My statement on Virginia Tech shootings.........

Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

I'd like to say a few things about what ya'll have been debating over the past couple days.

1. Most important I'd like to offer my condolance for those who were killed, injured, their families and friends. Also to the family of the professor who let himself be killed in order to protect his student's you have my respect and admiration.

2. I think that our gun laws do need change, it defineitly needs to be a lot harder to get a gun. Some are going to aregue that by making gun laws tougher it penalizes average folk who want or need weapons either for defense or recreation. I say yes it will be tougher for law abiding folk but if it makes it tougher then if you truely are a law abiding citizen than how can you object.

3. Although there is something about the nation and world's reaction to this that does have me a bit upset. People always say that every human life is just as important but that's really just pure BS. I don't know about the rest of the country but in the last couple years Boston's homicide rate has risen to a 10 or so year high. If you truely want to feel bad for a victim why not the families of kids gunned down in our cities in poor areas. Do we have a moment of silence for every kid who's killed no it's only for those who were killed in a 'horrific' massive shooting. I feel for the victims and their families but I feel more for kids who are getting killed because they're in a city park during the middle of the day. I feel for the 11 year old kid who's bringing a knife to school. However there are two differences between the two. The kids who are getting shjot on our streets have two things in common they are poor and black. Whereas the people killed in Virginia are of all races and can afford to go to a good collage. If you want to prove that you really do care about those who are killed and never truely honored than read through a local newspaper daily and see how many local poor kids had been killed and how many are ever mentioned again.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

I know everyone wants to debate, but it's still rough out there for the friends and families of those at Tech, and those who have been affected by this.

I'm a Virginia native, and I work in a newsroom, so I've kept up on a lot of stuff, and there are some amazing stories of hope mixed in with all the darkness.

Have you seen the picture of the police officers carrying a limp body? That guy didn't die. He knew enough from boyscouts to make a makeshift tourniquet to keep himself from bleeding out. He survived.

A Holocaust survivor blocked the entrance to his classroom so that students could jump out the window to safety. He was killed on holocaust remembrance day because he was trying to protect his students.

32 lives ended Monday. And they were beautiful people. I've seen the pictures. I've read their vignettes on who their families say they were. We have memorials and support all over Virginia and the world.

Today is Hokie Hope Friday. I already wore my maroon on Tuesday, so I'm going to try to find something Orange to wear tmra, or I may just paint a Virginia Tech logo on my face. I didn't graduate from Tech, but now, I am a Hokie. Today, we all are.

I know that debates will need to happen, but today, I want to remember those lives that were lost, and the courage and bravery of so many students on a day that they never could have been prepared for.

Students on campus say they don't want to think about the gunman. They want to remember their friends, the lives lost. That's what they want to concentrate on. Virginia Tech is allowing students to skip finals since they were scheduled to start in less than two weeks. The deceased will be awarded posthumous degrees at graduation.

There are vigils being held across the world in memory of these people, these individuals, these beautiful faces and stories.

I'm not trying to stop the debate. By all means, continue! Discussion helps make the world go 'round. But, if you get a chance today, please take a moment to remember those who were lost. There are 32 people who aren't home with their families, tonight. They won't get another birthday with their friends. Please don't forget them, today.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

Something like this always leads to different responses. People who support the gun laws, people who are against it and I think there's a group in the middle who wats a bit of both.

A tragedy like this cannot be prefended. I strongly believe that. Any idiot can get a gun. Plain simple. But at least make sure the idiot gets it legal. An idiot with an illegal gun is even more dangerous.

And this is not something that happens "just" in the US. But since the US is such a big nation the news travels all over the world. But how many people know that, I think it was last year, a kid gunned down another kid right here in Holland? A few years back a kid gunned down one of his teachers.. again, here in Holland. And I still remember Erfurt Germany, I think it was.. Also a school massacre. But how many other nations do know about that? Since our countries are smaller that news doesn't travel all around.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

I'm wearing my orange today, even though it is a shirt of VT's biggest football Rival.