Definitely a great ep tonight, and yeah, Gibbs prefers being in the field as opposed to being Temp Director/ playing politics :lol:
Didn't see the ending coming, with the guy in the hospital revealing to Jen that her dad is alive. So, is it part of a set-up, or is it for real? And we probably won't even find out, until next season!
And Jeanne, trying to push Tony into
buying a house with her? After dating less than a year, and not even having lived together yet?

Run Tony, Run! :lol: I definitely think she's part of his undercover Op, but I'm also beginning to think he's also part of hers. If she really is the Frog's daughter as many fans think, then she's very likely not the sweet, niave thing he seems to think she is... I think she's possibly pulling one over on Tony at the same time he thinks he's pulling one over on her. It'll be interesting to finally see the end of that storyline.
Two weeks is very, very long to wait.
*tapping foot impatiently*