Name the Episode

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Uh, I'm not sure, but it was somewhere in season 2, wasn't it? :confused: Then it could be maybe "Witness to murder".

Or am I wrong? Could be also maybe "Grave Young Man"
Sorry, it's just a guess, coz I have no idea :confused: :(
Really?? Yeah!! :D

Ok, here's the new one. (I know, it's easy, but I saw this episode this morning with a friend :)):

Calleigh: " Ten bucks please."
Eric: "At least this buys us a warrent."
Alright buckle your seatbelts, here comes a hard one...Hopefully.

Speedle: What are you going to do boss?
Horatio: I'm going to look for the signature. Every bomber has one, and I'm going to find his.
uhm okay ... i don't remember the single words but it was something like that:

Horatio: Do you think you can fix it?
Calleigh: Hairspray ...
Horatio: I like it.

Delko: Hey what was that address again?
Speed: When are you gonna learn to type? That's Garden Street.
Yay!!! :D
Hmm... let me think... ok, got one :p. Here it is:

Speed: "Hey I'll let Horatio know that our golden boy wasn't so golden."
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