CSI Level One
KiaraMebarak said:
ROTFL! Everything on Ryan's face is rounded, and everything on Greg's face is...*snaps her finger as if it would help her remember*..umm Pointy!szmandatogoholic said:
I've kinda been avoiding this. Ryan's nose has like a little ball at the end while Greg's is *thinks of a proper word, because she is actually lost for words*
But don't get me wrong, they have BEAUTIFUL noses!!
But they're both hot...don't get me wrong!
Of course Ryan's face is rounded, he has a baby face.
Right here is where you can get a better look at Ryan/Jon's nose and tattoo, BE CAREFUL, it's a hot pic. :lol: (I actually drooled first I saw it. Since then I learned to control my drool.)
And here is a good but slightly big pic of all of Greg/Eric's features. *drool* The pic wouldn't be dial-up friendly, probably.
And there ya go. My explanation is further explained in those pics. LOOK AT THEIR NOSES!!