Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Boa vista fan you really should write to Corey, i know i dont regret sending him a email during the winter(i still have it i know its stupid but i thought it was so cool i didnt want to erase it!)

What i like about the promo for next week is that Natalia doesnt really look scare so maybe she's gonna kick that guy's ass! that would be so great!!!!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

is it just me or does it seem like our gal here is being thrown on the backburner here lately? shes such a great actress & has awesome character potential- i just dont get it. im soooo hoping for some excitement w/ her in the last 3 epis. if they dont im gonna get ugly cuz ya know i love all my CSIami characters but they should ALL be allowed the same good screen time!! who has coreys email- i have some questions for him.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i really dont want her to be forgotten, she's really good at her job and she's a great caracter. Its like last week they could have make her talk about her divorce but no they decide to choose Calleigh for that. I love calleigh but it would have been a better storyline to ear what Nat has to say about Mariage and divorce.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

thanx veggie for the address! i totally agree- it was screaming a good natalia story & again threw in calleigh(who i do like) but honestly shes a big girl she should be over her parents divorce by now. i wish theyd realize theres more to CSIami than eric/cal which i find is being way to pushed & unnatural & not to mention out of their characters. my opinion, no offense to any shippers, i still am a true beleiver of nat/eric ya know, the couple who had a real relationship! sorry, im just kinda peeved over the writers lately.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

veggie said:
Boa vista fan you really should write to Corey
I just wrote to him. I asked about the pregnancy thing and a relationship that must-not-be-named. ( :mad: ) I'll let you know when I get a response.

veggie said:
What i like about the promo for next week is that Natalia doesnt really look scare so maybe she's gonna kick that guy's ass! that would be so great!!!!
Yeah, she looks pissed. While I have a feeling she won't kick his ass ( :( ), I'm definitely hoping she'll yank away and yell at him. (Get PISSED, Natalia! Be ANGRY! GRR!)

mjszud said:
is it just me or does it seem like our gal here is being thrown on the backburner here lately? shes such a great actress & has awesome character potential- i just dont get it.
I don't know... I don't think it's too bad. (Although wasn't there a recent episode where she was only in like... one scene? I didn't like that.) As long as she's in more than one or two scenes, I'm fine. There are six other principal characters in the show that we can't forget about. Besides, a lot of the focus was on her at the beginning of the season--being the hated newbie who was responsible for the accidental death of a man, having Nick re-enter her life, having the accident with the DNA samples, Anya getting kidnapped by a serial killer, being the prime suspect of Nick's death, etc.

mjszud said:
who has coreys email- i have some questions for him.
I believe it's . (Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)

veggie said:
Its like last week they could have make her talk about her divorce but no they decide to choose Calleigh for that. I love calleigh but it would have been a better storyline to ear what Nat has to say about Mariage and divorce.
I actually liked that Calleigh mentioned her parents' divorce. Some nice character development for her and something that hasn't really been talked too much about in the five seasons of Miami. However, it would've been nice if Natalia talked about her divorce, too. There was room for that.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Great answers, Boa_Vista_Fan!

One thing I wondered is if Eva LaRue isn't available as much right now as she was in past episodes/past seasons. She might be having to take more personal time and cut back on her shooting schedule, so scenes that might have originally been designed for her were shifted to other characters. It's not a slight against the Natalia character, it's just accomodating her family.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

oh boa vista fan you have got to let us know as soon as you get your response from corey! i was going to email him too but i'll wait now. i cant wait for tomorrow, ya know im kinda wondering if maybe she somehow knows this dude. you know on miami they love to connect all the little issues involved. hmmm, the curiosity is killing me. i just read an article about eva at her website from the cover of bello magazine. the pictures are awesome- she looks absolutely gorgeous! after reading it im kinda glad they didnt focus last weeks divorce epi around natalia. i think it would of hit too close to home for her real life situation.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

people you have to go to Eva's website there is that new article that is post in her gallery. That woman is amazing she is so strong i'm really impress by her. the article come with beautiful picture of her.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

hey thanks veggie for the heads up! in some of the pics she doesn't even look like herself, but they were very nice indeed. :) :) :) :)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Oh, f*ck, Horatio. Let our girl take care of herself.

Stupid man with an unrealistic superhero mentality... :mad:
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

super disappointment on mondays epi! im so glad that she was conquering(sp?) her fears but could have done w/out horatio the great stepping in. i would of liked to see eric come in & throw the guy against the wall & then nat go kick him in the balls but, oh well. usually @ the end of the season im sad for it to be over, but, im actually ready for next season. im ready for nat to step in where she belongs & i think im gonna have to wait til next season! at least we have SOME good repeats to look forward to. btw, i watched "skeletons" again last night. love it, love it! her & eric seem so real & personal in that epi- yay!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

over in the spoiler thread:
the tv guide apparently said Natalias daugther will be introduced? Apart from there bing some post refering to a Lindsay, I usre hope this is not true. I want some procedural, crime solving eps with Nat now, enought with the drama!

anyone hear anything about this?? :eek:
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

mjszud said:
super disappointment on mondays epi! im so glad that she was conquering(sp?) her fears but could have done w/out horatio the great stepping in.
While it wasn't my favorite episode (by a LONG shot), I still didn't hate it. I liked almost all of Natalia's scenes in that episode. I loved how kick-ass she was in interrogation with Michael Lipton. ("No one talks to me that way!" "Oh, really? SIT DOWN.") She was amazinggggggggggg. I agree, though... I do think it would've been even more awesome if Horatio hadn't intervened. I would've loved to have seen what Natalia would've done to get out of that one.

I also loved the first part of her scene with Eric. Her ranting about "Tony Soprano" and then him asking her if she was okay was great. (And soooo sweet.)

What I really liked was how pissed she was at Lipton. She seriously had it out from him the minute she saw his face. (Too bad we didn't see any more of them, though. I really would've loved to have seen how Natalia reacted to him being innocent.)

Juma said:
anyone hear anything about this?? :eek:
Other than that post in the spoiler thread and then that spoiler over at buddytv (where the spoiler is), I haven't heard anything. I emailed Corey about the "pregnancy test" thing a few days ago, so I'm hoping my response will tell us more.

I think it would be pretty awesome if Natalia had a kid. Character development, my friends! We get to see yet another side to Natalia: nurturing and motherly! And I think Eva would do fine with that, seeing as how she has cute lil' Kaya in real life. I think I'd like a baby Boa Vista. (Or would she be baby Townsend? I'm going to assume she is his because if the kid is two-years-old, that's probably about the very, very tail-end of Natalia's relationship with Nick.) And... awww... could you see Natalia getting mothering tips from Alexx? It would be too cute!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

yah. except time line wise, it just doesn't work out. I think the spoiler is wrong. ah well.

I thought Natalia's outfit was just great!!!! I loved the shirt !!!!! :)

Not that Elr looks bad in anything. But I thought this was really flattering.....
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Juma said:
yah. except time line wise, it just doesn't work out. I think the spoiler is wrong. ah well.
Why do you say that?
...the baby is two-years-old, that would mean that Natalia had to have had her in May 2005 at the latest. She didn't start at the crime lab until September, so she had a good four months (at least) to recover.
... Unless you're thinking of a different timeline.

Juma said:
I thought Natalia's outfit was just great!!!! I loved the shirt !!!!! :)
The shirt was adorable. The color was great and I loved the tie in the back. :)
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