Nick Song Fic Ch #8 - "Angel"- Now up!

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Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge #3 - "The Change" - Now Open

Any chance I could play too? I've got all day Friday to try to write one, right?

Or do I have to have already said that I was trying?

Essentially it's just the song and 2k words right? I can do that...

Yay :D Great that you join :) Another fic to read and review for us :D

Can't wait until they're all up ;)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge #3 - "The Change" - Now Open

Any chance I could play too? I've got all day Friday to try to write one, right?

Or do I have to have already said that I was trying?

Essentially it's just the song and 2k words right? I can do that...

Yes, you're certainly welcome to join! :)

As stated, the only guidelines are to use the song as inspiration in some way, Nick is the main character, and the word limit is 2,000.

Also, please remember not to post the story here, but rather send it to the email address in my profile (or you can PM it if it's short enough).

Can't wait to read them all!! :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge #3 - "The Change" - Now Open

Okay--so just PM the story. Not a link or anything?

With a Title and brief summary?
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge #3 - "The Change" - Now Open

Okay--so just PM the story. Not a link or anything?

With a Title and brief summary?

Yes, pm or email to Smokey. Her email adress can be found in her profile. A brief summary for your story would be good :D
And definitly NO links :)

Can't wait to start reading :D
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge #3 - "The Change" - Now Open

Just a reminder....fics can be emailed to the address in my profile, either as an attached file or just pasted into the body of the email. Or if it's not too long for a PM you can send it that way. :)

Favor? Just to make sure that I don't accidentally leave anyone out...this is a list of the folks that I think are submitting stories this round. If you're on the list and not going to send a story, could you please let me know? And if you're not on the list and are going to send one, could you please let me know? :)

Thanks! Here's the list:

Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge #3 - "The Change" - Now Open

Hey guys, just wanted to offer you my most humble apologies for not updating the last challenge sooner.

It's now done and updated, each story now includes the author and a page to their own reviews from the board. Stories that were published on FFNet have links on the review page (special thanks to NickyFan for helping me find the ones that were published :thumbsup:).

I recommend you refresh your cache if you're planning to revisit the site.

Looking forward to reading the next challenge!
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge #3 - "The Change" - Now Open

Great work E. :thumbsup: We can be glad to have you doing that... it's an awful lot of work... Well done :D

Can't wait to read the new stories for the thrid challenge :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge #3 - "The Change" - Now Open

Hey guys, just wanted to offer you my most humble apologies for not updating the last challenge sooner.

It's now done and updated, each story now includes the author and a page to their own reviews from the board. Stories that were published on FFNet have links on the review page (special thanks to NickyFan for helping me find the ones that were published :thumbsup:).

I recommend you refresh your cache if you're planning to revisit the site.

Looking forward to reading the next challenge!

Thanks Egeria.:thumbsup:
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge #3 - "The Change" - Now Open

Just wanted to let you know we're almost ready with the next round, but it will probably be Monday before they're up. Now, now...don't fret. They're worth waiting for! :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge #3 - "The Change" - Now Open

Just wanted to let you know we're almost ready with the next round, but it will probably be Monday before they're up. Now, now...don't fret. They're worth waiting for! :)

Monday??? Are you kidding??? No, I know... but I am :lol:

I think till Monday I can hold on, as impatient as I am... I'd like to review them before I'm net-less :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge #3 - "The Change" - Now Open

Aww I hope you get to read *and* review them all before you lose your internet access!
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge #3 - "The Change" - Stories Up!

I'm stoked for this one. Again, pun intended. :lol:
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge #3 - "The Change" - Now Open

Nick Fic Song Challenge
Round Three


Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the third round of the Nick Fic Song Challenge! We had another great turnout! :) The stories are up for you to read on our beautiful site created for us by Egeria, complete with a homepage and links to individual challenge pages! Great job! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :)

Here are a few guidelines for reading and reviewing:

1. Remember, for now the stories are anonymous. Please do not reveal which story you wrote. We will unveil the authors in a few days.

2. Story authors/participants - Please leave feedback for each story. That's why we're doing we can learn from each other and improve as we go along. And because this is anonymous for now, please remember to leave some feedback for your own story too. :)

3. Lurkers - You are most welcome to read and review the stories too! We just ask that you follow and respect the guidelines here as well. The exception is that you may leave reviews for as few or as many stories as you like. (Authors - Please do not take offense if a lurker reviews only one or two stories or does not review yours.)

4. Please make your feedback as positive and constructive as possible. Constructive means that it's meant to be helpful and it's said in a nice way. There will be zero tolerance for meanness here from anyone.

5. Please try to make your feedback a little more than just "Good job" or "Nice story". We all look forward to hearing some thoughtful input on our work. :) And for now let's focus on the content of the story more so than the format, grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. For some people this is their first fic and/or English may not be their first language, and those are all things that a good beta could fix if this weren't a challenge. :)

6. Feedback should be posted here in this thread and can be done all in one post or in several posts.

7. Remember, we aren't voting for favorites on this or anything. We're just reading, reviewing, and enjoying! :)

8. Attention readers! Feedback posts will probably contain spoilers. If you do not want to be spoiled, do not read the feedback until after you read the stories.

And now, what you've all been waiting for...the third Nick Fic Song Challenge! This is a link to the homepage, so just click on the banner for this round and you'll be there!

Note: If you see an error in your story or any problems on the page, please PM Egeria ASAP.

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