New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

Alright ladies, it’s time for the long-awaited Carmine fan project that has nothing whatsoever to do with your collective desire to nail the guy.

You realize you lost my interest after that sentence, right? I have no idea what this thread is even about because I stopped reading after that.
Here is what I submitted to CBS...

Dear CBS,

With Emmy submissions and all the media frenzy that comes along with the Emmy’s just around the corner, I write to request and plead for you to support an incredible actor and television show.

CSI: NY has in my opinion, been treated as the ugly duckling when it comes to the CSI franchise. While watching CBS I can count the numerous times they show commercials for upcoming episodes for CSI and CSI: Miami on two hands. However, when it comes to CSI: NY I can only count those commercials on one hand. I find that very disappointing and unfair to your show.

It is unfair for your network to treat a show such as CSI: NY like this. Its ratings have become phenomenal with it topping its slot every week. Viewers like myself, set their Tivo’s, DVR’s, and VCR’s to record this show, viewers and fans alike, go to the numerous websites that allow it to download this show and they do just that.

As an avid fan and viewer of CSI: NY I do not understand why your network does not take the time to promote this show as much as you do the other two CSI shows. I also do not understand why you have not submitted earlier episodes for Emmy considerations as you do and have done for CSI.

In my opinion, you have an amazing actor who deserves a slot in the Best Supporting Actor category. That actor is none other than Carmine Giovinazzo. Each week he projects amazing talent and he deserves to be recognized. He exemplifies his love for New York through his character Danny Messer.

If you were to ask many fans of CSI: NY what character they like the best, I could bet you that 7/10 would say they favor Danny Messer. Carmine has a rare quality; he can be funny, yet serious all at the same time. In numerous episodes, he has shown emotion that is rare in many actors these days. He can go from being happy to fearful in a matter of minutes. He can go from afraid and then have tears running down his face, I believe, and I beg of you to support him as he does your show in submitting episodes so that he may receive an Emmy.

This season Carmine conveyed a magnificent performance in the episode titled “Raising Shane.” In a scene towards the very end, Carmine’s character confronts a suspect involved in framing one of his colleagues for murder. During this scene, Giovinazzo really shows how talented he is. He portrays his character really well.

I believe that “Raising Shane,” is worthy of an Emmy consideration. It is an amazing episode, and even though Giovinazzo’s character is not the focal point of the show, he along with his other cast mates truly show off their numerous talents.

Please step up to the plate, and submit not only “Raising Shane,” but Giovinazzo as well. He is a great actor and he supports this show fully. Please do whatever it takes to promote and support this actor for an award he so much deserves.

Carmine Giovinazzo deserves your support because when he is not working on CSI: NY he is supporting it. I along with many others believe that you desperately need to support this actor and this show. I believe that if you support him and the show, it would magnify the fan base of the show and of this amazing actor.



let me know if I did the show and Carmine justice..i hope i did.
crankyjules said:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Many of you are active in online communities such as My Space, Live Journal, etc. I’m too old to belong to that generation, but I know it’s HUGE. Please take this project back to the other online communities you belong to and encourage participation there as well.
Great minds think alike. But hey watch it with the 'too old' talk lady :lol: (seeing as I'm the same vintage). I joined myspace because it's a great place to store videos privately that I can then embed in my own site. And my 14yo niece said I had to so I could friend her :rolleyes: Also on LJ as a way of keeping up with friends' doings.

:lol: I too want to pipe in on the MySpace 'old lady' talk! I have a MySpace page because it does help me keep up with my friends (I only have those on there that I know, aside from about 10 that I thought were cool) One of my former roommates told me about it and it has been fun to catch up with friends and know where they are at and what they are doing, plus communicate with them. Plus, my younger cousins are on it and I never get to see them anymore because they live too far away, this way I can keep up with them and find out about what 15 and 18 year olds do these days! :lol: :rolleyes:

But in all seriousness, this is a great opportunity to showcase your writing talents and write CBS about CSI:NY and Carmine Giovinazzo, both submissions that have been posted at amazing!!!!!
We're so good to him. :lol: I hope all of our efforts don't fall on deaf ears, because that'd just be a shame and this is actually a project that REALLY means something. Not to say the others didn't, because I happily participated in all of them and know they were appreciated, but I'm just saying. Group efforts like this make me all warm and tingly inside. :D

I'm going to start mine tomorrow at lunch...well, brunch. :lol I have to take my lunch at 10:45am...and it bites.
Count me in! If anyone deserves an Emmy, it's Carmine. I'm also still pissed off how Melina didn't get a nomination so I am totally let my voice be heard :mad:. There is no way another excellent actor from this show is gonna get forgot about. It amuses me how all these huge shows with crappy big name actors get tons of nominations while the lesser known shows with a stellar cast gets shafted. I mean, isn't the Emmy's about talent, not popularity :rolleyes:.
That sucks, MrsG That really torques me off when I type out something long and then lose all of it. I then have no motivation to write anymore. :lol:

OK instead of finishing my paper, I wrote CBS. Here is a copy of my comment to them, I hope I got everything in that was needed.
Dear CBS,

The Emmys are just around the corner and amongst all of the hoopla, I wanted to take a minute to ask for your support of one of my favorite shows and actors on that show.

