New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

Well here's my letter to CBS :D


Here in Australia Season 3 of CSI New York has not yet aired,so I'm writing to make an appeal for CBS to nominate CSI New York's Carmine Giovinazzo for "best supporting actor in a tv drama" at the Emmys.This show has been overlooked for too long, where CSI Vegas has been nominated multiple times over the years for many things. I know that Gary Sinise was asked to fill the role of Mac Taylor and it has been mainly centered around his character. Why has there been no contenders for an Emmy?
While Gary is the main star, it is the supporting actors that not only make the heart and soul of the show, but bring it to life as well. That's why I must insist you consider Carmine Giovinazzo for an Emmy!
Detective Danny Messer would not exist as the character if Carmine was not the actor. He has brought an emotional level to Danny that no other actor could. Whether he laughs and makes jokes, or shows his sorrow and pain, Carmine brings depth to Danny that no other man could. The emotions not only show on his face, but in his eyes as well, and his eyes are the windows to his soul. Carmine's soul! The soul of the man that makes the character worthy of his depth and passion.
While I have not yet seen "Raising Shane", I have only read brilliant comments about Carmine's performance. After "Run Silent, Run Deep", I know that his contributions to "Raising Shane" are Emmy worthy.
Without Carmine Giovinazzo the actor, the man, the soul, there would be no Danny Messer!

Kind Regards,
Tiara ...

Pretty good huh :D :D :D
Thanks so much for writing CBS, Tiara! :D Great job supporting Carmine.

A minor technical point I want to mention because I've seen the language in a couple letters, CBS doesn't nominate their stars or shows for Emmys. They simply submit them for Emmy consideration and then promote the hell out them, if they hope to meet with success in any of their submissions. The actual nominations are determined by a committee of members of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences based on all the submissions received. Confusing process, I know.
Fortunately I have 5 separate email addresses. Unfortunately, only 3 of them have a distinctiveness that can make them seem like they are different people - kind of like my multiple personalities.

Of course, I can always also use my hubby's email address :lol: and establish ones for the rabbits that stubbornly live in my back yard even though it's freezing out there. I am writing my emails today and posting them.
^ LOL Now we're talking. I was going to post earlier that the birdies in the back yard all wanted their own hotmail addresses. And the cats down the road. And all the people who's sites I host want me to create new email addresses on their domains too ;)

Ahem, seriously speaking though, I couldn't come up with that many 'individual' letters. The human email addies will have to suffice :D
I'm down for this project. Now I must fire up the brain cells for "official business correspondence." It's actually pathetic what being online has done for my grammatical skills. However, I wouldn't survive without you all. :) One question: I tend to express myself in a sesquipedalian manner. Do you think CBS is going to reject my letter? :confused:

Edit: Plus, as for email accounts, I have 6 hotmail; 1 msn; and 4 yahoo, not to mention 1 expn.
Yeah, I have two, one for hotmail and one for yahoo, so I can write at least two. Then, bribing my brother to let me borrow his, thats 3, so at least 3 emails are being sent that way from me! :D

^ eee you girls ROCK :lol:

I have the capacity for 2500 emails with my hosting company. One problem there is ... they'd all come from the same 6 domains that I have/host ... SECOND problem is ... that's being ridiculous and going above and beyond the call etc :lol: It would be as obvious as dogs balls and I couldn't possibly come up with that number of letters ... 'exploit impossible' (even for me) :lol: :lol:

ETA: of course I never seriously considered using 2500 email addresses :eek: :eek: :eek: I had joked about it to MrsG initially, hence her comment about '2500 email addresses' in her initial post.
Double posting simply because no-one else has for a while.

I finally got my letter done. Of course, it's long and verbose because I am incapable of ever being short and to the point :lol: And not my best effort either - I'm velcroed to the computer all day today working from home, after a lovely bachannalian day out yesterday :devil:

For what it's worth:

Dear CBS,

With the lead up to this year’s Golden Globes ceremony, I was once again disappointed, as I am every year, when no mention was made of anything or anybody related to the CSI franchise. In particular my favourite of the three shows, CSI NY. This has prompted me to write to you in hopes that you’ll put some energy and money into a campaign now it is leading up to Emmy campaign time.

In particular I refer to CSI NY. I have long enjoyed CSI and CSI Miami. When it was announced that Gary Sinise had signed up for CSI NY I was very excited. I deeply respect the man’s work and was sure it would be a quality show with him as the headliner. And it is a quality show. I feel, however, that it suffers from being the third show in the franchise, and is treated by CBS without the respect it should receive.

In the two and a half years it has been running, the cast have gelled extremely quickly and are now a very tight unit. It has a definite feel all of it’s own separate to the other two series. The fact that it consistently rates in the top 10 every week, sometimes up to top 5, proves that the show deserves the respect it should be getting and sadly isn’t, particularly compared to CSI and CSI Miami.

In fact CSI NY has become my favourite of the three series by far and it is the only television show in my life I have ever been totally hooked into. While initially I started watching because of Gary Sinise, it wasn’t very long before I was actually tuning in religiously every week to watch Carmine Giovinazzo’s portrayal of Danny Messer.

