
yeah, the best way to keep your pets fed is to stick them in the cheapest neolodge thing for as long as you can without any extras like spa and restaurant. those extras just waste money.
Really. I never fed them, cus when I was playing Neopets I didn't understand why I had to feed them. :lol: My favorite game was the Ice Cream Factory. Do they still have it?
Well... If you go to Battledome, you have to have your pets fed, cannot fight if they are hungry.
I hardly ever feed my pets myself, unless my inventory is getting kinda full. But thank goodness for the soup faerie :D
ooh, i'm so mad. I was trying to get another avatar this afternoon, the Kelp one. and then i get this random event saying that some random thing (i think it was Boochi) had turned my faerie lenny into a baby one. Now she looks terrible. She was so beautiful as a faerie.
I never get random events anymore. The last ine I got that actually did something was when I got a Fountain Faerie quest. Painted my aishe Deaf_cat darigan. She's not on my main account.
Darigan is a new one. What does it look like? ( I can't check it out cus my sister will always pop into the room and laugh.)
Ah, I've been so lazy in past few months. Guild where I am has always monthly game contest and past two has been my fave games and I've always forgot to play :(

I were even in Battledome so I got Jetsam avatar (fought against a friend who had Jetsam) and she so kicked my ass. And then, since I have two accounts, I managed to change my Tonu to my main account :D
Urgh, i'm so annoyed with Neopets at the moment. I collect avatars and i bought myself Tiki Armour to for the ITTPD one. So i lent to people and it was stolen just on Friday. So then all these people just started begging me to buy another so i could lend to them. So i did and i bought a Clawed Shield this time. So today, my Clawed Shield was stolen as well. I'm so pissed off. Why the heck would you steal pixels? It's just annoying how people destroy things for other people because they can't be bothered doing something for themselves? It's really selfish.

On a lighter note, my lenny is pink, my grundo is snot, i have a green elephante and a blue chomby. :D And i am a little too obsessed.
I have a mutant... erm... skeith! And I got ...97 avatars and umm... nothing special.
I'm kinda poor on neopets. But my friend, who also goes here is practically rich, yet she still manages to steal my PPLM and sell it. That got me pissed. But, alas, I fould a new piece and changed my password. I have a lot of avvies, but may I ask, what does pwned mean? Just curious.