NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

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I have just got into this wonderful program. I was so heavily into CSI Miami that I never really gave another program a look in, 'til Miami kind of went down the tubes for me, what with all the controversy about Horatio/DC and Calliegh/EP not sharing any scenes for goodness knows how long now and that this season there have been some awful glaring out of character occurrences and that Horatio is very much a SuperH with powers of immortality now. Kinda boring.

Anyhow, being so disappointed with Miami, I decided to have a look at NCIS and boy I fell in love right away. I adore the fact that it is very much a character driven show and that their concentration is on interaction, friendships and teamwork, while still managing to maintain the concept of the show. Gotta love that!!! :D

What I also like about NCIS is that there are Six completely different characters and yet despite that, we get to see how they compliment each other so very well.

On that though, I have to say that I do prefer Sasha Alexander over Cote de Pablo (there's just something about Cote De Pablo that gets on my nerves), though Ziva David is a far more interesting character than poor old Caitlin Todd was, which I think is a blinding shame.

Anyway, what I absolutely adore about this program though is the fact that, for me, it is getting stronger as time passes rather than weaker.

Also when they introduce something that is solely character driven that reveals something of their past they haven't resorted to soapifying it, they've managed to contain this discovery within the concept of the program, and I just adore it when it's done that way.

My favourite characters are Abby, Gibbs, Tony and Ducky. I love their interaction and Gibbs and Abby more often than not have me in absolute stitches. I adore the easiness of their friendship and it's just brilliantly acted by Pauley Perrette and Mark Harmon.

I can't say enough about this program. Half of me wishes I'd seen it as it was shown, but then, given some of the cliffhangers that have occurred at the end of a couple of seasons, my blood pressure is pretty thankful that I didn't have to wait too long to see the outcome - LOL!

Roll on the end of the writers strike because I really can't wait to see more of this wonderful, wonderful program :D

/of sycophantic gushing - chuckle.

I just really started to watch this show regularly and I have become slightly obsessed. I actually went and bought like six episodes on iTunes and watched them all. That pretty much made my weekend. If you knew me, though, you wouldn't be surprised.

I just saw Ex-File for the first time on Tuesday and lughed my butt of through the whole "We've all seen that look." scene. The look on Gibbs's face was priceless when all of the women in his life showed up. And Tony was pretty funny, too. He always is, though.
I love NCIS. Gibbs is my favorite because I think he's hot and he's a Marine, but I love all the others too, Abby and Ducky are so quirky! We're on about s4 here in the UK I think.
Yes, we are on season 4 - and it seems to have alot more happening in it than other seasons, especially with McGee's sister making an appearance and seeing even more of the agents' private lives, like Tony and his girlfriend. My favourites are probably Abby and Ziva, as well as Ducky, who has an excellent interaction with all of the characters. I think it's gained a lot of popularity now in the UK, because of it getting even better. Can't wait for Season 4 on DVD and other merchandise which I hope will get released.
Elsie and Destiny have jsut posted in the Renewed and Canceled thread that there will be plenty more head slapping next year

CBS has announced that NCIS will be back next year for a 6th season. I don't know if we will get any more new shows this year though.
I cannot believe that they are in their sixth season already. I can remember accidently catching the second series and have been hooked since.
I'm so glad that they are going into their sixth season. I just started watching bits and peices of past seasons and I'm really enjoying everything. I'm really bummed out, though, that they cut all the seasons short because of the strike. Oh well, I guess I should bee thankful that they are even going to continue the seasons at all.
I tink there are about 2 or three episodes due for the rest of this season, but Phee-eeew! So very pleased that they are making more of NCIS.

I would have been devastated if it had been a victim of the strike.

MacsLady said:
I love NCIS. Gibbs is my favorite because I think he's hot and he's a Marine, but I love all the others too, Abby and Ducky are so quirky! We're on about s4 here in the UK I think.

i agree Gibbs+Marine=HOTT!
Love him and i watched reequiem online and its sooo sad made me cry :(
The whole cast are brill its such a feel good show in a weird way...
I'm so excited I just got season four for my birthday today! I think I'm going to have an NCIS marathon now. And by the way, I absolutely agree... Gibbs is REALLY hot and he's a marine which makes him hotter! Which episode is Requiem again?
the one where gibbs daughter best friend turns up and they nearly drown its so sad but lovely. I love gibbs lol cant wait to get season 4 but they are really expensive over here
I only got into NCIS recently, the S2 repeats are on directly before CSI:NY here in the UK, so I'd been catching the last 15 minutes or so for ages, finally gave in and thought "what the heck, I may as well watch a whole episode and see what it's like". I'm so hooked I already went out and bought a S3 boxset! I like the one-case-a-week format, and where CSI uses montages and flashbacks, NCIS gives us character moments and we see the bond between the characters when they have their banter, there can be funny moments in amongst the violence of the cases, I love the balance of light and dark, and that there have been a few death-free episodes.

My favourite characters are Gibbs and Abby, and I love any scene they're in together. There was a great moment in "Driven" where they're at the sexual harassment seminar, and Abby seems traumatised by the idea that she can't hug people. Then Tony asks if head-slapping is appropriate, and Gibbs gives him such a look!

I'll join up with the "Gibbs is hot" brigade too. Does anyone remember the scene in "Head Case" where he's talking with Tony and Ziva about sleeping with someone as an interrogation technique? MAJOR drool moment! And he can get me into an elevator and hit the stop button any day.
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