Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

As for names, someone (sorry, I can't remember who) in the "Shooting Stars" discussion thread suggested "Sonic".

That was me! I'm so excited this ship is really starting to set sail. <g> I just think they are both so hot together and Sofia never really bothered me until it looked like they were trying to match her up with Grissom.

Honestly, I am a firm believer that Gil Grissom is one hot older guy (bugs and all) but come one! Warrick?? Nick?? Greg?? Archie?? Somebody has just GOT to be crushin' them. If "science" looked that good when I was in school, I might very well be a rocket scientist today. <g> Alas it did not, so I'm in accounts payable.

I think it would be cool if they kept the relationship a secret (from everyone but us of course) and were always completely professional when they are at the same crime scene together. Just occassional knowing looks and stuff, then they can reveal it sometime later. Anyway - I'm a little excited, finally a ship I can really get on board!

Big hugs to {{allstar12}} for the link here!!!
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

They might be sexually charged, but I don't think it starts out that way.
I don't like relationships that are based on sexual attraction. I give a lot about chemistry and being fascinated by the other personality. I personally hope that that's the deal with Nick and Sofia.
But when they eventually find each other, they are gonna have all the sex, allright! :lol:
I am with you on that. It helps if there's the physical attraction between the character, but I like the meeting of the minds; the way they tend to agree on certain things without realizing that they're both FOR it and just basically fall in love with one another in the process.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

soo i read the sonic fic at's pretty good guys.... i'm gettting soo excited about tonights eppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

man, given that tonight's ep revolves around Sofia, I'm surprised this thread didn't have a field day, lol.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I just watched tonight's episode. Not much Nick/Sofia moments there. Most of their scenes weren't even together. Sofia got a lot of screen time with Brass. And it's a very emotional episode, especially for her. It was a powerful episode, but unfortunately for Part I no Sonic moment. :( Let's hope next week's ep we can glimpse a bit of Sonic there. -sighs-
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

yeah i liked the Sofia screen time! woot

hahaha did anyone else start clapping when Warric called Nick Mustache Boy? anyone...... haha felt like old times....
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

yeah it was the golden line of the episode..anyway last night's episode had no sonic interaction again..but i thought sofia's performance simply swept me off my feet :D
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Spoiler Space*
Yeah she was really great last night...i almost cried though when Brass was getting i remember why i love Paul! hahaha good eppy but Nick needs to shave and whoever punched Warric should go to jail...that was just mean and uncalled for.....
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

soo i read the sonic fic at's pretty good guys.... i'm gettting soo excited about tonights eppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's the name of that piece? I couldn't find it and I really want to read it.

I was bummed that Nick and Sofia didn't have any scenes together, but Sofia was great last night in her own right (Nick's always great). Those two acting powerhouses need to get together for an emotionally-charged scene. Boy would that be good!
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

What's the name of that piece? I couldn't find it and I really want to read it.

it's called Finding our passion...i can't link it cause it's rated M...but it's not that bad......
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

yeah i liked the Sofia screen time! woot

hahaha did anyone else start clapping when Warric called Nick Mustache Boy? anyone...... haha felt like old times....
I missed hearing that quote when I was watching it coz my sister was on the phone behind me and she and her friend were talking so loud I was too busy telling her to either take her call elsewhere or shut-up. :lol: Thank goodness I taped last night's episode too and couldn't help but laugh when Warrick called Nick that; I was waiting for someone -- a anyone -- from the group to make a comment about Nick's new "style." Too bad there ain't no Sofia/Nick moments, but I applaud LL's performance last night.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

yeah LL was awesome last night....she's such a great actress...... i liked that Brass was looking out for a father, it was sweet.....
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Count me in as a Nick/Sofia or Sonic shipper. They are great together. I think I've watched that scene in Shooting Stars at least a dozen times already. Physically they complement each other too.
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