Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i never watch AMC but i'm sure she was great! i cant wait to see what is gonna happen on monday i hope she get lots of screen time!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

ThumpyG42 said:
A reminder a courtesy to those members who still have dial up, we ask that you not post more than two medium sized images per post, any other images you wish to post may be posted as links. We ask this in order to insure speedy page loading times for all members.

:) Thanks!
Sorry, Thumpy. *snuggles*

Juma said:
Oh yes please post the transcript!!!!!!!! thank you :)
Okay... Here it is, complete with hesitation! :p

Regis: "The next guest is on her second season on the CBS crime drama CSI: Miami. She's really an old pal of ours, in fact she's known Kelly for years, and of course has worked in New York for years and hasn't been seen here, hasn't been back to New York, in a few years now. Please welcome Eva La Rue!"
[applause, applause, Eva comes out looking pretty and waves, applause, applause, Eva hugs Regis, Eva hugs Kelly, applause, applause]
Eva: [to Kelly] "I'm sorry I kept you up late last night!"
Kelly: "No, no!"
Regis: "Eva La Rue!"
Kelly: "We were visitin' last night, we were like two old--Mark said we could talk a leg off a horse."
Regis: "You guys worked together for...?"
Kelly: "Oh my, how many years?"
Eva: "Oh... like at least... eight?"
Kelly: "Yeah."
Regis: "Eight years, very close. As a matter of fact, you are, um,” [points to Kelly] “the first-born's..."
Eva: "Michael's--"
Regis: "--Godmother--"
Eva: "--Godmom."
[a bunch of "yeah"s from all three]
Regis: "Did you know that I was... I'm Madonna's Godfather for David? The new little one?"
Eva: "The new one?"
Regis: "Yeah, she asked me."
Eva: "Ohokay." (She literally made it sound like one word. And everybody laughed.) "Well, you know, we were talking about this last week because my daughter's been asking for an older brother."
Regis: "Yeah?"
Eva: "So I thought well maybe Madonna and I could somehow be related 'cause I can go maybe adopt her old--his older brother, I’m sure he must have one.”
Kelly: "I thought maybe you were gonna adopt Regis! ...If Kaya wants a really older brother."
Regis: "This was some move you made after establishing, you know, the career here in New York, workin' so hard and so long..."
Eva: "Yeah, I've been here for a long time..."
Regis: "And then one day she just decided--" [points to Kelly] "--Well, you were probably there--she decided to go to LA."
Kelly: "It is painful, it was a painful devastation and it was like, uhh, uhh, aah, aii, you, you, you're literally sitting there going: 'Don't leave. What are you going to do out there in LA? I mean, what, what, what's LA have got to offer you?' And literally she calls and says: 'I got a job! I just landed and I got a job!' And we're screaming like banshees, like crazy people!"
Eva: "It was incredible. I had no job, I had nothing to go to California for except my family and my friends and I just thought, you know, it's time to go back home and... and my daughter's four and I wanted her to know her grandma and her grandpa and her aunts and uncles and her cousins and everybody, and it just had been too long. And, um, I thought, what am I doing? I'm leavin' a really great job that I love and now I'm going to be a single mom, unemployed like the bazillions of other actresses out there in California, and hopefully I'd saved well enough at All My Children to get me through, I don't even, I didn't even know, so I thought, ‘Okay, I'm going to be broke in LA.’ And, and I just got lucky. I took a massive leap of faith and I landed in a big net."
Regis: "CSI. You know, one of the hottest shows on television!"
Eva: "See, I never thought that would happen!"
Regis: "The world is saying, 'please help us, Eva!'"
Eva: "No, I'm the girl who gets dragged through pilot season behind a bus, behind, you know, who was made to audition seventy-five thousand times and still doesn't get the job. And this was one of those things that, I couldn't make it to the initial audition, I thought, okay, it just is not meant to be. And..."
Kelly: "Well, sometimes I think that, for actors, the more indifferent you are, the more it's like, oh, you know, it's like, I, I, I can't be there..."
Eva: "The more you can't be there..."
Kelly: "The more you can't be there, the more they're like, she must be incredible! She can't be here!"
Regis: "That's right!"
Eva: "She's so busy!"
Kelly: "We have to have her, she's too busy to be here!"
Regis: [to Kelly] "You've been indifferent for years!"
Kelly: "I say it's the key to my success, it's my complete indifference."
Regis: "Earlier this season, your real-life sister co-starred on the show with you?"
Eva: "She did. She had a role on the show... unfortunately, it was... it was... they wrote a story about the real-life happenings of, um, my sister's run-in with a serial murderer, who was a photographer and, um, it was just so random and surreal, the whole thing. And they found out about the story and they... they actually found out about it 'cause they read about it in People magazine because LA County Sheriff’s department had, um, given them the information because I thought, you know, I don't know if this is really publicity that I wanna do."
Kelly: "Well, tell him the story, though. 'Cause it was fascinating, it's, um... 48 Hours, the, the news magazine, did a, did a story on this. I was watching like everyone else. Eva didn't call me and say ‘We're gonna be on 48 Hours.’ I'm watching and suddenly there's this poster that's put out. They... they've incarcerated this serial killer and they find all these photographs, thousands of photographs, of young girls. "
Eva: “In-in-in this cache of—“
Regis: “Like you see in the movies!”
Kelly: “Just like in the movies!”
Eva: “Yeah, it was, it was like in the movies. And I get this phone call from Nika at work, my sister Nika, and she said, ‘A friend of mine just called me and told me that I… that there might be a picture of me on the news, something to do with a serial murderer, and I’m stuck here at work. Will you go on the computer and look it up?’ And I looked it up and I said, ‘Oh my god, your picture is number three and it says ‘missing’ under your face.’ And I… so I said, ‘I’ll call you back’ and I called LA County Sheriff’s Department and I said, ‘Number three is my sister, she’s fine, she’s not missing,’ and then they of course asked me everything: ‘what do you do?’ And I was like, ‘I work on a show, CSI: Miami, oddly enough,” and, uh… they’re like, [funny, high-pitched voice] ‘We love that show!’
Regis: “You’re a DNA specialist!”
Eva: “I’m a DNA specialist! …And oddly enough, the guy who is heading the investigation worked with our, um, technical advisor and, and our other, um, writers and producers, who, most of them were, you know, homicide detectives…”
Kelly: “It’s like, fascinating how small this like, circle is of this story.”
Regis: “Small world… absolutely.”
Eva: “And, and weird… and I came on the show as a cold case, um, you know, person. And here I was talking to LA County Sheriff’s, and they had just gotten a $43,000,000 grant, LA County Sheriff’s, and the first case that they opened up, reopened, was this case. That had to do with my sister. So…”
Regis: “I had no idea that the law enforcement agencies were working this closely, you know, with these shows, and it all comes together.”
Eva: “Yeah, it does. What we do on the show is, is usually real stuff.”
Regis:”Absolutely. Let’s take a look at you in action now. Here’s a scene from CSI… Miami!”
[they show the scene between Natalia and Calleigh in Episode 5.10: “Come As You Are”]
[come back to crazy applause]
Kelly: [to Eva] “Can we show her?”
Eva: “Yeah!”
Regis: “Eva La Rue, CSI…” [points out into the audience at Kaya] “There’s her little girl right over there!”
Kelly: “Come here, Kaya!”
Eva: [waves at Kaya] “Hi, can you wave?”
[cut to Kaya, looking absolutely ADORABLE, who’s waving with her mouth wide open; Kelly, Regis, and Eva laugh; everyone applauds]
Regis: [holds out hand to Eva] “Eva, good luck to you, darling.”
Eva: [shakes his hand] “Thank you so much, so good to see you!”
[cut back to Kaya who’s making silly faces]
Regis: “Great to have ya back in New York!”
Eva: “Thank you!”
Regis: “We’ll be right back in a moment!”

