My statement on Virginia Tech shootings.........

Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

I don't think americans don't care about each others, I really disagree. That don't change the fact that those things happen, just like here we have a terrorist group that kill people just to make people hear what they can't say with words. That doesn't mean we here don't care about each others.

If this psycho wanted to kill, and did't get access to weapons, yes, he could have made it another way, but why to make things easier?

A lot of people here are from different countries, have diferent believes, different law reulation for weapons... we all see the same reality with diferent eyes. But I can't believe any of us can say americans don't get together when tragedies happen. Sorry for all the society all around the world, 'cause it looks like we can't do anything to stop it.

Also I like to add just one thing. Buy guns here is not easy. I've never saw a civil carry a gun, but I've seen three stabbed people. If our regulation have been diferent, then maybe they wouldn't have been stabbed, but shooted.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

As I told my students, this is not a time for debate...this is a time to mourn, a time to grieve, and a time to show our solidarity with the Hokie nation.

I have always been a Volunteer and a Cavalier, but this week, I am a Hokie. I encourage everyone to join us in wearing maroon and orange on Friday as part of "Hokie Hope" day, an alumni led effort to show our support for Virginia Tech. In the commonwealth, we will also have a statewide day of mourning.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

aimsavol said:
As I told my students, this is not a time for debate...this is a time to mourn, a time to grieve, and a time to show our solidarity with the Hokie nation.

I have always been a Volunteer and a Cavalier, but this week, I am a Hokie. I encourage everyone to join us in wearing maroon and orange on Friday as part of "Hokie Hope" day, an alumni led effort to show our support for Virginia Tech. In the commonwealth, we will also have a statewide day of mourning.
I agree. This is a time for grieving.. not arguing. Thanks for letting us know about Friday!
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

grissoms_gurl said:
aimsavol said:
As I told my students, this is not a time for debate...this is a time to mourn, a time to grieve, and a time to show our solidarity with the Hokie nation.

I have always been a Volunteer and a Cavalier, but this week, I am a Hokie. I encourage everyone to join us in wearing maroon and orange on Friday as part of "Hokie Hope" day, an alumni led effort to show our support for Virginia Tech. In the commonwealth, we will also have a statewide day of mourning.
I agree. This is a time for grieving.. not arguing. Thanks for letting us know about Friday!

So true. thank's for putting this back on track and in perspective. and time for us all to reflect on this tragic event & not blame it on others, and say mean sniping comments.. and the heads-up about the colors.. ;)will do.. thank's again.. right on!
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

I don't think we will ever understand the mind of those who feel that killing is the solution to whatever problem they are having or imagine they are having. I also don't believe that Americans don't care, part of the problem we are at aloss because we can only do so much and hope that it works for the best. -- the other part of the problem is this, unless a crime has been committed usually all the police can do is take the report, investigate a bit, here where I am were told unless basically you are shot or stabbed nothing more can be done. Gee umm yeah no thanks, I will pass if possible.

Check this out.
Colorado - Student arrested over Va. Tech remarks, SNIP
A University of Colorado student pleaded not guilty Wednesday to making comments that classmates deemed sympathetic toward the gunman blamed for killing 32 students and himself at Virginia Tech, authorities said.
During a class discussion Tuesday of Monday's massacre at Virginia Tech, Max Karson "made comments about understanding how someone could kill 32 people," university police Cmdr. Brad Wiesley said.
Several witnesses told investigators Karson, who turns 22 on Thursday, said he was "angry about all kinds of things from the fluorescent light bulbs to the unpainted walls, and it made him angry enough to kill people," according to a police report. Witnesses "said they were afraid of him and afraid to come to class with him," Wiesley said.

At the bottom of the article it tells of another story:
At Oregon's Lewis & Clark College, another student was detained by campus police Wednesday shortly before a vigil for the Virginia Tech victims when he was spotted wearing an ammunition belt. Portland police later determined that it was "a fashion accessory" made of spent ammunition, and said the man did not have a weapon. The belt was confiscated.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

Mayte said:
I don't think americans don't care about each others, I really disagree. That don't change the fact that those things happen, just like here we have a terrorist group that kill people just to make people hear what they can't say with words. That doesn't mean we here don't care about each others.

If this psycho wanted to kill, and did't get access to weapons, yes, he could have made it another way, but why to make things easier?

A lot of people here are from different countries, have diferent believes, different law reulation for weapons... we all see the same reality with diferent eyes. But I can't believe any of us can say americans don't get together when tragedies happen. Sorry for all the society all around the world, 'cause it looks like we can't do anything to stop it.

Also I like to add just one thing. Buy guns here is not easy. I've never saw a civil carry a gun, but I've seen three stabbed people. If our regulation have been diferent, then maybe they wouldn't have been stabbed, but shooted.

I am not saying that americans don't care about each other, but it is absolutely mindblowing that so many countries take major steps to update their crime laws and other laws to improve the quality of life, yet the US still has outdated gun laws and crime prevention, we even learned about it in my criminology class, about how far behind the US is with crime policy. We also learned about how bad the US crime and drug policies are, and how they fail. No policies are perfect, but the US is a good 50 years behind a lot of first world nations. It is never an election issue, and no one seems to demand that it should be an election issue. Gun control might not stop events like these, but it has been proven time after time that it helps lower the homicide rate. The US has a bad crime problem, but watching elections, it is never an issue. Now isn't the time to bring this up politically, but during elections, that is when it should be brought up.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

I've been all over this shooting ever since I heard about it. My friends and I were talking about it yesterday in college and this morning I learned on the news that the shooter had made pictures and a video of his act. I saw bits and pieces of it and it freaked me out.

I find it hard to understand how you can come to such an act. He killed himself eventually. If you wanna die, than please do so but please do not take innocent people with you.

I am not really into the whole gun thing in the US and I do not think its has anything to do with the rules and laws regarding guns. If someone wants a gun, he'll get it. And than I think its better to get it at a store where its legal and they check your papers than get it at the corner of a street from some junkie..

The world has become a crazy place and sometimes, I am really scared of what will happen next. But I will not let that fear take over. None of us should.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

when i talked to my dad about it he said these people always do the shootings in the wrong order. the innocent people and then themselves...
i saw some of the video of that man, and it was frightening. im glad to hear the school recognized he was a threat and tried to get him help. you just cant help but wonder if he had been willing to get the help (he was involuntarily sent to an institution for observation) things would have turned out differently.
my mom told me last night she heard a young woman at virginia tech was also at columbine the year of their shooting. its a horrible thing to live through once, but what are the chances youd have to do it again??
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

xfcanadian said:
I am not saying that americans don't care about each other, but it is absolutely mindblowing that so many countries take major steps to update their crime laws and other laws to improve the quality of life, yet the US still has outdated gun laws and crime prevention, we even learned about it in my criminology class, about how far behind the US is with crime policy. We also learned about how bad the US crime and drug policies are, and how they fail. No policies are perfect, but the US is a good 50 years behind a lot of first world nations. It is never an election issue, and no one seems to demand that it should be an election issue. Gun control might not stop events like these, but it has been proven time after time that it helps lower the homicide rate. The US has a bad crime problem, but watching elections, it is never an issue. Now isn't the time to bring this up politically, but during elections, that is when it should be brought up.

The entire issue is not that simple by any means. This is a federal system of government and that means that you can travel across fifty states and have fifty different laws governing gun control and ownership. It is never an election issue because the only election that the entire country has any say in is that of electing the president. One state can say that it will outlaw all guns, no question, but someone can still go to the next state over and purchase a gun because the law is different. Add to that the fact that there was legislation in place to limit people's access to guns but that was allowed to expire.

You cannot trivialize the whole issue by ascribing a blanket statement to an entire country, same as we Americans posting in here would not say that what happens in Vancouver, applies in Saskatchewan, applies in Quebec. Is that the case?

No one has the "right" solution to the issue of guns and crime in the United States or anywhere else in the world. There is simply no accounting for how humans will react under particular stressors. This kid cracked and the tragedy that ensued is going to stay with us for a very long time.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

There are 300 million people in the U.S. and 250 million guns in circulation, quit blaming the stupid gun laws, this guy would have gotten one no matter what. It could have been worse, getting a gun illegally he could have came out with an AK47 or something.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

In 1989, Canada had a similar tragity, known as the montreal massacre, where a man killed 14 women, engineering students, because he blamed working women for his problems. He used a semi-automatic gun. As a result to this, canada put in serious gun laws and regulations.

In 1991, Bill C-17 tightened up restrictions and established controls on any firearms that had a military or paramilitary appearance. Legislation also made changes to the FAC system. FAC applicants were now required to pass a firearms safety course, pass a more thorough background check, and wait a minimum of 28 days aftering applying for an FAC before being issued one. Also an FAC was now required to purchase a crossbow. Finally in addition to the above changes, laws were put into place that restricted ownership of high capacity magazines, limiting handguns to 10 rounds and most semi-automatic rifles to 5.

In 1995, Bill C-68 introduced new, stricter, gun control legislation. The current legislation provides harsher penalties for crimes involving firearm use, licenses to possess and acquire firearms, and registration of all firearms, including shotguns and rifles.

The homicide rate in Canada has declined 40% from 1991-2004
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

^Just because those new canadia legislations came into play, that didn't stop a school shooting in my hometown in 1999~ Canada is no better than America - I don't think this incident could have been prevented by different gun laws..
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

Canada is no better than America? In the past 50 years there have been three school shootings here, one happening 8 days after Columbine. In America? 27.

There are 300 million people in the U.S. and 250 million guns in circulation, quit blaming the stupid gun laws, this guy would have gotten one no matter what. It could have been worse, getting a gun illegally he could have came out with an AK47 or something.

I think that, in itself, is an indicator of how much work the gun laws need.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

Showtime said:
Canada is no better than America?
I meant that there's no point in judging countries right now.. this thread is about grieving and offering sympathies.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

grissoms_gurl said:
Showtime said:
Canada is no better than America?
I meant that there's no point in judging countries right now.. this thread is about grieving and offering sympathies.

Nut cases are everywhere..and HE would have found a gun..regardless. gun laws do have to change.. no doubt, but when some lunatic who's crazed and wants to do something evil.. they'll find a gun somehow, happens everywhere.. no blame on any particular country.. we're all greiving, as others would do if it happened in their country!! and the "nonsense makes no sense" no blame, except on the freak who did this!