Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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That is the perfect picture for me, and the perfect way for me to end my workday. I will now have lovely daydreams as I hit the treadmill tonight...and then again when I hit the pillow!

Thanks, Stoky! :D
allmaple said:
Destiny said: One never knows when I will appear, am I here now, how about now, hmm tis the way life goes. :lol:
either you were right when you said crossing over to the greenside reduces your sanity, or these bugs that have infected me are really messing with my head, but that made sense :lol:
:lol: I would love to say I am always right, but then I would be wrong. :D I think the fact that you understood that means that you are fitting into the green side nicely and getting comfy. :D
Us Washingtonians, are COLD. Unfortunately some are still out of power. I was one of the lucky ones; I had to fill in at work for all the “snowed in – no electricity” ones (33 hours since sunday and counting). I got 9 1/2 inches of snow in just over 24 hours. Trudging home from work today (I do not drive on ice skating rinks) it was lightly snowing, and the temp I think is dropping. I don't think rain will come anytime soon. Although the snow storm that is predicted I can see coming tonight. Yesterday I did get some really nice pictures of the show in the sun though.

Now because it is a picture thread I bring gifts.
This one should help warm me up
Nick's in my hands now :devil: :D Don't worry I treath him kind :D

Next theme, well now we are in the what did he think/saytheme. Imagine that one of us is standing in front of Nick (or one of his characters) what wil he say or think. I am really curios where you al come up with. 12 is the limited.

Have fun.

Now that's the kind of Christmas present I like :devil:

Congrats on winning babs. Oh you really are challenging us.
Jacquie's is this one of your's No Nick mine are all at home :lol:
I didn't think it would be this warm in Markham in November Yes we broke a 60 year old record for tempature yesterday
Jacquie get behind me and I'll protect you from all those other Christmas shoppers :)and such a nice behind :devil:
Back to theme pics :)
just open wide :D
so is this what happened to your last boyfriend?
I found some advantages to being sick. :D Since I bought season 3 I've seen Let the Seller Beware on almost a daily basis. And I don't have to pick up the kids from the bus stop - mom doesn't think I should be out there for that long.

Now after spending at least half an hour in photobucket, most of that time trying to get the first page to come up. Then another 20 minutes here just trying to get the first page to come up, lets see if this happens. Sometimes I don't think my computer likes me. :mad:

I know something you don't know! (remember I do live with 2 young kids)
You girls on talkcsi are strange.
You want to invite ME in?
Babs says she is giving me to someone else. :lol:
What do you want me to do with this?
I don't believe what I'm reading?

McStokes said:
You poked McStokes with a giant Q-tip, Softcake?

OMG I just laughed so hard and so loud! :lol:

I just got the biggest thrill thinking that Nick knows who I am! :D

...and to think he knows that we fight with Q-tips over him ;)

More theme pics!'re so cute, honey
I can handle three of your kind
This is the cutest love letter I ever got, Softcake better put that back on before Grissom walks in :devil:
I like your guinea-pigs, Softcake, they're so tiny and fluffy

I'm taller than you! :p

You're still not feeling better, blackflag ? Being with Nicky didn't help? ;)
blackflag if your still not feeling well don't come up here. It's raining right now and temps are suppose to drop during the day. :mad: Oh well we can't have spring like temps all the time. Reality has to hit at some point in the weather department.

Now for some more theme pics
Look out I'll give Jacquie mouth to mouth
awe shucks Jacquie, you and the wardgirls think I'm this good looking yes Nick we do! :)
Thanks for the new broom it really does the trick :lol:
your place or mine :D
Jacquie is this outfit ok?Oh yes it's fine :D
you know I get easily tongue tied around you and the wardgirls :lol:
Jacquie our reality is going to hit next week. They're still talking about a possibility of snow on Monday and giving a current high of 29 on Tuesday. Tomarrow is a nice rain storm, and the car won't start when it's wet out! :mad:

Believe it or not I am getting better. I'm not running a fever any more, my throat isn't sore, and I've pretty much got my voice back. It's just my nose at this point. :lol: It makes me realize how unappetizing food is when you can't smell it.

What smells around here?
Wonder if anyone in the ward can use this.
You told me you'd play nice.
I don't believe you won't let me film this. :rolleyes:
I got a dinner date with blackflag. :D
Now all I'm needed for is cheap labor!

Found out how to speed up my slow computer. Go downstairs and unplug everything (don't know witch plugs are the router and modem) and plug them back in. Hey everything's running up to speed. :D


When Christopher opened his CSI Fingerprint Kit all he could say was cool. His father told him to keep it away from his aunt! :)
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