CSI:NY, the third installment of the original CSI series is a magnificant show. What is troubling to me is the fact that even though it is the third installment of this phenominal series, it has far and away blown me away with its performances each and every week by such talented actors and has not been given the credit due by CBS.
Case in point, the NY series does not have any video games, nor board games that the other two shows have. This saddens me in the respect that this show has the chops and has pulled off amazing stories, showcasing each actors' characters backstory while keeping the science that the show is about. This gem is one of CBS's best kept secrets, that needs to be let out to shine.
Speaking of gems, I also want to take this opportunity to briefly discuss one of the shows diamonds in the rough, Carmine Giovinazzo, for best supporting actor.
Carmine Giovinazzo's performances each and every week since he has started the show have been outstanding. Carmine brings a wealth of different emotions to his character, Danny Messer to the table. Specific episodes such at 'Run Silent, Run Deep' from season two and most recently, "Raising Shane" from season three. Each of these particular shows have showcased Carmine's extensive and emotionally-driven talent for his character, Danny. Carmine puts 110% into all of his performances and his passion for what he does and for his character is exilarating.
In closing I just want to mention 'Raising Shane' for Emmy consideration and Giovinazzo for best supporting actor for CSI: NY.

Giovinazzo has done wonders for the show, CSI: NY and for CBS, please give back to him by promoting him to the Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Thumpy G
(I put my name, not ThumpyG, obviously) :lol:
A little inspiration...CBS is willing to put its weight behind supporting actors. Last year, CBS sent out this DVD in support of Eric Close from Without a Trace. So it does happen! :cool:

The letters look great. :D
Wow very cool idea Mrs.G.

We get Entertainment Tonight here in Australia and so I'm very up to date with American news, and from what I can recall, no csi's were nominated for the globes this week, and aren't they more about tv shows and actors? Obviously no one gives a crap about csi any more.

Here in Aus we have our own awards for tv shows and actors, they're called The Logies (rhymes with yogi - as in bear) and csi vegas won about 5 in a row until the O.C took over :(

I'll have a think about what I'll write since we haven't gotten S3 here yet and I'll do a broad spectrum analyses of Carmine in general over all.

We'll do our danmdest to get that man an Emmy ... mmm I wonder which one of us he'll take if he gets nominated
:lol: :lol: :lol:
lookaboomerang said:
I hope all of our efforts don't fall on deaf ears, because that'd just be a shame and this is actually a project that REALLY means something. Not to say the others didn't, because I happily participated in all of them and know they were appreciated, but I'm just saying. Group efforts like this make me all warm and tingly inside. :D

That was what popped up in my mind too. I'd hate for it to end up with the TPTB just reading all our letters and going: "Oh, how nice." *chucks fanmail into recycle bin*

But, yes! They once sent out promo DVDs for Eric Close? :D He's another favorite actor of mine, wonderful, wonderful man. His interviews are so sweet. Really reminds me of Hill Harper, he does -

*ahem* Since this is Carmine's thread ... I wonder whether letters sent in from the other side of the world will have some extra oomph. :lol: Like, TPTB: Dudes, this actor has got fans from halfway across the world! Maybe we oughta put him up for an Emmy this year, 'cause I sure don't want a headhunter from Borneo coming after me!

Like some of the others who've replied this thread, my home country is terribly behind on episodes. (Good thing I have ... magic fingers. :rolleyes:)
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Ignore this. Just lost my entire post and the site is sucking hard at the moment. I'll be back.

eh ... what happened? I saw it earlier. Was going to reply and now it's gone :confused:

Anyway. Today is big-long-desk-day at work (joy - sarcasm). Is there something wrong with me that I'd rather be at court with domestic violence victims?? So .. I've been working .. just not on ... work (looks up at ceilings and whistles).

I have virtually spammed the livejournal communities :lol: I have posted to my blog (which gets quite a few visitors who've googled Carmine and ended up on my site, and lurkers), and I've posted bulletins and forum posts on the myspace communities. (Hope this is worth it because I'm going to have to friend them all to do it :rolleyes:)

When myspace stops shitting itself and actually lets me post a blog up there on my page, I'll do it, and post a comment with a link to all the carmine-related non-community myspaces.

Deb do you want me to post to the Australian forums etc I've found that we could use? Or would you prefer I send you the urls? I'm happy to do either.

