^ Alrighty then.
It's been a deadly quiet day at work so I've been using my time wisely
I thought ... better to catch people's eyes to get them in. Did an eyecatching graphic, which I then linked to my posts at my blog, myspace, and livejournal. For an example you can see them at:
crankyjules' blog
I also then went round the communities on myspace and livejournal and replaced posts with the picture (and linked), and posted some comments on myspace with the picture as well. WAY better to catch someone's eye.
I was even
really bloody cheeky and posted the thing on AJ's myspace
Hope he doesn't get pissed off by that :lol:
On myspace, I've reached over
1,000 members in the communities, and on livejournal over
600. Admittedly, quite a few of those are probably going to be the same people all over the place. What's the supposed return rate on surveys and the like? Something really paltry if I remember correctly. I figure, even if we get a 'return' rate (or in this case, people actually contacting CBS) of a measly 4% of 1000 Carmine fans, that's 400 letters to CBS. That's a lot.
And that's not even including everyone who reads the prime-time tv forum on myspace. And I haven't done the Australian forums yet but I suspect the effect there will be minimal. Hard to get people's collective apathetic arses moving sometimes
ETA: because I forgot.
MrsG these are probably already on your list, but someone on one of the myspace community forums suggested we post at the CSI forums on Fanforum and Fanbolt. God bless them.