Regis was all business... if he wasn't there, Kelly and Eva would have gone on and on and on for the entire hour. And Kaya was SO SWEET. She wants an older brother... awwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

^^ Sounds awesome. Thanks for the transcript!

I've just watched Dark Room and I've realized how much I love Natalia! Her character is new and exciting. :) I'm liking her very much... I cried at the end when they found her sister and when Anya came out of the car. :D Great episode. Natalia was great in it!

I didn't really like her before... but she was fantastic! I found her useless at first, even though I liked her, now-- I really really do!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

She is amazing!! am i the only one who cant see where the ex-husband storyline is going? its just impossible for me to think about what they want to do with it. Its clear for me that she wont get back together with him cause she cant trust him. so what he's gonna date Valera and everything is gonna beautiful with sunshine and puppies????!!!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Yay for the revival of the thread! (I was going to revive it but I had no idea what to say and I didn't want to go way off topic. :rolleyes:)

kissmesweet said:
^^ Sounds awesome. Thanks for the transcript!
Not a problem! :D

kissmesweet said:
I've just watched Dark Room and I've realized how much I love Natalia! Her character is new and exciting. :) I'm liking her very much... I cried at the end when they found her sister and when Anya came out of the car. :D Great episode. Natalia was great in it!
Yeah, the reunion was a great scene. It made me want to run upstairs and wake my baby sister up just so I could give her a hug.

kissmesweet said:
I didn't really like her before... but she was fantastic! I found her useless at first, even though I liked her, now-- I really really do!
Yay! I'm glad you're liking her. There was a lot of Natalia hate during season four but a lot of people are starting to warm up to her this season. (Wheeeeeee!)

veggie said:
She is amazing!! am i the only one who cant see where the ex-husband storyline is going? its just impossible for me to think about what they want to do with it. Its clear for me that she wont get back together with him cause she cant trust him. so what he's gonna date Valera and everything is gonna beautiful with sunshine and puppies????!!!
I have no idea where the Nick storyline is going, either. I haven't put too much thought into it because TPTB aren't giving us that much to work with. There are still a lot of unanswered questions. (When Nick went on and on to Eric about Eric having "no idea who she is," was he telling the truth? I'm kind of doubting that but if so, who is she? Natalia's CBS bio says something along the lines of "What transpired between Natalia and her ex-husband Nick Townsend was enough to land him in jail. But the truth of what occurred may only be known by the two of them." What's that supposed to mean? What is the truth? ...And what's going to happen with Valera? TPTB, please don't give her a black eye or something. Why not have Natalia fill Valera in on Nick because by the looks of it, Valera has no idea who he is.)

