, but I'm veeery glad that he did. But seriously, thanks for not being mean about it :) Everyone keep me filled in on how greeeeat the show still is and I'll come back soon :)
To me Grissom left at the end of season 6 with 'way to go' i don't care to much about his leaving, although happy to finally get rid of GSR.

And yes, grissom was my favorite character by far.
Hey Criminologist I feel your pain, it was so weird to watch this ep. without him. I realize that when that Keppler character was on, it to me was beyond boring, but we all knew he'd come back. Now in saying that, Billy still has his hand as ex. producer on CSI, so hopefully he'll return for William Friedkin's directoral appearance in April, that's not too long off:shifty:a description for me on the other nights ep. was like a hugh puzzle, and the middle big piece is missing, so you can't finish the whole thing. It was a good show, but he's not in it, so the excellence BILLY is missing~
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Hey Criminologist I feel your pain, it was so weird to watch this ep. without him. I realize that when that Keppler character was on, it to me was beyond boring, but we all knew he'd come back. Now in saying that, Billy still has his hand as ex. producer on CSI, so hopefully he'll return for William Friedkin's directoral appearance in April, that's not too long off:shifty:a description for me on the other nights ep. was like a hugh puzzle, and the middle big part is missing, so you can't finish the whole thing. It was a good show but he's not in it, so the excellence of it is missing~

I agree...Although I think the 'excellence' is still there- because Marg, Eric, George, Robert, etc all measured up somehow, to Billy's idea of excellence, and the fact that they have been on for almost 10 seasons really speaks to that...However, a big part of the excellence of the show left/died with Grissom/Billy's Laurence Fishburne said "Daddy has left, and Uncle Fish is stepping in" I mean who can word that any better??

April seems like a LONG ways off...when is the 200th episode airing, or has there been a date? I totally forget...I think the excellence of CSI will continue, and does continue, but I think it lost pretty big/significant chunks with the departures of Jorja & Gary, and now Billy, but I really don't want to discredit the excellent skills and abilities of those remaining, because had Billy not seen some high standard they had in them, they wouldn't be on the show, moreover they wouldn't have lasted this long.


I still miss Billy though :(
Hey Criminologist I feel your pain, it was so weird to watch this ep. without him. I realize that when that Keppler character was on, it to me was beyond boring, but we all knew he'd come back. Now in saying that, Billy still has his hand as ex. producer on CSI, so hopefully he'll return for William Friedkin's directoral appearance in April, that's not too long off:shifty:a description for me on the other nights ep. was like a hugh puzzle, and the middle big part is missing, so you can't finish the whole thing. It was a good show but he's not in it, so the excellence of it is missing~

I agree...Although I think the 'excellence' is still there- because Marg, Eric, George, Robert, etc all measured up somehow, to Billy's idea of excellence, and the fact that they have been on for almost 10 seasons really speaks to that...However, a big part of the excellence of the show left/died with Grissom/Billy's Laurence Fishburne said "Daddy has left, and Uncle Fish is stepping in" I mean who can word that any better??

April seems like a LONG ways off...when is the 200th episode airing, or has there been a date? I totally forget...I think the excellence of CSI will continue, and does continue, but I think it lost pretty big/significant chunks with the departures of Jorja & Gary, and now Billy, but I really don't want to discredit the excellent skills and abilities of those remaining, because had Billy not seen some high standard they had in them, they wouldn't be on the show, moreover they wouldn't have lasted this long.


I still miss Billy though :(

Thank you for realizing that Billy WASN'T the whole show. He was simply an aspect of it. Yes, a BIG aspect of it but an aspect none the less. I will also miss Billy and Gary. Both are such great actors, so full of life. Totally made the show worth it. But I think the remaining three will serve the show justice and live up to it's expectations. I mean, the first few episodes without Billy will be hard to watch for some of you, but I honestly think after a while you'll get used to it...maybe.
Hey Criminologist I feel your pain, it was so weird to watch this ep. without him. I realize that when that Keppler character was on, it to me was beyond boring, but we all knew he'd come back. Now in saying that, Billy still has his hand as ex. producer on CSI, so hopefully he'll return for William Friedkin's directoral appearance in April, that's not too long off:shifty:a description for me on the other nights ep. was like a hugh puzzle, and the middle big part is missing, so you can't finish the whole thing. It was a good show but he's not in it, so the excellence of it is missing~

I agree...Although I think the 'excellence' is still there- because Marg, Eric, George, Robert, etc all measured up somehow, to Billy's idea of excellence, and the fact that they have been on for almost 10 seasons really speaks to that...However, a big part of the excellence of the show left/died with Grissom/Billy's Laurence Fishburne said "Daddy has left, and Uncle Fish is stepping in" I mean who can word that any better??

