Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of Love

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Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Yes, there is but it hard to get it in store, Caramel is more popular then peanut butter, I has it years ago, it was good.
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Thank you for teaching me a little more about Candy bars :)

It would also be Gummy bears because they are so cute.
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

You're welcome, I love Gummi bears, that will be good for Nick and Sara, so they can shares it, like kiss or french kiss.
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Hmm, if nick or Sara were candy bars. three musketeers, oh yeah!! or Twinkies!! they can share those two :D

and your lucky for getting 'gum Drops' already, I just love that episode :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Hey, I was just thinking, if WP is gonna be away for a few episodes next season we *might* just get some Snickery goodness.
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

^^Yep, hopefully we'd get some!

Misery said:
And I think that the moment between Sara and Nick was sweet, because he let her in on some "secret" of him, like it's not a big deal. But, the fact that he felt comfortable telling her that says a lot to me.
And her smile...well, she looked sweet. Usually, it's her who's complaining, and this time it was the other way aroun. I think that she was glad in a way to see another side of Nick.
Yeah it's cute whenever they let the other in even for a brief moment. You know that's one thing they have in common-- the complaining part. :lol:
CSI_Ali said:
From 'Invisible Evidence'. I loved them in thay episode. All the team were really on edge, they even rowed a little outside, but even with all the pressure they still can make each other smile :)
Exactly. They have this ability to balance the other out whenever needed. Like in that episode, Sara got pissed but Nick was able to make her smile. I also loved that episode because it showed how the CSIs deal with pressure.
CSI_Ali said:
Which episode is the "You're in my crime scene." bit?
I think it was Cool Change. Not sure though..
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

POTTR is on here atm :D

nick n sara just had their little scene in the hospital... so cute :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Why don't I remember that scene? I'll have to go watch it.
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

I watched Gum Drops last night. The scene where Nick and Sara are on the boat, they were both leaning over the edge and their hands nearly touched! I love that ep! :D I also watched Stalker today (recorded from last night.) I felt so sorry for Nick, and Sara looked really concerned in the hospital scene. When Gris and Cath left Sara and Warrick at the hospital, i wished Warrick had gone with them so Sara could be alone with Nick. I would have loved to see her talking to Nick and comforting him...

I really hope we get some snickers next season, even if sara's with grissom :mad:

Peace out guys :cool:
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

POTTR scenes :D


and some more

YoBlngnSnckrsfan said:
I watched Gum Drops last night. The scene where Nick and Sara are on the boat, they were both leaning over the edge and their hands nearly touched! I love that ep! :D
I love that ep too! You were talking about this scene. :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

YoBlngnSnckrsfan said:
I watched Gum Drops last night. The scene where Nick and Sara are on the boat, they were both leaning over the edge and their hands nearly touched! I love that ep! :D

For me, it was this scene. Now, maybe it's my imagination, but in my opinion in this part their hands DID touch.

Snickers boat

That episode is one of the eps that were marked with Nick an Sara moments. Especially their conversation where she tells im how it wasn't his day to die. She knew how Nick is not the person who wants pity, so she was straight forward with him. But still, she was willing to give him some space to pursue his leads. And in the end, her rationality kept him focused and calm.

No matter what, the two of them work excellent together.
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

It's a tough call, It's kinda hard to see whether their hands touched or not. Either way it's probably the most Snicker-y episode to date.

I wonder what Nick's reaction will be when he finds out about her and Grissom? How do you guys think they'll play it?
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