NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

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Happy Bday Sean :D

On the question what will happen to Tony's girlfriend? I guess she will be like all the other women DiNozzo meets, they end up as the killer in a case :p
Is Tony's girlfriend a "serious" girlfriend or is she somehow part of the secret assignment that Tony is working on? I think they've used the "Tony girlfriend is the killer" thing enough. Maybe they will do something interesting, like have here killed/hurt and have Tony have to deal with that.
okay...i think i'm being picky this season. number one...i hate tony's girlfriend or whatever she is. number two...ever since gibbs had amnesia he hasn't really called ducky well, ducky, it's always doctor mallard now.

the episodes lately have been very good, the acting amazing. i just want the old tony and old gibbs back.

i still haven't gotten my season two dvds...hopefully tonight though!
*dances around the room* I finally got S2. I can't wait to start watching. Can't wait to see Tues. ep. Sure hope McGees not leaving.
iv just started watching NCIS it is one of the best tv programs even (along with csi, csi miami, csiny of course) btu iv not seen many episodes can any one recomened any good ones
If you want to go digging into past seasons... Then..

Season 3:
Kill Ari pts. 1 and 2

Season two:

Season one:
Bete Noire

Yeah.. pretty much anything to do with Ari.
iv seen a couple of episodes with him in it but il try and see the rest its annoying when you start watching a program which is already a couple of seasons in because you see later episodes before the earlier ones and spoil the early episodes for your self iv only seen a couple of episodes with Ari in them but i probly aready know whats happend in the earlier ones but il still watch them
thanks for the tip
Whoa. Not all the great ones have Ari. What about "The Bone Yard"? That's one of the best ones I ever seen. No Ari in it. And "The Meat Puzzle"? It has one of the best parts:
Tony wrestling with Welsh Corgies.
[Pop Again]

The Mafia deposits Bodies/Victims in a Marine Bomb-testing Area. One day, one of their victims woke up early, ran almost to safety, but was killed by a bomb. Yadda Yadda, Gibbs has to find the Mafia's mole in the FBI. It's great and has a nice shock at the end. :3
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