It's only 1pm here and I'm tired already (but it's a happy, productive tired :D). And it's gone very quiet in here ... you must all be watching the Globes. I have to wait 7 hours :(

(Crossing fingers, toes and whatever else that Gustavo Santaolalla gets the Globe for Babel's original score.)
Kimmychu said:
Like some of the others who've replied this thread, my home country is terribly behind on episodes. (Good thing I have ... magic fingers. :rolleyes:)

:eek: :eek: Kimmychu I'm SHOCKED at you :eek: :eek:


:D (sez me - who also has ... magic fingers ;))
I'm with you guys. RSRD just took my breath away. The first few times I saw that-- I cried when he did. He was amazing in it! :)

But to be honest, shows like CSI, Criminal Minds and other crime or medical dramas-- great acting is sort of expected from these shows... which isn't fair, but it's true.

I do know for certain that Melina was considered for an Emmy for All Access.
WOW!!!! i cannot wait to submit my entry into this... Deb, this is a great way of portraying Carmine's talents, and abilities. And to know that Carmine will be greatful for all out efforts will be even better! CBS!!! wake up and smell the coffee!!!!! :lol: I was quite saddened to read that, although CSINY is the 'baby' of the franchise, it still doesnt get any praise from CBS for winning its viewers everyweek and coming out top!

From what i have read of he submissions so far, i hope CBS realises what a great actor they have under their wing, and dont take him for granted!
these submissions are great gals!!! keep it up!!! i shall post mine when i have done it :D


Ok people, this is what i have written... i jus sat and let my fingers to do the talking :lol:

Dear CBS

What with all the Emmy submissions that are coming up with in the next few weeks, i would like you to open your eyes regarding a Great actor, and an excellent show.

As a viewer, thousands of miles away, i find myself dissapointed every year at the lack of advertising and Support from yourselves for CSI:NY. This show, although the 'baby' of the CSI franchise, is becoming extremely popular by the episode amongst people - just look at the viewing figures you recieve every week. without fail, CSI:NY manages to top its slot! This show deserves the same amount of love you show to both Las Vegas and Miami, Yet it gets nothing close.
Now, seeing as the Emmy's are fast approaching, I - like many other CSI:NY fans, im sure - would like for NY to be nominated. Throw it in there and let it get the attention and love that is deserves!

The Great actor that i am referring to, is Mr Carmine Giovinazzo. This guy... he is an asset to CSI:NY. without him, I feel there would be no CSI:NY. The way Carmine portrays Danny Messer is just Unique. He gives Danny the authenticity that makes Danny who he is. I have never seen an actor carry off such a character in any other way than he does. The amount of chemistry that he eminates between the other characters and himself is amazing. He can go from playing around with Flack, Flirting with Lindsay, to being extremely serious when he needs to be - I.E 'Raising Shane'. At the end of this episode, Danny Messer was willing to risk his life for a fellow colleague, and i found it extremely touching. Yes, Danny Messer can be a hot head at times, and also a little out of line, but he does what he thinks is right. Thats why Carmine plays Danny Messer excellently.
I feel that Carmine is a great actor, and he shines above the great Gary Sinise in what he does. He is a very talented young man, who definately deserves this Emmy. Support him the way he supports you while on AND off the set.

Please please please Put Carmine Giovinazzo on the Nominations list for best actor / supporting actor. For all the hard work he has done on CSI:NY - taking part in promotional tours, and interviews - let him and 'CSI:NY' have some glory this year!! Put some $$ behind advertising him and get his face on the billboards!!! Danny Messer is an extremely important character within CSI:NY and there is so much love for Carmine, that you can find him everywhere on the net! Back Carmine 110% and let him know that he is definately worth that Emmy this year!!!!
lets hope you can do him justice!

Ever faithful to CSI:NY;

Chelle Acott.

Edit: added my emmy letter :D yay!!!
eh ... what happened? I saw it earlier. Was going to reply and now it's gone
Sorry. That must have been confusing for anyone who saw my long ass post and then saw it disappear. The abbreviated version of the story is that the bottom portion of my post got lost and when I went in to edit it, I lost the entire post. Shouldn't have been a problem because I always save the long posts before submitting, but ... well, anyway, after an hour and fourty-five minutes of trying to repost my original post, I had to step away before I hurled my laptop against a wall. :lol:

Now I'm back. Let's try this again. :D

BittenByTheWolfe said:
Alright ladies, it’s time for the long-awaited Carmine fan project that has nothing whatsoever to do with your collective desire to nail the guy.

You realize you lost my interest after that sentence, right? I have no idea what this thread is even about because I stopped reading after that.
:lol: That's what I love about you, Bitten. Your clarity of mind insures your idyl longings never cross over into actual interest in the man's work. ... But should we ever petition Playgirl to offer Carmine a fat chunk of change for the Full Monty, I'll be sure to give ya a call.

