Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

Hodges is getting laid? Dang! Nicky boy, you need to make move on Sofia! :lol: Sorry, me just...out of it today! But honestly, I want some more Nick/Sofia scenes in future eps. The PTBs better see what we saw in Shooting Stars between this two...
Re: SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

*cough, cough* like us *cough, cough* :D

So, anybody finished any Sofia/Nick fics? I'm looking forward to reading some this weekend, hehehehe ;)
Re: SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

hahaha, it's gonna be updated...HOPEFULLY this weekend -keeps fingers crossed- work or something gets in the way. :D
Re: SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

*fingers crossed. toes crossed*

Please, I need some cheering up, and that would make me the happiest little girl that could.
Re: SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

you should make people subscribe to read your fics Carol.

I Just read a multi-ship smutt fic. Nick was paired with Sofia, but it wasn't as graphic as the others. :( it's over at if anyone wants to read....
Re: SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

on the streete? you ccould make a living off of that! :D

it's called a week of time. You have to read through CGR, GSR, untill you hit the Sonic. It's kinda quick, but i'm just happy when there in the same room....

I ust re-read the Sonic Part. it's sad. ohh well...
Re: SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

Oh, I read it. Bleh. Nick would be overjoyed to have Sofia in his bed.


Re: SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

I love rewatching that scene from SS! I think I'm going to wear out the videotape I used to tape that episode from having to rewind it a lot! :D

And on a somewhat happy note, I am so getting close to finishing up part 2 to my Nick/Sofia fic! :D I just got tired/sleepy a while back so I stopped. Hopefully I can update it later this evening...
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