Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I found another one. :)


NOT that I'm hoping for any Sonic scenes like this. I'm still all about their friendship. But, you know, maybe if they ended up getting married... a quick little shot like this would be okay. I guess. :eek:
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I found another one. :)


NOT that I'm hoping for any Sonic scenes like this. I'm still all about their friendship. But, you know, maybe if they ended up getting married... a quick little shot like this would be okay. I guess. :eek:
Woot-woot! A hottie scene like that between Nick and Sofia...I ain't gonna pass-up the chance to view it! ;) hehehehe
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Oh yeah, baby. If you squint your eyes, she does kinda look like Sofia.

I like the endless possibilities that headboard possesses.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

-chuckles- Only you, Carol, would quickly think of some kinky fun that headboard would bring...but I like where you're mind's leading to... :D ;)
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Hey, I'm a CSI fan. I'm trained to notice the little details ;).

How's your fic coming along?
Trained to notice little details and think awesome, kinky stuff to use them for? :D :devil:

Fic's coming along...uh...well, slowly at the moment. I am involved in a Harry Potter fic challenge and that's due at the end of this month! Hmm...gotta set my priorities first! :lol: But no worries, I'll eventually get my sequel fic done. :D
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Trained to notice little details and think awesome, kinky stuff to use them for? :D :devil:

Sure. I'm also a Lady Heather fan.

Oh, come on, the Harry Potter fandom has enough fics. Give us some Nick/Sofia.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Sure. I'm also a Lady Heather fan.

Oh, come on, the Harry Potter fandom has enough fics. Give us some Nick/Sofia.

Hmm...actually I find Lady Heather to be quite an intriguing character. She rocks! I can't wait until tomorrow night. Will Sofia be in this episode too?

:D Yeah, Harry Potter fandom has enough fics, but this one I have a deadline to meet or else I'm dead because the person who put out the challenge is a close pal of mine who's also counting on me to finish my entry. But no worries, more Nick/Sofia coming. I think this sequel will tackle more of the two's emotions and...hey, if it fits, maybe another romp and those brass headboards might come into play too, hehehehe ;) ;) :devil:
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Aw, man, I can't wait to read it! I love WIPs... when I don't have to write them. You're killing me here.

Oh yeah, Lady H rocks. She's one of my favorite characters. I can't wait to see her again. I love her relationship with Gil.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

WIP's are great. But writing them are murder. the start is so fresh and you have so many ideas but then I always fizzle out. :lol: no wonder i write so many one shots....
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

Yup, that's why I don't do WIPs. I don't have the time.

But you know, other people can write them, no problem :D.

Damn, we need a scene.
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

Aw, man, I can't wait to read it! I love WIPs... when I don't have to write them. You're killing me here.

Oh yeah, Lady H rocks. She's one of my favorite characters. I can't wait to see her again. I love her relationship with Gil.

I love writing WIPs too, but sometimes when my muse decides to leave me (or flutter away elsewhere) I am left bereft with ideas and...well, yeah, but don't worry. I am just busy with work and some doc appts, but hopefully this weekend I can stay up late and finish the sequel to Secret Lovers.
Lady H brings out something in Gil. I just love their interaction. She's so...all woman. :D

WIP's are great. But writing them are murder. the start is so fresh and you have so many ideas but then I always fizzle out. no wonder i write so many one shots....

I love writing one-shots too, but then after I'm done writing one I end up having these ideas and later on starts kicking myself, telling myself this or that could've been added to it...

Damn, we need a scene.

Like what kinda scene are we talking about here, Carol?
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

At this point I'll settle for them sitting around the break room, playing Strip Poker.

How about a little tune?

by Norah Jones

Drivin’ at night, you feel as if you’re blind
The sun is gone and it’s stuck in your mind
You look to the morning with expectation

When you feel the dark coming and you know that it’s here
You feel your spirit sing, you know there’s nothing to fear
I’m here by your side, I’ve got nowhere to go
So take your time, drive slow, listen to the radio
Talk if you want, just don’t change the station
I got patience

I tell myself wait
Wait till the sun goes down
Wait and you’ll come around
And you’ll smile for everyone
I’ll make you a place
A place where the shadows fall
Can be anyone or no one at all
Just tell me what you want

I know, sometimes you feel the need to beware
I know that you're scared that I care
But I wonder who you’re with when you turn out the lights
Who do you think of at night

When you feel the dark coming and you know that it’s here
I’ve been there before and you’ve got nothing to fear
I’ll make you a place where the shadows fall
And you can be anyone or no one at all
We’ll take solace from the burning sun
Let me be there for you just this once

I tell myself wait
Wait till the sun goes down
Wait and you’ll come around
And you’ll smile for everyone
I’ll make you a place
A place where the shadows fall
Can be anyone or no one at all
Just tell me what you want
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