Name the Episode

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Wow thats quite a hard one....I'm new to this, so I want to try one but I just can't think of what episode its from, but its on the tip of my tongue! ......
Um...Wow that one has slipped my mind as well. Actually, it blew right over my head and landed three blocks over. :p
lol thank god you said that, I felt like such a fool, because everyone in here is so very very clued up on CSI and I'm just an ickle freshie. But I suppose I will pick it up with time huh? lol :lol:
I don't know this one either! Btw, welcome to the Miami Forum Mrs_Caine. :)
Oh, where are my manners? Welcome to the Miami forum Mrs_Caine :D *shakes hands and passes around cookies*

And yet, I still can't put my finger on that quote....Seriously it's going to bug me all day now. :lol:

EDIT: Okay I figured it out. Death Grip. :p
Teehee, You will not believe how proud of myself I feel right now. Especially since Geni knows like every Speed quote there is. Teehee. Go me lol. But yes geni you are correct its your turn!

And welcome to the bored Mrs. Caine!
That's right! I got it! ...And you still stumped me. *bows down* That never happens. :lol:

Calleigh: Can you hand me the scale?
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