CarmineFan - Thanks for posting the youtube clips. That should help people outside the US see which episode I'm referring to.

Another thing to keep in mind...last year, Melina was submitted for "All Access," and Emmy DVDs were made of that episode alone for her. "All Access" didn't air until the end of April of 2006, so there's still a chance that some big Danny episode could be in the pipelines. If that's the case, and CBS gets tons of letters in support of Carmine, they could be more inclined to submit that episode than another for consideration. Just something to keep in mind!
Good point. And hopefully there is at least one Danny-centric episode in the pipeline. I'd hate to think a few shining minutes in "Raising Shane" is as good as the writing gets for him this season.

But hey watch it with the 'too old' talk lady (seeing as I'm the same vintage). I joined myspace because it's a great place to store videos privately that I can then embed in my own site. And my 14yo niece said I had to so I could friend her Also on LJ as a way of keeping up with friends' doings.
To both crankyjules and Thumpy - Thanks for trying to legitimize the presence of "the elderly" on MySpace and LJ. But in truth, the only time you'll find 36 year old attorneys on those site is when they're participating in kiddie porn sting operations. :lol:

But the important stuff:I spent yesterday afternoon and evening preparing for this. I joined up on a mountain of Carmine/CSINY related communities and groups so that I could help get the word out. I shall be crossposting to those forums and making bulletin posts as soon as I'm finished with this post.
Thank you so much. You rock! Massive participation is really key to the success of this project. The numbers from this board alone aren't enough to really turn heads at CBS. We need ALL Carmine's fans to participate and to each be responsible for more than one letter.

also bookmarked some Australian boards. You want I should forward the url's to you?
Yes, please forward them to me. Same for any of you other girls who may know of sites I don't. I'll join every single board I'm made aware of. And if any of the rest of you have the spare time to join other boards and pimp this project too, that would be fantastic. I've got a nice fat chunk of free time tomorrow afternoon which I'm going to devote to joining every Carmine-related board on the planet ... okay, maybe just the English speaking ones. :lol:

will of course also post it at my blog. As should everyone else who has a blog/live journal/blurty/myspace whatever and wants to participate!
Thank you! Big thanks to you and to everyone with any sort of blog/LJ/MySpace/whatever kind of page who can post this project and pimp it hard.

Would be kinda nice to know that he received the previous project, wouldn't it?
Well, they can't all be as sweet as Eddie, but if I hear anything on that, I'll be sure to let everyone know.

CarmineLuver - Gee, plagarize much? :lol: I'm teasing you. Thanks so much for jumping on this project so quickly.

We're so good to him. I hope all of our efforts don't fall on deaf ears, because that'd just be a shame and this is actually a project that REALLY means something. Not to say the others didn't, because I happily participated in all of them and know they were appreciated, but I'm just saying. Group efforts like this make me all warm and tingly inside.
We ARE good to him. And this is the one project I 'd really like to see succeed. The fun and flirty stuff is ... well, fun, but doesn't hold any real meaning. The personal ad project was designed, in part, as amusement for the fans. I'm sure Carmine doesn't find me half as entertaining as I do. :lol: But this project is one that could have lasting impact and it would be fantastic to know that fans can make a difference.

Thumpy - Great letter. And thanks for prioritizing fandom above a master's degree project. :D

Top - Thanks for posting the Eric Close DVD info. That is exactly what I want CBS to do for Carmine. Show our boy some love, damn it!

I wonder whether letters sent in from the other side of the world will have some extra oomph. Like, TPTB: Dudes, this actor has got fans from halfway across the world! Maybe we oughta put him up for an Emmy this year, 'cause I sure don't want a headhunter from Borneo coming after me!
:lol: Absolutely mention that you're on the other side of the world. The network is pretty proud of the high price per episode the show draws overseas. Make sure they know Carmine is appreciated in every corner of the world.

I have virtually spammed the livejournal communities I have posted to my blog (which gets quite a few visitors who've googled Carmine and ended up on my site, and lurkers), and I've posted bulletins and forum posts on the myspace communities. (Hope this is worth it because I'm going to have to friend them all to do it )
Spam away, baby! Keep up the good work! You're awesome.

Deb do you want me to post to the Australian forums etc I've found that we could use? Or would you prefer I send you the urls? I'm happy to do either.
If you want to send them to me, I can join, post essentially the same long ass opening post that I did on this site, then we can both tag team and keep going back to those sites to make sure the girls are writing in.

Chelliyah - Fantastic letter! Great job.

I'm really glad to see everyone excited about this project. The man has some damn good fans! Thanks for writing to CBS and for getting the word out.