Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Yeah, I kninda figure that the Eric-gets-hurt is the sweeps epi.

Or not?
Like they check ratings and stuff?
Love ELR as alayws. Short but impressive :)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

"Boy that layout on is really great, isn't it"

It's all up guys, great job on the video!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

veggie said:
I did enjoy the fact that she worked with Eric and also the face she made when she mentioned the strip club and Eric siad that he knew where that was!
You have absolutely no idea how crazy I went during that scene. But I'm going to drag my ERotIcA-shipping heart over to the Eric/Natalia thread, which is the featured ship of the week! (Woooo! Party!)

SpunkySparky said:
"Boy that layout on is really great, isn't it"

It's all up guys, great job on the video!

... Don't judge me, okay? It was my first-ever music video. EVER. Y'know... ever. Ever-ever. So... it's not the best thing in the world, but... I still like it. A little bit.

...Can I just throw one more "ever" in there for the sake of having six "ever"s in my post? I like the number six. Nice and even. :p

I can't remember when I started making that video, but it took a heckuvalot of time. I remember seeing all of these other videos for the other characters online, but I don't remember seeing any for Natalia, so I made one.

I think the song is perfect just because Natalia always seems to be having a bad day... Held at gunpoint in the evidence locker, pregnancy scare, being considered "cleared for landing" by Eric, that whole mole crap, accidently causing the death of an innocent man, Nick, feeling the wrath of Ryan, Nick, kidnapped sister, Nick, being accused of murder, Nick... Nick... Nick...

So, yeah. Since she's a fictional character, I couldn't really just jump up and give her a hug, so I made a video.

But, seriously... Her life is so freakin' tragic. She hasn't had many good days, has she? I hope therapy's doing something for her. (I found that whole therapy thing really surprising at first... but only for a second. I mean, it's clearly obvious as to why she's in therapy, but has a character on any of the three CSIs ever mentioned being in therapy before? I think that's a new one.)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

hey BVfan i think your video was really great so give yourself a big hug!

I wish they could show us that Natalia is happy it doesnt have to be a boyfriend just showing us Natalia spending time with her sisters or just Anya cause i'd like to see her again! Maybe she could go out with Calleigh or Valera for a girl night out!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

I was thinking that too. I'd like to see her boyfriendless, but with Anya :). On the other hand, the personal stories shouldn't be too many, and we've had quite a lot of NBV stories this season :)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

so i was bored today and i thought of something. well my first motive was that i wanted this thread to stay on the first page!

Anyway i was thinking how it would be interesting to meet Natalia's therapist, i supose its a woman and she seem pretty good since she told Natalia when Nick came back that she was mad at him because of supress atraction, so if she's that good i'm assuming she has more then one patient so maybe oen of her patient could be a suspect or a victim. it would be intresting i think. anyway probably wont ever happen but like i said i was bored i dont have school this week!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Hey again.
I'm a bit worried all this
talk about Yelina isn't bad new for our Natalia! Two hot hot latina's on the same turf? I hope the writers don't mess this uppp.

Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

I apologize for my lack of posting here... Life has been kuh-razy these last several weeks. I'm stuck in the stressful world of being a high school senior, the cheerleading season is suddenly never-ending because our girls' basketball team keeps advancing in the state tournament (they're actually playing in the finals today, where I have to cheer), and the saying "death comes in threes" is, as far as I believe, officially true.

But enough about the off-topicness of me... :p

veggie said:
hey BVfan i think your video was really great so give yourself a big hug!
Awwwwww, thanks! That's much appreciated, veggie. :D

veggie said:
I wish they could show us that Natalia is happy it doesnt have to be a boyfriend just showing us Natalia spending time with her sisters or just Anya cause i'd like to see her again! Maybe she could go out with Calleigh or Valera for a girl night out!
I'm with you on that. It seems like Natalia's always having a rough day. The writers need to stop torturing her. Happiness, TPTB. 'Talia needs to experience some happiness. (Which she has, I guess, when she was still dating Eric, but even then a lot of it was bad... like the bracelet that wasn't hers, the pregnancy scare, and the "cleared for landing" comment.)

I think a girls' night would be awesome to see. Eric and Speedle were clubbing in one of the episodes (granted, that ended up being the crime scene), so why not show the girls enjoying Miami's nightlife? Or maybe just going to a spa or the beach? Pina Coladas, anyone?

Juma said:
On the other hand, the personal stories shouldn't be too many, and we've had quite a lot of NBV stories this season :)
We have, haven't we? I don't think there will be any more Natalia storylines, though... At least for this season. And if there are, let's hope it's not entirely drama-filled and that it helps develop her character.

I'd actually love to see another episode like "Man Down", in terms of Natalia's role. She was incredible in that episode. No drama, all business. I especially loved how she handled the "victim" when her and Tripp first found her. I'd love to see more of that, more of her interacting with the victims.

veggie said:
Anyway i was thinking how it would be interesting to meet Natalia's therapist, i supose its a woman and she seem pretty good since she told Natalia when Nick came back that she was mad at him because of supress atraction, so if she's that good i'm assuming she has more then one patient so maybe oen of her patient could be a suspect or a victim. it would be intresting i think. anyway probably wont ever happen but like i said i was bored i dont have school this week!
That would be pretty cool, actually. I believe I said earlier in here that there's never been a CSI, in any of the three shows, that go to therapy. (Even though more than half of all the characters desperately, desperately need to.)

We'll probably never actually see this happen, so I guess I'll have to stick with the fanfic I'm writing about that. :)

Why would this be a bad thing? The spoilers said that Yelina's a Private Investigator now, so I'm sure she won't have too much interaction with the CSIs... Even if they did work a case together, she'll probably spend it more with Horatio. If her and Natalia were to cross paths, I don't think it would be any more than just introductions, no?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

So I got my TV Guide magazine today, and there's a CSI: Miami article in it... It's about this upcoming Monday's new episode, and Natalia is mentioned in it.

After Delko, who's still reeling from his brain injury, figures out the look-alike angle, Boa Vista steps in to head up the interrogation of the trio. "You'll see that she's a really good CSI and doesn't get thrown," Donahue says.

Go Natalia! :D
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

ohhhhhhhhhhh. this is exciting. Natalia on her maiden voyage? I'm relieveed to hear there will be no Titanic moment, but rather a success. hehe.

Now if Natalia could only get herself a gun permit. Or whatever it's called. Maybe with some nice friendship lessons from Calleigh, I'd like that. Or even Ryan, showing some patience and stuff.

What do you guys think?
Shooting lessons from whom?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

That would be cool to see Natalia develop her CSI skills by getting a gun, and also her friendship skills with the others, by getting shooting lessons. I think it would be good for Ryan to be assigned because of his little moment in 'Rio' when he complains about her, but I think they could develop their relationship if they are made to work together, although Ryan doesn't seem to be a cold towards her as he was in 'Rio' so maybe he realises what its like to be the newbie in the lab!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

just a little note someone wrote it a while ago, please give a gun they go into dangerous places and shes all la de da and i want her to have a gun....... and she is so pretty i luv her hair
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Nataliaroxohyeah, welcome to the Natalia thread and Miami Forum! I hope you're having a pleasant time here. :D Though I'd like to ask that you please use the 'edit' function near the 'reply' button if you'd like to add more to your post as opposed to double posting. You have up to 24 hours to edit. Thank you. :)
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