April seems like a LONG ways off...when is the 200th episode airing, or has there been a date? I totally forget...I think the excellence of CSI will continue, and does continue, but I think it lost pretty big/significant chunks with the departures of Jorja & Gary, and now Billy, but I really don't want to discredit the excellent skills and abilities of those remaining, because had Billy not seen some high standard they had in them, they wouldn't be on the show, moreover they wouldn't have lasted this long.


I still miss Billy though :(

Thank you for realizing that Billy WASN'T the whole show. He was simply an aspect of it. Yes, a BIG aspect of it but an aspect none the less. I will also miss Billy and Gary. Both are such great actors, so full of life. Totally made the show worth it. But I think the remaining three will serve the show justice and live up to it's expectations. I mean, the first few episodes without Billy will be hard to watch for some of you, but I honestly think after a while you'll get used to it...maybe.

By "aspect" I meant 99.9% of the show...I really don't think there would be this big of an "issue" (I have no clue what else to call it) if Billy were still there...And by 'chunks' I mean like, divide the show into like, 7 big pieces (Jorja, Gary, Billy, George, Marg, Robert and Eric) and take away 3 of them (Jorja, Gary & Billy) and that's the chunkage I mean...I should have said that but at the time, I hadn't thought of this analogy yet...I'm talking big/very significant chunks...but I do love and adore the remaining actors...and I think saying "simply" an aspect of it isn't the greatest wording...I'm not giving into someone else's opinion, I'm coming to my own realisation, just to clarify that up a wee bit.

Cheers all
No I understand what you mean. It makes sense to me. Sometimes certain characters and actors mean more to us then others. I guess I have to think long and hard, if George and Marg left along with Gary, would I still watch. I think I would, but until that threat is put into motion, I guess I'll never know.

I think that the actors remaining will do the actors who left justice. I mean, CSI is many of the actors most recognizable roles. And if that's the case then cheers to them and the writers for writing such great characters.

I will admit, watching "The Grave Shift" was weird to watch without WP, but it was almost like a second pilot episode, which I know is an oxymoron, but regardless. I feel like it is a new show. Revitalized. The way it was shot was interesting. The way the music played was great. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the show, IMO will go on. I just hope it is with the same quality as before. Time will tell!
No I understand what you mean. It makes sense to me. Sometimes certain characters and actors mean more to us then others. I guess I have to think long and hard, if George and Marg left along with Gary, would I still watch. I think I would, but until that threat is put into motion, I guess I'll never know.

I think that the actors remaining will do the actors who left justice. I mean, CSI is many of the actors most recognizable roles. And if that's the case then cheers to them and the writers for writing such great characters.

I will admit, watching "The Grave Shift" was weird to watch without WP, but it was almost like a second pilot episode, which I know is an oxymoron, but regardless. I feel like it is a new show. Revitalized. The way it was shot was interesting. The way the music played was great. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the show, IMO will go on. I just hope it is with the same quality as before. Time will tell!

Oh I'm sure it will...with no to little problems. Quality doesn't always lie in one person, it lies in everyone involved; from cast to crew to the guy who caters their lunch. :)
And the comment on how The Grave Shift was like a 2nd pilot- I SO agree, even though I didn't really watch it...It's hard, yeah, and it will be for a while, but there is still an AMAZING Executive Producer and members of cast continuing on in the great television phenomenon and tradition of excellence called CSI.
Oh yeah, I agree. I think the show will do fine. It just makes me sad when people think that the show is going to automatically tank now that certain people aren't there. It's kind of a slap in the face of the remaining actors in my opinion.