Now That Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Are Gone

Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

I'm just so sad that Billy is leaving CSI. It's bad enough that Warrick is gone, but now Grissom too? (Especially if Nick/Warrick and Gil/Nick are your OTPs) My parings have left the air, but at least they're still alive in fiction! And at least Grissom left with a glimmer of hope for Nick.

Ok, but this is not the place for pairings. So don't knock mine.

I can't believe Billy is not sad about going. Must be kinda silly right? On one hand we have the fans like us mourning the loss of Grissom and Billy from our tv sets, and on the other, the man himself is probably soaking up some Chicago, um, wind and sighing with relief, "Phew! Glad that's (CSI) over!"

Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

Just a friendly reminder to all the new folks you have 24 hrs to edit your post and add what you need, we try to discourage back to back (ie one after another) posting. ;)
Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

Hi destiny, hope you won't mind it iI do this just this once! I have too much to say and if it's all compressed together, it'll look like a thesis. I tried to break it up by topic too!
Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

You're totally welcome :) I'm glad people are using this thread to vent :) Just make sure we stay on topic as much as possible :)
The conversations/posts on here are really theraputic, so let's continue keeping it that way; way to go people :p

I miss you, Billy....
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Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

Hi destiny, hope you won't mind it iI do this just this once! I have too much to say and if it's all compressed together, it'll look like a thesis. I tried to break it up by topic too!
Hi Chipper, I understand that, my advice when you quote to answer instead of the whole thread, quote the sections you are speaking to or about, and don't worry about length as long as you are saying something, and not quoting to just say "YAY" then that is it, it is more then welcome. ;)
Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

you know i used to hate the thing that i live in austria and have to wait so long to see the new episodes, but now i start to consider is as quite positive, so i don't have to see grissom leaving CSI, and i don't have to see warrick dying! of course i got all the information from the internet, because i can't resist my curiosity.

but i really don't want to see grissom going, it's sad enough to picture that.
it's GRISSOM! :(

it used to be HIS series and without him it's not gonna be the same, not at all. i think the whole thing is going to destroy my passion for CSI, well i think i'm afraid it might do.
Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

Billy must be deeply dedicated to Chicago living. The National Weather Service posted this for the area today:
Meanwhile, it's eighty degrees in Los Angeles. I wonder how Mrs. Petersen feels about that.

Well considering Mrs. Petersen, AKA Gina Cirrone, is from Chicago herself and has a big family there, she probably likes it just fine.

I don't want to get in trouble for double posting and I can't figure out how to quote two different posts here so I'm going to copy and paste:

From Chipper:

"Oh that note, Billy will never experience the ups and downs of being a stage actor looking for work nor ever again worry about playing to empty houses.

There are a lot of real-life Joey Tribiannis out there my friends, stage-wise. Between playing to half-empty houses and waiting on tables to make ends meet when they can't find work, it's an oscillating lifestyle.

I mean, Blackbird. No idea what it's about, but I would sure as hell love to travel great distances to watch Billy live!

He's extremely lucky in the sense that his TV exposure (and all the fans) on CSI means that they'll probably be the ones filling most of the audience seats.

What I guess I mean is that he's bound to be successful in his post-CSI stageworks, so fans can be happy for him and rest easy! "

Billy struggled just like the rest in the 70's as an actor in Chicago. He's played to a handful of people before as well as having to do it all behind the scenes. He's been an associate of the Victory Gardens theater since 1998 and hewas well loved in Chicago before he started on CSI so I don't think he'll have to depend on CSI fans to fill the seats. Quite honestly, I don't think he'll care how many people are watching him as long as he's following his passion.

Blackbird is a very intense play about a man who molested a 12 year old girl being confronted by her as a grown woman about what happened between them. I can't wait to see how he handles the role.
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Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

Ya'll ever have those days when, you go about it normally, and then all of the sudden you get this like, sudden memory of someone who isn't really a part of your life anymore? Like a best friend that moved away or a relative that died? I was on the hunt for a planner today (those things are WAY harder to find than you think!) and all of the sudden I remembered a whole bunch of lines/scenes Billy has done on CSI and got all sad and weepy...*sigh* I hate Billy withdrawl.
Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

I don't want to get in trouble for double posting and I can't figure out how to quote two different posts here so I'm going to copy and paste
At the bottom of each post you see the option to "quote" it right, look next to that and you will see
click that on each post then after that go to the bottom of the thread and click "Reply" and all the posts you multi quoted will show up, all you have to do then is remove from the quotes what you don't need and leave in what you want to address. Hope that helps.
Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

Well considering Mrs. Petersen, AKA Gina Cirrone, is from Chicago herself and has a big family there, she probably likes it just fine.
One of the great George Burns' famous quips is "Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city."
I have good friends who spent many years living in Chicago too. They greatly prefer living in a warmer place.
Remember, America was settled by people who were all born in another place that they wanted to leave.
Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

Goshdarnit, is Chicago really that cold? -Brr!-

So relating back to Billy, these couple of years will be primetime to see him live in action in Chicago theatre.

Any Chicago natives can share their experience about the windy city?
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Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

There's a CSI marathon on SPIKE today (most episodes from 2000) and I about bawled upon seeing it...I can't watch it yet! Even the older ones WITH Grissom....MAN that guy has no clue how he has totally ruined me....*sigh*

Chipper: if you get on there are tons of people who have done Dublin Carol fan reviews/fan meets...I highly recommend it.
Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

Grissom "we will miss you with every beat of our hearts," but his exit was spectatular, he's a happy, fulfilled, sastisfied, contented man and where he wants to be, and I guess that goes for Billy as well, although he's left many fans dismayed and in despair, I can't imagine watching this without thinking "where's Gil"? and that isn't to take away from the other cast members, it's just a tough road to tread without his stunning presence, "he's 1,000 watt light in a 100 watt world"
Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

Desertwind: VERY well said...Did you come up with that, or are you quoting someone? I really, really miss him...I was watching "Pledging Mr. Johnson" today and just thought about how many episodes after that Billy was in, and now he's gone.... *CRIES*
Re: Goodbye Grissom/Billy Support Group

On that line Criminologist I think I read it somwwhere on another Billy site, and wrote it down, but it does fit doesn't it? and he's listed in todays PARADE part of the Sunday paper, along with the other two departed stars!

Q CSI has been a hit since it's debut. So why would the producers drop three of it's biggest stars WILLIAM PETERSEN Jorja Fox, and Gary Dourdan? name witheld, Clovis, CA.
A After eight years, viewers get tired of the same faces [excuse me]:confused:and the actors get bored dong the same thing. Those three stars all left voluntarily. Incendentally, while Marg Helgenberger has survived the CSI upheavel, she and actor Alan Rosenberg recently seperated after 19 years!

Another line that describes him ENIGMA hard to understand or explain--mysterious:shifty: