Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

You can practically see the lightbulb going off right above his head. "Okay, Sofia is hot. Why didn't I realize this before?"
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

So are you writing, huh? Are you, are you?

yes yes i'm finally writing. I have no idea when i'll finish but i'm getting there.....

aww these caps are soo cute! i can't wait for shooting stars!
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

something along the lines of Nick realizing how Sofia treats him diferently from the other after GD and how she makes him laugh. maybe after shooting stars i'll find more inspiration.

are you writing anything Carol???
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Aww. You need to finish that soon, I so wanna read it.

Not right now. I'm so caught up in the E/C challenges, but I don't think I'll ever finish those. I'm in a slump right now.

I've never written a CSI fic. I'm a bit apprehensive by it.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

same here. it's funny i watched CSI for a year and a half before i started to watch Miami and yet i've never shipped anyone for CSI till now.

i'm scared to write anything other then E/C. I might screw it up. Nick/Sofia is flirty and she makes him laugh, so hopefully i can get something with that.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I don't think you can screw up Nick and Sofia. They're so much fun.

I'd go for it, but I need a plot bunny.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

oh now she HAS to do it.

Carol i double dog dare you!!! hahah sorry i was having a Christmas story moment....
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