I'm hoping we'll have some of those answered sometime soon.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

we will probably get something to talk about when epiode 12 come around. wathever happened between them i want to know but it wont change that i'm on Natalia's side. he broke her arm but he also broke her spirit. i' wondering when he went wrong. He probably was nice when they got married and it when worse with time. Ita clear that she still have scars of her past since she still see her therapist wich is also a good sign meaning she wont go back to that dumbass jerk. I dont want to see Valera get hurt either, she should have a conversation with Nat it would be better then have her get hurt. I think Nick is gonna die( yeah now i have a theorie!)i'm not sure but he need to prove he change or if he didnt then Nat is probably gonna end up in a situation when self defense come runing and he will die and i will be very happy if it happen cause i dont want anything bad happening to Nat.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

The jury is still out for me, I really liked her in Darkroom. But she still has a long way to go with me.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

I think Valera must know about Nick. I mean, everyone else knows,and then there was the restriction order and other things going on. I just hope they don't go down the "it takes two to tango" route on the abuse. In my opinion, it sure takes two to fight, but the one who hits the other is always wrong no matter what.

And I mean, he landed in JAIL for crying out loud. To go to jail for sure he must have done something AWFUL.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Juma said:
I think Valera must know about Nick. I mean, everyone else knows,and then there was the restriction order and other things going on.

You've just reminded me of something I meant to post earlier, Juma...although It's probably more relevant to the Valera thread.

I bought the Dec. 11th-17th TV Guide in the grocery store last week, and it had a recap of events that had transpired during, "Going, Going, Gone' episode and at the end of it is the following:

Natalia was shocked to learn that her spiteful ex-husband, Nick, asked Valera out for a date. Valera accepted, not knowing Nick was her coworker's ex.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

veggie said:
we will probably get something to talk about when epiode 12 come around.
Why? Does something happen in episode twelve that I'm unaware of? :confused:

ThumpyG42 said:
I bought the Dec. 11th-17th TV Guide in the grocery store last week, and it had a recap of events that had transpired during, "Going, Going, Gone' episode and at the end of it is the following:

Natalia was shocked to learn that her spiteful ex-husband, Nick, asked Valera out for a date. Valera accepted, not knowing Nick was her coworker's ex.
I noticed that in TV Guide, too. But I find something odd... If I remember correctly, Valera does know who Nick is. After Natalia sees Nick with Valera, when she goes into the lab to bring it up to Valera... their dialogue gave me the impression that Valera knows Nick is Natalia's ex.

Natalia: Hey, um... was he... was he just asking about me?
Valera: Nick? Not at all.
Natalia: So my ex-husband just comes into the lab just to hang out?
Valera: He... asked me out.

Valera didn't seem the least bit surprised when Natalia mentioned he was her ex. At least... that's how it came off to me. *shrug*

My guess is Natalia, at some point within the past year, mentioned her ex-husband to Valera, but never went into any "details."
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

You know...I'd forgotten that Natalia mentioned that he was her ex-husband to Valera. Thanks for refreshing my memory. ;)

I usually pick up on discrepancies like that, but lately I haven't been rewatching the episodes as much I used to.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

ThumpyG42 said:
Thanks for refreshing my memory. ;)
That's what I'm here for. :D

Eva just posted a picture message over on her message boards:

Eva looks GORGEOUS (as always), Kaya is absolutely ADORABLE and looks more and more like her mother every day, and Bingo is, of course, a cute and snuggly little puppy. :)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Kaya is really a cute little girl, she really look like her mom and she turned 5 two weeks ago! in two weeks its Eva's birthday. thanks for sharing the picture!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

veggie said:
in two weeks its Eva's birthday.
I can't believe she's going to be forty! She doesn't look it at all. (I even asked my sister's boyfriend how old he thought she was: "Well, I was going to say about twenty-eight, but you're making it sound like a trick question, so... thirty-four?")

...I hope I look as great as she does when I'm "over the hill."
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Natalia was shocked to learn that her spiteful ex-husband, Nick, asked Valera out for a date. Valera accepted, not knowing Nick was her coworker's ex.

The whole vibe I got from that conversation was that Valera knew. I think Valera even said "You're not mad at me, are you?" I mean, why would you say that unless you knew that the person you were talking to had a connection to the guy who asked you out? In general, though, I thought everyone knew about Natalia's history with Nick. Big news like that probably doesn't stay silent in a lab. I mean, look at CSI: NY and Danny's whole thing with Tanglewood. That sure went around fast.
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