
I forgot a had a neopets account. So, when I remembered one day, I forgot my password. So I made a new one yesterday, or rather, made like three new ones :lol: the activation codes kept being "invalid" but finally, one of them worked! Haha, I love neopets, the pets are so cute!
AW i miss gonna go make one right now, haha i used to go on alllll the time i was obbsessed. Me and my brother would fight over the computer just to go on neopets :)
CSI_Sidle2399 said:
I have an account, Puppylover2399. Anyone want to join my CSI guild?

:lol: I was wondering "who on earth...?" and then I checked your user page and kinda had CSI theme so thought "ah, someone from Talk" :lol:

I'd join your Guild but I'm sorry - I like my current one a lot. Ok fine, we just have game of the month, weekly "avatar help" and of course reminders about important stuff.

I finally understood Warf Rescue Team! :lol: The Buzzer Game is something that my logic doesn't... I don't get how it works :( And now I've tried to follow Stock Market :D

And if by any chance someone does no have avatars such as Gelert - Starry or Kau - Fortune Teller ... I can lend needed items (as long as you give those BACK!... of course those are very easy avvies but just in case ;) )
geez......I haven't been on neopets in.....ever! I was saving up money for something........jut not sure what lol my sn is Bam_Margera_loves_me..........yeah, it's old lol
DaWacko said:
CSI_Sidle2399 said:
I have an account, Puppylover2399. Anyone want to join my CSI guild?

:lol: I was wondering "who on earth...?" and then I checked your user page and kinda had CSI theme so thought "ah, someone from Talk" :lol:

I'd join your Guild but I'm sorry - I like my current one a lot. Ok fine, we just have game of the month, weekly "avatar help" and of course reminders about important stuff.

I finally understood Warf Rescue Team! :lol: The Buzzer Game is something that my logic doesn't... I don't get how it works :( And now I've tried to follow Stock Market :D

And if by any chance someone does no have avatars such as Gelert - Starry or Kau - Fortune Teller ... I can lend needed items (as long as you give those BACK!... of course those are very easy avvies but just in case ;) )

Yea I was in a good guild at one point and then it went bad, so I left and created a CSI guild. I write stories and people solve them and then I move them up a rank. Its quite fun.
^^ OOO! I'm gonna go randomly join you guild! :D

If anyone wants to be my awesome neofriend (haha, that's awesome) I'm memon101 (don't ask, my little sister always calls me memon, and i gave up and picked that as my username) :p
CatherineWillows said:
^^ OOO! I'm gonna go randomly join you guild! :D

If anyone wants to be my awesome neofriend (haha, that's awesome) I'm memon101 (don't ask, my little sister always calls me memon, and i gave up and picked that as my username) :p

Haha, I'm 19 and pretty much obsessed with neopets ! :p

Ha, my roommate the other day was like "you stupid loser, you have a neopets account" I go to login today, she was on her account this morning before I was up :lol:
Oh my god! You don't know how shocked I was when I saw my Gnorbu this morning! No hair! Checked my pets first. Thought "wtf? Have I got disease from some wheels? Well, has no bandates over it like usually" then I checked "new features" and started laughing :lol:

then I've been laughing at some iditic kids who go on the boards "OMG!? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO MY GNORBU?"