Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

Hmm...Strip Poker? In the break room? too...uhm...public? -LoL- Very risque! ;) Nice tune...gotta download it coz I don't think I've heard this song yet...
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

I guess I could also settle for Sofia asking Nick if he's okay, I mean, she was the one who was there when Kelly offed herself, and she saw the look in Nick's eyes. And it wouldn't even take more than 10 seconds. Nick could thank her for caring and then they'd smile at each other and be all Blushy McBlushersons.

(Pst, we're not allowed to mention the D word around here. Could get us into trouble).
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

whoops! did i say the D word? nah, i am not allowed to even do that on this comp! :lol: it's my dad's and he doesn't allow any "monkey business" done on this comp.

I wonder if the writers will do a bit of a pick-up scene about that final scene from DLG between Nick and Sofia. I mean, she was the only one who's seen him at his most vulnerable.
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

Yeah, I think it would be kinda, I don't know, stupid if they didn't go there. I mean, this whole story arc is just done in one second? Plus, the episode didn't really deliver. I want Nick to keep feeling those emotions he felt in the season premiere, where he's just trying to keep it together but is still kinda falling apart.

Funny that they both went through these deep emotional moments at the same time.
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

I know! Makes you wonder IF the PTBs have something planned up their sleeves for this two characters. But after ABRT1&2, we have no idea how Sofia felt afterwards. We know what she went through during the entire ordeal, but what about afterwards when she found out it wasn't her that killed the cop?

After the first season episode and Gum Drops, Nick's feelings about his ordeal wasn't discussed anymore. Or rather his scenes with Kelly didn't bring that much emotion to his inner turmoil.
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

I think Sofia probably still feels for Bell's death. I mean, that whole time she thought she killed him. I don't think that feeling goes away so quickly.

She's my favorite character, I hope they give her another storyline soon.

Poor Nicky. Well, that's what fanfic is for, I guess.
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

Next to Catherine I am liking Sofia more and more. She brings something different to the show and I honestly want her to have a storyline of some sort showing how Bell's death affected her before, during and after!

I guess fanfics does Nick's emotional turmoil about the whoel thing that happened to him justice! :D It's explored more in fics than in the show.
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

Sofia rocks. She should get her own spin-off. And, she should take Nick with her.

I guess CSI doesn't like to dwell into the character's personal lives... unless there's a whip and a dominatrix involved.
SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

Hello, people. I've been lurking here on and off, trying to see if new eps have Nick/Sofia scenes ;). Thought the least I can do is say HI to you guys.

Nick/Sofia's definitely my fave ship right now. Miami & NY I haven't watched in ages and I haven't seen any LV eps past "Dog Eat Dog" (which I thought was just crap). I watched "Daddy's Little Girl" though, cause you guys mentioned Nick/Sofia scenes.

It should so be significant that Sofia was the one with Nick when Kelly died. Just so obvious that a comfort scene would follow. But yes, this is CSI. Damn, PTB, throw us a bone, will ya?

Anyway, I got all these plot bunnies but absolutely no time to write. So, like what I did in the DnA thread way back when, I'm just gonna write short little descriptions for you guys. This is how I think it's gonna go down.

Nick (after going out for a drink with Sofia) *now stands at her door*: "Uh, um, I had a good time tonight, Sofia." (dontcha just LOVE how he says her name?)

Sofia: *looks at him, slightly smirking*

Nick: "Well, uh, thanks for being there for me." *smiles that nice Nick smile* "I guess I'll see you at work tomorrow."

Nick looks at her, looking like he wants to say something, but then shakes his head slightly and prepares to leave.

Sofia, still smirking like she can't believe he's that dense, pulls his hand and... KISSES him with that lovely, teasing smile of hers.

Sofia: "Come in."

Nick: "Yes, Ma'am."

Crazy making out over the doorway.


These two have such a natural chemistry together I can't believe I'm shipping them after only 3 scenes (maybe).
Re: SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

Hi, Caderyn! Long time no see!

Wow, definitely drop by more often to offer us your little scenes of swoon! A N/So kiss. If only. Sofia smirks, heh. I love it when she smirks.

Don't worry, I started shipping them after one scene. I think lots of people did. That scene was just such a revelation. Who knew George and Louise had such amazing chemistry? Shame on the writers for not exploring it until now!
Re: SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

Hey Carol! Cute Avvy ;). Someone'll probably wanna hirt me for this, but I've been finding Ryan more and more hump-able than Delko... Something about him...

Anyway, back to Nick/Sofia. Ooh, I got another one! Someone's probably mentioned this, but wouldn't it be oool if someday, when Nick & Sofia're working together, they'd stop by for lunch/dinner at SONIC??? Have a little old-fashion-style drive-in-date? ;)

Btw, I LOVE this ship's name. Kinda appropriate too, since their chemistry/attraction was just like that *SNAP*. Fast and mighty, like Sonic! It's also, in my opinion, the coolest one from the LV ships. Snickers a close second, maybe (damn, I've pretty much betrayed THAT ship, which was my first *sheepish*)
Re: SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

Tis okay. Jon Togo is an absolute cutie. He's hilarious.

Every time I see a Sonic commercial I get all giddy. They run them now ALL the time. I guess they have this new shake, or something, looks so yummy, but we don't have Sonics down here.

(Can see Nick and Sofia enjoying a yummy milk shake together.)

Yeah, I love that Sonic "boom." Reminds me of Flack on CSI: New York. "Boom, baby."
Re: SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

wow i missed a lot. And i'm too lazy to go back and read the other posts...... :lol:

Sofia rocks. She should get her own spin-off. And, she should take Nick with her.

I would so watch that!!! Best spin off ever!!!

Someone'll probably wanna hirt me for this, but I've been finding Ryan more and more hump-able than Delko... Something about him...

**plugs ears. LA-LA-LA-LA-LA**

Actually Delko is being a Man whore lately. I could see the Ryan hump-ableness......
Re: SoNic, Baby! Nick/Sofia

Where was Sofia last night? :(
I wondered about that too. :( But Nick looked so darn adorable last night -- especially...
...when Nick was in the autopsy room with Doc Robbins & David and the eyesockets came off! :lol:
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