Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of Love

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Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

I am glad that Liea what ever his name is is taking over for Grissom, i love Grissom but what ever his face is just to sexxy, i watch Manchurian Candidet (Wow i cant spell) and The Omen and he was one of those people who are sexxy middle age men like Hugh Laurie!!! <333 plus i am so going to love the fact that with him in the place that means that Nick and Sara are going to work together so that is one hell of a up side!!!
OMG NicknGrissom your icon is pure love!!!!
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Yay, me is back from vacation! :D

Spoiler tagging this, just in case:
Where did you guys find the spoilers for 7x11? Damn, I can't wait for this scene to happen!!! I hope it'll show both Nick and Sara's emotions and not just Sara's. Also, I hope Nick starts to suspect something soon, because this whole GSR thing is driving me nuts. I wonder how this new guy will turn out and if the CSIs will like him.

I think we all could definitely use some more snickerslovin'. Therefor I wrote a new oneshot: Foretaste and I updated Sooner or Later. If you feel like reading and reviewing, please do! :D

Are there any more spoilers I should know about? :)
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

I just read that fic and wow!!! i wish i could write like that but if i ever do write a Nick/Sara fic i would want it to be good lol but that was awesome lol.

So far there isn't any spoilers that i read.
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

ok now i'm seriously hyped up on chocolate, peanuts, nougat and caramel right now.

Rashomama was on here the other night and i just watched it agen, and ok, ITS SO EFFING SNICKERY!!! there are just so many moments to mention.

i mean the obvious "i need you hands" moment nick is so like *dirty thoughts* haha, and the "i thought you'd never ask" sara turns bright red!!! greg is so like *third wheel here*

and i love the start of each of the stories, sara going on about the fake flowers, and nick going on about love, its so... them. and OMG sara's view of the bridesmaids speaking pig latin had me giggling like a skool girl. its such an immature but amusing thing to put in.

and "should i add flirting to the case file?" JELUZ NICKY, "i was printing" she ads that in VERY quickly lol. and once more poor greg is sitting there as the third wheel haha.

it seems greg is always there with them... like the diner scene...

ok there are too many snickerific moments in that ep :p

on another note... i've started posting HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS at my LJ, CHAPTER 1 is now up :D comments are love :p
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

(I comented :D)

I watched Rashomama so many times, it's one of my favorite episodes but i love the Snickeryness. I cant really say them all because Heart up there got most of them :lol: but of course that was ARE episode before it happened. C'mon the first 4 seasons and even season 6 were totaly leaning towards Snickers why did they just shut it off :mad: i hope it comes back!!!!!
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Just got to have a little Snickery faith csikicksurass! And it never goes away. Right now it's just not playing out on screen like usual. ;)
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

I have alot of Snickery faith, i always will. Snickers love will never go away from the show no matter what they write!!! i believe :lol: i wonder why people gave up so quick on Snickers, we still have the rest of season 7 and 8 to go!!!!
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Thanks csikicksurass. o/t Hey you guys, if you want Snickers icon I got, made sure you thanks Cinegirl, she is the one that made it for me. Give her Credit.

back on topic- I will never give up my Snickers. Nick and Sara will get together one day. Nick been such a gentleman and wait for her to decided who she want to be with. I know Sara want Nick. I think Nick knew Sara is with Grissom and he won't said anything, That's why Sara trust him.
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

I think Nick would understand about her and Gris, he just wants her to be happy but when he does find out i really think he is going to put on a show for her but he is really jealous or he might give her a little speach in the locker room that would be really sweet and will just attract all eyes.
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Can anyone tell me what ep it is where Sara throws up and tells Nick not to tell anyone and he says tell them what? Thx.
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

csikicksurass said:
I think Nick would understand about her and Gris, he just wants her to be happy but when he does find out i really think he is going to put on a show for her but he is really jealous or he might give her a little speach in the locker room that would be really sweet and will just attract all eyes.

I think that Nick won't have any problems at telling Sara how he feels about the relationship, BUT I think that he will wait to see how she feels at first. If she's miserable, I'm sure that he will at least try to make her feel better. He was always good at that.

I don't think he will risk losing her friendship because of some harsh words. I think that he will use: "It's never smart to date someone from work, especially if it's your supervisor" line. Of course, that involves him as well, but in that moment, I doubt that he will be comfortable at saying: "Exept me." :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Of course he would want to say 'except me'. But I think Nick wants her to really see that maybe she didn't make a mistake but dating Grissom but learned from it. That way she can really see what she has been missing. ;)
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

I think Sara would be able to see right through Nick if he ever did that. She would be able to detect the fake smile:

Sara: "How do you really feel about me and Grissom"
Nick: "As long as you're happy i'm happy"
Sara: "Thank you, now how do you really feel"
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