In a commentary on the Season 2 DVDs for CSI NY, James Whitmore Jr, director of the episode ‘Trapped’, had this to say about Carmine Giovinazzo: “Carmine’s work is improvisational, so real, so committed, and there is not a moment where he is not alive in the space. He is a wonderful, wonderful actor and a gifted, gifted man.” He went on to say that Carmine Giovinazzo is a magical actor, and that watching such actors that are so real with such craft is like watching a good sunset. He further said that “Peter wrote the episode for Carmine, and Carmine came in and kicked the crap out of it.”

All of this comes across on the screen to the audience every single time Carmine Giovinazzo is given something to work with. I have never seen a character so ‘owned’ by the actor as Danny Messer is by Carmine Giovinazzo. He brings passion, determination and unbelievably real emotion to Danny. He has made Danny a real, complicated and passionate human being, not just a character in a television show.

While so far in season there have been no Danny-centric episodes for Carmine Giovinazzo to get his teeth into, ‘Raising Shane’ perfectly showcases his ability to outshine. The episode was not about Danny, but he was truly a standout in the episode. From his absolute loyalty to his coworker and determination to prove him innocent, to being mesmerizing in the scene where he confronts Edward Furlong’s character, Shane, in the bar. The fear Danny felt was palpable. Giovinazzo played that scene so delicately to get a perfect balance between the fear Danny so obviously felt, and his devotion to the job and bringing the perpetrator to justice.

I believe ‘Raising Shane’ would be a good episode for an Emmy nomination. It was a gripping episode, with a strong ensemble feel to it, and a wonderful performance by the guest actor, Edward Furlong.

I also believe Carmine Giovinazzo deserves an Emmy nomination for Best Supporting Actor. It is patently obvious that he gives everything he has to his job, beyond the call of duty. He is an extremely talented and gifted actor who fully deserves the respect an Emmy nomination would give him. He regularly gets more press than any of the other actors on the show and has a huge fan base.

I urge you to get behind this show that really is a superior drama in its own right, and market and promote both ‘Raising Shane’, and Carmine Giovinazzo for Best Support Actor.

Yours sincerely

Julia Driscoll

Greetings :devil:

Just a question. Is there a 'due date' on this project? Seems I have plenty of time now since I had a nasty fall on Monday. Went and fractured every dang bone, well except my left thumb :rolleyes:

Hehe :lol:
Springmoon and Crankyjules - You go, girls! Put each and every one of those separate email accounts to good use. If Springmoon intends to use a different one for each voice in her head, the man is a shoe-in for a nomination. :lol:

PrettyEyes said:
One question: I tend to express myself in a sesquipedalian manner. Do you think CBS is going to reject my letter? :confused:
Props to the first girl who made me bust out a dictionary before responding to a message board post! I'm sure CBS can handle sesquipedalian correspondence, but to prevent a reader from wanting to bitch slap you (as I just did :lol:), perhaps stick to the words you know they'll understand -- Carmine, great actor, deserves Emmy nomination. Thanks so much for your participation in this project. Was wondering when we'd see you here.

Crankyjules - Excellent letter! I love the use of phrasing from the DVD commentaries. Anytime an outside source can be used to strengthen the writer's opinion, that's fantastic. Great job and beautifully written.

MissKraft - There isn't a hard and fast deadline for this project. The nomination submission period begins in February and continues through the end of March or April (depending on the air date of the episode submitted). But the sooner everyone can write to CBS, the better. I'm sure decisions regarding their promotional campaigns are made prior to beginning of the submission period.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Props to the first girl who made me bust out a dictionary before responding to a message board post!
Meh I had to as well. And for the benefit of everyone else who's wondering what that bugger of a word means, it means, funnily enough 'long word' or 'given to using long words'. Pokes in the eye to PrettyEyes for using the thing in the first place, and pokes in the eye to MrsG for not elucidating the meaning for us ;)

Crankyjules - Excellent letter! I love the use of phrasing from the DVD commentaries. Anytime an outside source can be used to strengthen the writer's opinion, that's fantastic. Great job and beautifully written.
Thank you :) But my head was kind of foggy when I wrote it so the grammar is not paricularly great. But yeah, I figured quoting somebody else in my letter makes it look more authoratitive. It was your use of Kristine's reviews that inspired me :lol:
Excellent letter, crankyjules! If that's what you can write when your not feeling 100% I can't imagine what would come out when you are... ;)

I uh, talked a couple of friends into writing their own comments, and will make good use of my 4 email addresses. Just give me a couple more days and I'll send everything out.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Springmoon and Crankyjules - You go, girls! Put each and every one of those separate email accounts to good use. If Springmoon intends to use a different one for each voice in her head, the man is a shoe-in for a nomination. :lol:

Hey! Those voices have inspired me to do many many great things! Don't hate - just because you don't have people who talk to you all the time doesn't mean that I need to go on medication. :eek: